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    Wednesday, October 19, 2005

    Prom, Movie, Old Retard

    Song: Rooster - Deep And Meaningless

    Wow, this is pretty cool. Currently testing out the new Blogger feature on Microsoft Word. Now it looks as though I've an essay to type out but I'm, in actual fact, blogging! Ha! What a lovely cover. :p

    Had Literature lesson in the morning, which was so extremely short. And, during most parts of it, we were talking about unrelated issues like prom, JCs, etc. :p The prom bit was really hyping everybody up, I'm so excited. Even though it's an all-girls prom, and we're basically flaunting what we have to one another. But despite it all, I guess we don't really mind the all-girls environment. After all, 4 years of it does say a lot.

    And the other day when I was at TJC open house, it felt sort of weird that we'd be seeing guys in our classes and all. Actually, that day, I met a Primary schoolmate there. He shouted my name before I actually took notice of his presence. (lol oops.) And it's so odd cos I hardly hear guys shouting my name. To have them back as schoolmates or classmates is just plain odd. I wonder how next year's going to be like; after all it's going to be the same no matter where I end up next year. So odd.

    And for your info, that doesn't mean I don't have guy friends. :p It's a different matter altogether. And it's going to be pretty weird adjusting to having to watch the way we sit. All these years in TKGS hasn't done us very good in terms of etiquette. Lol.

    On a different note, caught Into The Blue with Helmi today. (Shush, I know I'm not really supposed to be out and about at this point of time… one day won't hurt! :p) I kind of liked the twists in the storyline though. At least it's not all that predictable though the ending wasn't very… fantastic. And the gory bits in the movie were grossing me out. Yet, at the end of the show, we saw little kids walking out of the movie. Hmmm. Nonetheless I quite liked it. No doubt there seemed like an over exaggeration on Jessica Alba's bod, the way she swam in the ocean and all that bikini action. Yeah okay I get it that all girls are jealous of that bod. The director didn't have to make it any worse for us, really, did he? Ugh. Well okay at least the guys could let their eyes have a feast with all the Jessica Alba action. And I can't help to think Ashley Scott resembles Cameron Diaz a whole darn lot.

    And I just found out Oliver Twist is coming out on the 10th of November! Definitely must catch that after the big O's. :p I do like Oliver Twist, so sue me.

    Oh yeah speaking of guys, I was on the train to school yesterday (and today cos I wasn't exactly early) and this dude took the seat on my left. To his left was another guy. So anyway, he sat down. Then he started shifting. To me, mind you. Every second, an inch closer. I was clearly squashed as the dude on my right was reading the papers, so you know, he had to stretch out his arms to read them. And as I glanced over, there was damned space between the 2 dudes. But no, he kept moving towards me. He was practically almost leaning against me. So I kept shifting towards the guy reading papers. The guy on the left wanted to sleep I think, so he stopped shifting after positioning himself nicely on my side, and then leaned his head on the back.

    For a moment I felt like his head was gonna tilt towards my direction. I was kind of touchy, and annoyed with the shifting. I was squashed, okay?

    So, I got up, went to him, shouted at him, ''Dude, you're not fat, so don't squash me. Get your ass over to the other side damn it. I'm flattered you think I don't need that much space but I do. And if you're deliberately doing it, dude, you don't hit on someone in school uniform seemingly half your age, you old retard. Go away. ''

    Of course it was just my imagination but it's quite a nice thought. Wonder what would've happened if I said all that, eh? Perhaps the principal would get a 'complaint letter from the public' the next day. And we would all find out about it the next time we attend morning assembly. :p

    But I did get up - before my stop. Cos I was annoyed. And I made sure he knew I got up not because I was about to alight. So I stood up and made a face, before waiting for my stop. He then shifted over to my seat and then seemingly shifted towards the dude reading the papers. Perhaps he has a thing for guys too. :p

    Of course I'm just being biased since he annoyed me, that's all. :)


    At Wed Oct 19, 09:19:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Huang! That encounter was just plain funny I tell ya! Serious!

    I was laughing like hell while reading it. Or rather after I read finish=)

    You have a thing for writing ya noe? Hahahaha.

    And yes, I think everybody wonders what it'll be like next yr ehs? At least you were in a mixed pri sch! Me?! 10 years in an all-girls' school. Even worse right? Haha

    But then again, 4 years in tkgs makes up for everything! So yeah. I guess it'll be weird. Lol


    At Wed Oct 19, 11:25:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    huang! hahahah!

    i so agree! geee. i have guy friends too. and i'm from a mixed pri sch too. but i'm used to not seeing guys during lessons already!

    gosh. it'll be so freakin weird. oh well. as the saying goes, change is constant. we are always adapting to new stuffs. this will be yet another one.

    ohohoh! prom! hahaa. i'm so excited too! so what if it's an all girls one! it's our FIRST official prom after all.

    and darr. i cant wait for our hyatt dinner! (: beams. 181105! we'll all eat till eleven and grow fat together. (:


    At Thu Oct 20, 12:11:00 am GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    i dun mind having guys fren in my class =) there will be some slight distractions during lesson time. at least someting to see. hahahah!

    At Thu Oct 20, 12:11:00 am GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    i dun mind having guys fren in my class =) there will be some slight distractions during lesson time. at least someting to see. hahahah!

    At Thu Oct 20, 11:23:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha thanks sharon. :p i try. i was quite amused by my thoughts as i was typing it as well. that's a bad joker - to laugh at your own jokes. eek. hahaha.

    all i remember about being in a mixed primary school was that i hated guys. i tend to get along better with the guys there, somehow, instead of the girls. and whichever guy i got close to, we'd end up being part of some silly rumours the other guys/girls make up. and i'd hate it, so we would then avoid each other after that. so i was a loner soonafter. lol i -haaaaated- guys.

    but i guess it'd be SUPER odd if you've been in an all-girls school for 10years. :p wonder how it'd feel. lol

    zheya, yeah so super odd. only constant is change. eew i hate that line :p yeaaah FIRST prom, ever ever! SO EXCITING! *hop!* i've started saving up for our pig-out buffet session. bwahahhaa. 181105 6pm (i think) onwards. wahahhaa.

    hahaha bixia... right... i hardly see much eye candies in schools anyway. then again, you're always looking out for cute ones =p

    At Thu Oct 20, 11:31:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha. Not like you can help it but kinda always on the lookout for them:p Hehs

    Yupyups! Prom! Can't wait!

    Our primary school one was just a graduation party dinner only la. But then again, the place was even better than what we're going to NOW. Haha. we got to go Hilton Hotel la! Spastic..


    At Thu Oct 20, 12:02:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    oh god. were you from KC primary?

    we had nothing of that sort. no graduation. no farewell. no prom. we just were welcomed to leave the school forever. and we did. LOL no lah, but yeah. ahhaha.

    At Thu Oct 20, 01:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    haha the mrt thing's funny. i had a similar encounter on the bus. the guy was sleepimg and his head kept like nodding. almost fell asleep on my shoulder. thank god he didn't. oh maybe the guy next to you didn't like the other guy on his left.

    i've been in all girl schools for 10 yrs! it'll be such a change, for better or worse, i don't know yet.

    even my primary school had a graduation lunch! in a hotel ballroom! and we each paid like only 10 bucks not 45!

    At Thu Oct 20, 02:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha i just dont like the fact that he came shifting nearer and nearer, squashing me when he had space on the other side. so i dont care if he likes the guy on his left or not. AND its not like that dude had body odour or anything! :P

    and wow i really cant imagine being in an all girls school for 10yrs. :P what can i say? best of luck for the following years. hahaa im kidding :)

    at least you guys had some sorta graduation in p6. i don't. so im not minding the prom plans really. :p not minding the money. desperate times call for desperate measures. hahaha

    At Fri Oct 21, 06:54:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Yes Huang! I'm from KC primary=) Same class as Jocelyn. See why now? But don't worry. She REALLY wasn't that spastic last time. Only when she joined TK. Trust me. LOL

    Wells, P6 graduation WAS kinda lame. Cos it was so kiddyfied..HAha We were dressed in like kiddyfied clothes and all la. Not even proper dresses..Lol


    At Fri Oct 21, 07:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaa but still it would've been really cute and memorable! :P sam's from KC primary too right? she was talking about p6 prom during lit the other day. and we were all really curious about how a p6 graduation would be like. hahaha... and you're being mean to jocelyn :P

    At Fri Oct 21, 10:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha. I'm not! She herself admits it :P Hehs.

    Yeah Sam's also from KC. But we were from different classes.

    But then again, I knew her since we were how old?! I CAN'T RMB! Damn freaking young. (ballet) HAha


    At Sat Oct 22, 10:58:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    woh okay i didn't know you guys had such a history. came from waaaaay back eh? :p

    wonder how i'd have turned out if i took ballet when i was young.

    then again, possibly kicked out of ballet classes. hahhahaa!

    At Sat Oct 22, 06:46:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lol! No la! Who will kick you out of ballet class?!

    Hahaha. Younger times. Can hardly rmb the times I used to dance in Yamaha. Lol.

    Knew each other probably since 5 or sth. Just that we din like each other then:P


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