The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Friday, November 11, 2005


    Song: Joan Armatrading - The Weakness In Me

    I'm in a fab mood. I'm all chatty and bouncy and chirpy. And crappy and retarded but it only comes when I'm happy. Here's what I've come to realise.

    1) Soon, I'll be like, "O level exams? Never heard of."
    The countdown shows... 6 more papers, 7 more days.
    Technically it's... 3 more subjects, 4 more days of exams.
    3 more subjects to mug for? I'm feeling a lot, a lot better.
    We can finally refer to the finishing line as 'this coming friday'.

    2) It's Friday. I have the entire weekends plus Monday! Always good, whether I'm supposed to mug or not. It means an opportunity to jog cos I'm feeling extremely fat, and to have naps because I've not been sleeping a lot these past nights. It also means Jay Leno at nights. That's just a bonus.

    3) I've found myself in much lighter moods lately. Perhaps I've learnt to stop being clingy. Yup, does me good. Doesn't mean I don't like people anymore. I love them to bits. I just don't feel as upset with the absence of them anymore. I can stone alone and remain happy. Thank goodness!

    4) I've realised that the things I've whined about are far more trivial than bad things happening to others. I've been reading a lot of blogs and articles and come to realise my predicament is always far less terrible, it's almost like I'm ashamed for allowing myself to wallow in self-pity at that moment. I'm so flipping fortunate, I just don't appreciate it.

    Then again, I always say such stuff when I'm in a better mood. Once the whole moody routine comes crashing down again, my outlook is gonna have drastic changes. Well, they don't say savour the moment for nothing, do they? :)

    5) I don't mind mugging for the remaining subjects to come. I don't dread studying those subjects and that's always a great first step! Woot! I've decided to stop groaning about the thought of possibly screwing up my English papers, etc. Because I won't know the results till next year anyway. Heh!

    6) We just got Star Movies Ch58! Hop! Now you know where to find me after my papers - yup that's right. The return of the coach potato. Be afraid, be very afraid!


    At Fri Nov 11, 08:29:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    someone's in a good mood. haha lucky.

    i still have 4 more subjects and i have no will to mug. HELP! i'm in holiday mood already.

    At Fri Nov 11, 08:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahahaa *grin elise*

    i know! MY LIT IS OVER!! NO MORE HUMANITIESSSS!! have i rubbed it in enough? okay i'll be nice. :P

    7 more days babe, hang in there!!! you can do itttt!

    At Fri Nov 11, 10:05:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    "I always say such stuff when I'm in a better mood. Once the whole moody routine comes crashing down again, my outlook is gonna have drastic changes."

    it's the same for me. i wish i could change that. and yea, i think sometimes, we ARE flipping fortunate and we just dont appreciate it!

    still, we cant blame ourselves for feeling what we feel at that moment. so i guess the way is to feel down for the day, and then change it all on a brand new day. :)

    you got star movies! Hop! now you know where to find ME after your papers. *grins*

    At Fri Nov 11, 10:44:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    i still have one more humance on top of what you have! ): oh well. and wow. you're really er, hyper today eh? i'm like *yawn* very *yawn* tired. HAHA. slept in the afternoon alr and still feeling tired.

    gosh. i'm such a pig i swear. and huang, feeling fat and being fat are two diff things. YOU ARE NOT FAT. you havent seen my tummy man. seriously! heh.

    okay. long winded as usual. see ya on tue! (: it'll be 3 more days left by then! woots!


    At Sat Nov 12, 07:54:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin seige* i guess! can't change the way we feel at the moment, but it always ends off with feeling ashamed or really bad for thinking or feeling silly things! oh nononono. *locks door and gate* I'm kidding!

    zheya, :p dont worry it'll be over in a jiffyyyyy! you ARE a pig but you're not fat. you're a thin pig. eee so jealous. you haven't seen my tummy either! it's bulging. eeeewwww. feeling verrrry fat.

    At Sat Nov 12, 02:55:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    last leg already!!!! mug on! hahaha


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