The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    Post-Mugging Period

    Song: Sum 41 - In Too Deep

    Ooh, good good day. Not that the 2 papers I had today were great. But it's always great to know you're only left with a paper and you can't study for it. (I think, anyway!) And you're free for at least a month!! Ooh-la-la!

    Was out today *sparkle* caught The Cave with a dear. Had a good time, as always. But that show gave me creeps. I had both hands on my mouth like two-thirds through the show. Those creatures...

    Oh yeah, I have a new reader who doesn't comment, but has a problem with my Singlish so I shall umm abstain from using Singlish around here. Rar. :p You know who you are, ha!

    Oh that reminds me. For some reason, today, during the papers, whenever the invigilators suddenly pops into the mic and says, "Put down your pens." I'd literally jump out of my seat. Gosh, the fright.

    Oh yes yes yes yes!!! I finally weigh below 50kg :p (So random!) Just a few hundred grams but whatever! Oh ho ho ho ho *grin* Shall watch my diet. I wanna go on Villa Wellness and find out my fat mass. And make sure it goes down. :p Gah. Anyway..

    Going out with Audrey & Elise tomorrow possibly to catch Cinderella Man at town after the lockup for the Physics practical tomorrow. Hopefully we don't have another irresponsible bugger, causing us to be locked in longer than usual, as of Wednesday. (5 freaking hours in the studio is not enjoyable.) I'm tired now but I'd rather be tired from activities during the day than to be tired after studying like some retard. Ha!

    Stealing this off Marc's. :)

    1. pick 1 of ur scars out now.. how did u get it?
    Right eyebrow. Busy trying to climb up my un-climb-able wardrobe for the silliest reasons that you can't understand unless you're that age. I think I was about 5 or 6.

    2. What's on the walls of ur room?
    Just wallpaper. My posters are never on the walls of my room, they're on my wardrobe instead. :)

    3. Would u rather play or watch football?
    Hmm. If it's some interesting match, watch. (Or at least when I was crazy about watching the EPL for a while, I loved watching it.) But for now, I suppose, play!

    4. What sport would u say you're good at?
    This is difficult. I suck at most of them. Maybe... just maybe... badminton? At least my best sport, though I might not be good at it.

    5. What's ur worst nightmare?
    It's a tie between losing loved ones and random creatures, lots of them, attacking me for some godly reason.

    6. Apples or oranges?
    Apple juice. Oranges - the fruit.

    7. Grapes or watermelons?
    Seedless grapes. Heh, I'm lazy and spoilt, so sue me.

    8. Wolves or tigers?
    wolves, I think.

    9. What sort of music do u listen to?
    A great range of them. From pop to ballads to r&b to jazz to emo to alternative to punk rock. Just nowhere near metal or techno.

    10. Have u ever written poetry?

    11. Do u remember birthdays?
    Most of the time... I think.

    12. Do u know what time u were born?
    Nope. Neither do I know my blood type.

    13. Do u have a birth mark? where?
    Yup. Left foot, near the ankle.

    14. Are you a sweet person?
    I think. Quite. :p (Just agree, damn it!)

    15. What were u doing b4 u started filling this in?
    Bathing? Just got home!

    16. What's ur favourite gun?
    Er, none. Water gun!

    19. Chocolate or vanilla ice-cream?
    Choc, anytime.

    20. What is the first thing you notice on someone (opp sex)?
    eyes / smile.

    21. What's ur fav smell?
    something fruity.

    22. Fave sound that u hear often?
    Those chimes that ring on the first of every month at noon. I think those come from the church nearby.

    23. What r u thinkin about right now?
    Just wondering if I should panic since I'm not studying for tomorrow's paper. But if you think about it, there really isn't anything to be done. Hmm..

    24. What is ur fav disney movie of all time?
    Finding Nemo. :p

    25. What colour are ur eyes?
    Dark, dark brown.

    26. Have u ever slept with a stuffed animal?
    Nope, I sneeze with them around. Sleep with tons of cushions though. I'm a cushion person :)

    27. What's the name of the stuffed anmal?

    28. Who was ur first crush wen u were little?
    Ben Adams. *cough*

    29. What kind of hair do u like on the opp sex?
    Depends on the person, really. But for Singaporeans, mostly short hair. *cough*

    30. Who out of ur friends (same sex) have u known the longest?
    Seige, since the day I was born. Okay, cousins don't count. Perhaps Jasmine, since I was 11. I know of friends of the opposite sex even longer though.

    31. Sunrise or sunset?
    sunset, cos I'm less... braindead during which.

    32. wat happened tis few days?
    exams. papers galore. finally went out earlier. :)

    33. Movies?
    just caught The Cave, and it was creeping me out slightly since it was getting dark, kept feeling like some weird creature will just swoop down and attack me. eek

    34. Where can u c urself goin for ur honeymoon?
    anywhere lovely for sightseeing, or near the beach.

    35. Can u play an instrument?
    guitar, averagely. keyboard, barely.

    36. Do u usually butt in peeps convy's?
    Heh yes.

    36. Band/s?
    boybands: a1, bsb, 'nsync
    rockbands: 3 doors down, bon jovi, aerosmith, good charlotte, rooster, switchfoot
    punkbands: green day, bowling for soup, midtown

    38. What kind of books do u like to read?
    romance novels

    39. Do u like poetry?

    40. How do u like ur coffee?
    mostly sweet. hot or cold.


    At Thu Sept 22, 10:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    "Oh yeah, I have a new reader who doesn't comment, but has a problem with my Singlish so I shall umm abstain from using Singlish around here. Rar. :p You know who you are, ha!"


    fine, u're thin now. dont speak to me anymore. :P

    haha i'm a jealous bitch. i was just kidding honey! speak to me! speak to me!!! teach me. lol

    At Thu Sept 22, 10:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaahhahahhahahhahahahhahahaaaha. jealous. ahhahahhahaahaa. but trust me, by the weekend it'd be more than 50 again. ugh.

    i don't know how either. i've not been exercising. perhaps, go for more greens. i've been including lots and lots of greens and fruits so it takes up the space in me that is usually taken up by carbs. :p


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