Song: Boyzone - A Different BeatHmm, was checking my mail earlier and realised it's been ages since I've actually hit the 'forward' button. It's also been pretty long since I received all those annoying forwarded chain letters that would kill you if you don't pass it on and usually has some pretty lame content, like trying to be evident about the consequences of not passing it on. On the other hand, the number of spam emails continues to increase. Man, I miss the days of forwarding questionaires. :p But now, everybody does theirs on their blogs or on friendster's bulletin. Or none at all. Has everyone gone busy?
Anyhow, received my class photographs today - both formal and informal photograph. Happily letting everybody sign on it, and with just 3 people, it already occupied half the space! I
love long messages. :) Subsequent writers started saying they're nice people so they're gonna do me a favour by not taking up too much space so the rest can write. Er. Ok. There
is a way of squeezing!
So anyway I was writing for some of them as well, and I slowly started reminiscing the past 4 years. Wow I have gone through quite a bit in these 4 years. Many of the people I'm close to
now, I only really became good friends this year. If that's how long it takes for me to be friends with people, I wonder how the next 2 or 3 years is gonna be spent.
It does suck to think you'll have to leave your friends ('newly' acquired) and join some other place filled with strangers and you gotta start all over again. Of course the option of making friends remains open, but keeping in mind you'll need people to depend on for the next 2 years, it'd better be done. Then the worry of fitting in returns. 2 years is too long to spend without friends, and too short for me to find who I can really be friends with. Afterall I did take 4 years.
And I was recalling all the stuff I've done in school these 4 years, and came up with a list:
Sec. 1: - Orientation + Campfire (First campfire I've ever been to. I particularly remember the obstacle race, having to dump our face in a tray of flour, digging around for a sweet and boy did the flour taste like crap. First time I actually learnt campfire songs.)
- Inter-class Cheerleading Competition (Umm. good try. *grin* Audrey, remember? We were so struggling.)
- Inter-class Dance Competition (Champs! Most memorable, cos it brought some of us closer together. And lots happened in the course of preparing for it. And our choreographer (also my dance partner) was fab, coaching us and all. It was so, so awesome! I remember battling stage fright, before the finals!)
- Also remember hating art lessons, because the teacher was so strict and demanding, though I still did well in it nonetheless. *cough* Humility, I'm sorry.
- Joined AV, cos I got dragged in by my senior. :p
- Zany Parade during cross country: Tinkerbell from Peter Pan!
Sec 2:
- Inter-class Softball Competition (Vividly remember being dragged in for this one. I was persistent on not joining cos I knew nuts about it. But my friends argued that I should give it a shot, so we stayed back for numerous days of practice, and we emerged 2nd! Despite being terrible at the game! Pure plain luck!)
- Inter-class Badminton Competition. Oh I know this one sucked. Though we had a lot of fun training for it :p
- Liked art better, though it's the same teacher. Did well in art. Art piece got kept, and was later put up for display in the library. And it still is there! Haha! :p
- Super ultra fun class chalet at the end of that year. Spent 3 days 2 nights there, bugging friends to stay for 2 nights and they simply refused. I had fun anyway! Waking up super early in the morning trying to catch the sunrise, realising later that you can't catch a single glimpse of it from Pasir Ris. So we went back and slept though it already was morning! Spent the first night keeping my friends up cos I was so excited about staying up through the night for the first time. *cough* They were tired, and probably annoyed by me. (Audrey & Elise, I'm sure you remember this.) But we did anyway, sang songs from The Sound Of Music (what the hell?) and then the rest of the group who stayed over tried to make us shut up. :p
- Started the whole list of flag days, cos I'm finally no longer underaged. Amongst one of them was MAD (Make A Difference) Hair Day, when we were out on the streets for 10hours, with our hair done by Jean Yip, dyed and done madly. And some uncles would stare at me and ask me what the heck I'm thinking of, to oblige to do that. :p Funny and fun. I love flag days. You meet a lot of different sorta people, ranging from cute guys, to people with lovely accents, to super lovely people, to the bitchiest people around!
- Zany Parade during cross country: Storm from X-Men! (I forgot this so I approached Adora for it. *guilty*)
Sec 3:
- Ran for AV (4X100m relay) for the Inter-clubs competition during Sports Day. Emerged 3rd! Fun! Scary too! The last time I ran for sports day was in Primary 5. *cough* Not a good runner.
- Became Class Vice-chair after lots and lots of persuasion. Class was quite much in a havoc. I hated the bit on planning for class decoration competition the most. Still do. :p
- Grades were disastrous. I cried for grades a lot this particular year.
- Zany Parade during cross country: Bimbos & Jocks
Sec 4:
- Class Vice-chair role sets in a little better. Still hate class decors. Nonetheless, becomes better later. Stress on class cleanliness. I was yelling non-stop daily for people to do their duties. And because my voice is apparently soft, several kind-hearted souls would always help me to shout. Awww, this may sound weird but I miss doing that! Running after people for not doing their duties! AWWWWW! :p
- Class suddenly wins a lot of things we don't expect to. Good. :p
- Consistently bullied by certain people. And certain lovely people would always back me up, like Zheya! Bless! *grin* Constantly tolerating being physically abused by people like Brenda as well. Ha! I'm such an ideal target for bullies, that's bad.
- Hung out at Parkway a lot more. Bad influence, guys. lol
- Zany Parade during cross country: Cucumbers
Can only think of the above off-hand. I'm definitely sure there's a lot more but I'm gonna doze off in a sec, so it's to be continued!
i love it when SHE bullies you and ended up being suan by the two of us. SHE's so annoying i swear! and i think we irritate HER a lot too! haha. so gay. (:
huang, i'll be missing all these! ): there's only ONE more week of sch left. dammit dammit. (no, i will not miss the block periods.)
okay dar. (gosh. i starting to sound like HER. no good.) i'll miss you loads loads. love love. (:
have u heard of the phrase..da shi teng ma shi ai..hahaha...actually..yah..i should stop whacking you rite..hahaa!!!!! bleahs!!
vnaheh? you remembered storm? you REMEMBERED storm? did you? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......
i was reading through and i saw that every "Zany Parade", u guys were something interesting. lol. how cute.
aww... good times.
ya good times. :) haha u forced me to join the cheerleading in sec one. it was an ermm interesting experience. and i ended up doing it again in sec 3. :p
i suddenly remember being addicted to the drums in the arcade in sec 2.
zheya!! im gonna miss it soooo badddd!! lol. it's not fun being picked on, but it's so funny :P then you'll always back me up!! :D love youuu!
brenda, don't deny it! you whack me like ALL THE TIME. :p (whether i deserve it or not is a different matter!) but okay okay i know you loveeeeee me, even though you call me dodo bird half the time. :D huanggyyyyiieeee says it all! what an affectionate term, awww bless! hahahahhahahaa
adora, shut up :P i'll give you your recognition HMPF!
*grin seige* very, very cute. i love zany parades! so fun!
yesh elise, im gonna miss it so bad!
yea audrey! i was trying to be forthcoming and enthusiastic for class events! :p though it sucked so bad, i remember! all of us forgetting our steps! hahaha. oh yes!! we were soooo addicted, we stood in the arcade for ages! i still have my tap card! (from the chalet days i think!)
i remember the drums too!!! haha and sound of music. that was your fault audrey! the teletubies song too.
LOL i remember!!! the 'la-la'! is it still in anyone's phone? darn i can now record it in MY phone!
i did keep it but my phone went nuts and everything is now erased. =(
time flies doesn't it...
i've been through that phase too... haha
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