Here's the reason why I was being stared at yesterday.

Yup, I was wearing that about. How cool :)
And our cousin Christmas Eve tradition was to be kept. Hence,

I was feeling a bit self-obsessed yesterday, so we were taking lots of pictures on my camera. On top of that, we went to take neoprints for momento. I happen to love the neoprints! We were going a little psychotic. I don't think we've gone out much since forever. And I was suddenly bursting out laughing for no apparent reason. It's dangerous. Imagine if I emerge to be some sort of businesswoman and we have to hold a meeting and I have a cup of coffee. Note to self, don't touch it till the meeting's over. I may just blow off every bit of the chance I have.
So anyway, at night, coussie came down while we caught A Blessed Christmas on tv which was kind of lame, some bits were funny, and most importantly there were quite a few local singers who can...
really... sing. That, I thought, was pretty rare. :p Cough.
We carolled to ourselves thereafter. It was still a long way to midnight, so she taught me a bit of french. I was having more troubles remembering the pronunciation as opposed to the word. French may be sexy but it's hard. HARD. We then proceeded to play boggle as we had nothing better to do, and finally counted down before she left. After midnight, Power98 was playing non-stop Christmas hits, and I was delightedly singing to myself before I fell asleep. It was very Christmasy!
This morning, I woke up doe-eyed, semi-blind without my glasses and saw a present sitting on my table. I just took it to my parents room and madly ripping it apart. A top. No trace of who the sender might be. I was going crazy, asking my mum and dad and they both had no clue. Finally the lazy ass brother woke up and walked into the room and said, "It's from me lah. You think Santa really came and left you a gift is it?"

Just made Christmas brownies that weren't very successful. Still.
Merry Christmas everybody!
yesterday was such a rare moment. we went out together!
we were definitely caffeinated. defintely. this is what coffee does to us.
*recalls the stepping-board-laughing-incident outside mac yesterday*
my mom thought the brownies weren't too bad!
i told her how unhealthy the contents were.
psst! got your present already. :)thank me! HAHA. will be back in a few days time.
*grin seige* we're psychotic. that's what we are. anyway brownies not too bad? aww cool! too bad after that day, i never got to eat them again. still coughing madly :p god they're unhealthy.
awww yay audrey thanks! i didnt really get you anything though yikes!
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