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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005

    Couple Drama Witnessed

    Song: TLC - Unpretty

    You can buy your hair if it won't grow
    You can fix your nose if he says so
    You can buy all the make-up that mac can make
    But if you can't look inside youFind out who am i, too
    Be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty

    I'm tired of being self-conscious; worrying about the way I look and trying to impress. I think I'm gonna get myself an oversized sweater with a hood, not bother about deodorants or shaving or good or bad hair days, slip into a comfortable pair of pants, put on my beloved pair of sports shoes, don't care about lip glosses and walk about like anywhere's my territory. When you're least conscious of the way you look, you're most comfortable in your own skin. Even if it means being a total turn off. :P

    Oh yeah and I was reading my written diary the other day all the way back from the beginning of the year to date. Quite interesting to read how some people and I have changed. Or many whom you wonder have contradicted themselves... and you wonder if they're still the same. I hope they are. Or maybe I just wish so. Never mind the incoherent part of the entry.

    Anyway, I witnessed this couple quarrel today. And the girl walked out on the guy. It was quite scary actually, witnessing a drama live. The girl tugged onto the guy vying for his attention while he stared nonchalantly through the glass casing of a comic store. She pouted and what not, trying to talk to him but he didn't bother. So finally she got tired of it, she walked towards the railings and watched the escalators move up and down.

    Then, the guy, being typically like a guy, began walking towards her and hugged her from behind trying to pacify her. Yeah like pacifying works, really. I'm here to say it doesn't. :p Girls can tell when you're trying to pacify or being sincere. When it's the former, it's the wrong note to hit. Not one that would resolve matters anyway!

    So the girl violently withdrew, elbowed him off her and continued watching the escalators, throwing a temper like any moody girl does. Typical of both genders, really. :p Then he tried to pacify her, again. (Why don't people learn?) She totally pushed him off her and turned her back on him. She then spoke in malay, which I supposed was somewhere along the lines of asking him to back off.

    Finally, the dude walked like a metre away, paused and then started asking her something. She stomped her foot (I swear!) and told him to shut up. The guy went on saying something and finally she decided that was enough, she walked past him, headed for the escalators, went down. When she was on the level below, she looked at him and he ignorantly stuck his tongue out at her and made a noise. She was furious. He was immature. Lol

    So finally, she went down another level and walked off. The dude looked down as though waiting for an expected return of her like he's some big shot and that the girl would come running back to him soon after. Tough luck, big guy. After five minutes of waiting and realising she wasn't coming back, he went down and looked for her. He was so annoying with that stupid smug look on his face. Way to go, girl! :p I know I'm being biased since I don't know what exactly happened but oh well! Haha!

    Oh yeah, I like Goal! :) Quite a lovely day today except I was really tired. Oh well. Physics practicals tomorrow!

    PS: I figured that the next person who appears before me and asks me to do a survey, instead of smiling I'm just gonna say, 'No. I'm 16.' It's been that way so far. They force me to stop and do the survey and then realise I'm still in a secondary school, with that disbelief because I look older than I am, and finally they let me go. So, in future...

    Surveyor: Hi can you help us to do a survey?
    I: No. I'm 16.
    Surveyor: Oh.

    Ooh, that's a problem solved!


    At Thu Oct 27, 03:08:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    good for you. i do think that it's stupid to fuss too much about how you look just because of people you don't even know. as long as you're comfortable, that's all that matters right?

    at first i thought the girl was being a little moody but that guy seems like a big jerk.

    wow that means you look older! i've got no problem with surveys cause i think i look like i'm 12.

    At Thu Oct 27, 07:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha i have too much pride to ignore the thought of people looking at me and commenting on my dressing.

    yea the guy seemed kinda like a jerk :P

    and it's usually like they beg me to do the darn survey when i try to leave. like DUDE. 16. shutup. :p


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