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    Sunday, December 04, 2005

    Primary School Gathering

    There's only 6 cubes of the chocolate bar left. Shit. Nevermind I feel better now.

    Last night was hilarious. I was tired so I couldn't stop blabbering. Had a primary school gathering (BBQ! I haven't had a BBQ in like a year!) and it was really funny and fun and lame for most parts of it. But still fun. It's amazing how everyone got together and chat like we were in school together just yesterday. But it's been four years apart and we still click! Despite there being 6 guys and 3 girls, it was still darn fun. The ever uncanny jokes, lame jokes and dirty jokes that got us laughing either at the jokes, at the people who made them or at how unfunny it actually is.

    And MAN! It feels weird to have this whole bunch of guys around again. A lot of them are aiming to go where I am aiming to go to, too! Maybe we'll be classmates again! That'd be quite something! It was also nostalgic the way we bullied one another. Some jokes never die. Some names were still made fun of 4 years later. Some guys were still teased to pair up with some girls to date. While I said some people never grow to mock the guys who are still the same old, they tell me some people never grow to mock my height. Damn those people, I'm not that short! I... I'm not! I've grown taller than my primary school best friend! :p Still fatter than her cos she shrunk but her mum and her said I've lost weight since the beginning of the year. My senior at prom told me I've lost weight too! The people who see me more often just don't appreciate that. Hmpf. You can go on talking about how fat I am, I can just rely on those people to make me feel better. *sticks tongue out*

    I swear the people really haven't changed. Some of them are as serious as ever. Some as quiet as ever. Some as talkative as ever. Some as lame as ever. Some as giggly as ever. We're still the geek all-chinese class. They were talking about global warming in the middle of dinner! I rest my case. I tried to drag some literature people out to talk about whatever is left of literature but to no avail. They took both literature and geography so no matter what I wouldn't win it.

    AND the guys started making sexist jokes and I was like, "Well, that's because GUYS are..." then paused. They started looking at me and I went, "Forget it, I just realised I'm outnumbered." HELLO? Twice the number of guys? I don't even wanna talk about a guy versus a girl in terms of strength. I do NOT want to be thrown into the pool either. Thank you.

    Oh yeah we were the all-chinese class in our school. That's why in sec 1, for a while I felt weird like I had to watch my surroundings making sure I left noone out if I spoke in Chinese. But who am I kidding, since when do I speak Mandarin? :p Yeah one of the guys told me I have an English accent and that it has gotten more powerful. I was like thank goodness cos I'm useless in Chinese anyway.

    Back to the geek thing, they started discussing some O's paper in the middle of dinner. I had to repeatedly remind them it's over and we should NOT talk about it. Then they'd go on to talk about the JCs to apply into. :p Gosh. My environment. But it was either that or really cold lame jokes. Maybe, just maybe, sometimes I prefer them to talk about all the academic stuff. :p

    We went on up to my primary school best friend's condo only to find out she has a spankin lovely christmas tree! (Seige! Imagine my reaction!) I insisted on taking a picture of the tree on my phone and the guys were so kind as to get out of my sight. Hahahaha. They played cards for a while and we tried to steal the remote and switch channels. Finally we settled on watching a VCD and I caught The Pacifier for the third time except I had to spoil it for them when I told them I had to go after the first disc. But everyone decided to leave too, so it wasn't my fault. The coolest thing was that most of us alighted at the same station when we took the train. And 4 of us took the same bus home. The 3 guys lived so near me I didn't even know it! It hasn't been that way for ages, being able to go home with people taking the exact same bus. It was almost like I got sent home. :P It was really cool! I mean, I know this is so minor but it's always me taking the bus or train alone all the way till the end. Suddenly you have a whole lot of company, it was really, really cool! The great thing about primary school friends - bound to live around the same area. :p

    And just a while ago I was still talking to them on MSN, by golly, we're still teasing each other about the same thing we did 4 years ago. And some of them have bullied me 4 years back. Except now I'm equipped with a little more wisdom, confidence and sarcasm, I throw back a lot of sarcasm and teasing it's almost equal now. COOL. :p

    Maaan those were the days. Primary school was fun. I wonder if it'd be this case as well, meeting secondary school friends 4 years later and still be able to click as well as we did. That'd be really awesome.


    At Mon Dec 05, 08:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger zheya said...


    i miss you leh. ):

    At Tue Dec 06, 02:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    oiiiiiiiiii!!!! i miss you too leh!! where have you been!!! *pout*

    At Wed Dec 07, 01:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

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    At Wed Dec 07, 01:37:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    :o Christmas tree! *imagines you reaction*

    it's cool that you guys still click so well after 4 years. gatherings are fun. :)

    anyway that's the whole point of gatherings- Catching up and reminiscing. ;)

    At Wed Dec 07, 06:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* i was like OH MY FREAKING GOD YOU HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE!! and then go on and on about it then admire it and finally take a picture. *grin*

    yeah it's really cool, these gatherings. :D


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