The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Tuesday, May 31, 2005

    Music Galore

    tagged from lianne:

    Total volume of music on my computer: 15.94GB (my computer got reformatted not too long ago. we can't really be bothered to download stuff again.)

    The last CD I bought: chariot - gavin degraw

    Song playing: it's you that matters - reshmonu

    Twenty songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
    1) american hifi - i'm a fool
    2) vonda shepherd - hooked on a feeling
    3) reshmonu - it's you that matters
    4) joss stone - right to be wrong
    5) all-american rejects - paper heart
    6) mel c - independence day
    7) the ataris - looking back on today
    8) john mayer - my stupid mouth
    9) kelly clarkson - beautiful disaster
    10) good charlotte - motivation proclamation
    11) good charlotte - predictable
    12) frankie j - obsession
    13) gavin degraw - follow through
    14) gin blossoms - till i hear it from you
    15) green day - jesus of suburbia
    16) kelly clarkson - you found me
    17) hanson - strong enough to break
    18) tyler hilton - glad
    19) fall out boy - chicago is so two years ago *grin lianne*
    20) fastball - out of my head

    Passing it to 5 people namely....

    boy, that WAS tough. I doubt even half of the 5 would do it. lol but I can't think of anyone else who would either, since lianne and marc were tagged. :p

    I had an odd dream last night heh. But I'm not about to share with the entire blogging world. Anyhow, school was downright boring today. I was so sleepy and hungry. Sniff. Truckload of homework, I daren't imagine this as a holiday. ugh.

    Monday, May 30, 2005

    Conquering the Island

    tee hee hee

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    Thanks, Melv!
    You're welcome, Shan!

    Was out today, anyway. I can't believe I actually did bother to travel from Tampines (2nd stop from the East) to Boon Lay (extreme end of the West). I can't believe it. God, I'm so bored of travelling. But it was fun to meet my friend up :) I'm actually exhausted. Lol it was considered a pretty inactive day. I blame it on the travelling, so sue me. :p

    Anyway on my way there, I got so bored I started drumming the seats of the train, and this woman looked at me, annoyed. I should've taken a picture of that expression on her face. Heh. Okay, I sound way annoying. It wasn't very obvious drumming, but she was two seats away from me, so I suppose it was audible. Or maybe the seats were vibrating a little. Hell, it was Clementi, Dover that area when the train was getting deserted.

    I am SO glad I brought my mp3 player along, or I'd die of boredom, I swear. Blasting Reel Big Fish, Save Ferris, Blink182, McFly, ooh it was fun. :p

    Okay, I swear I'm tired.

    Watched an episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway (yea downloaded it) last night. Boy, cracked me up so badly. I now know what show to catch when I'm down! *beam*

    Anyway, when I was back in Tampines (home sweet home!), saw some... buskers. No, I wouldn't call them buskers. They were performing for charity. Or to raise money for some organisation of theirs or something. Basically people, thick paint, freeze. Supposedly acting as statues? Boy, were they good! Quite common to see them in Tampines, but usually I'm with others and they'd drag me away once they see me taking out my cellphone about to take a picture. :p

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    Not to forget some bummers kept walking past me. HELLO, what do you think I'm doing with my cellphone flipped open, aimming at them so obviously, not in an angle where one has it to sms. DOH. Several times, people just walk past me. And because I have terrible photography skills, they always end up with the passers-by faces on it. Ugh

    So anyway, it was a beautiful evening. Check out the orange streaks in the sky.

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    I'm such a sucker for gorgeous sceneries, views and skies.


    Ming Li made me do this.

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    Interested? Contact minggie! Bring your friends along! She's playing 3 songs and page turning for 2, so you get to see her a total of 5 times. Isn't that awesome! Quick get your tickets now!

    Friday, May 27, 2005


    I know the previous defend-Shan entry kind of shocked a few. But I'm glad to say those people who actually knew me, were open to it. They either understand my point of view or are open to it. I just felt that a need for that sorta entry arose because of some people's blinded opinion of him that annoyed me wouldn't stop shooting at me. Everyone's just been telling me he's arrogant, he's cocky, he's rude, he's a loser, he's not gentlemanly at all.

    But, I think if you put yourself in his shoes, there would be a reason to react a certain way. And the certain way, from the way I view it, completely contradicts any reason to make him deserve the boot. At least the good should overrule the bad. I'm not saying he's not cocky at all, or anything, cos I do agree he had snide remarks on the guys etc for every episode. I just felt that, well, he didn't exactly deserve the bad comments, especially the ones on his reaction towards Denise's offer of friendship. So.

    Anyhow, got back our report books today.
    First reaction, fuck.
    Second reaction, *inhales deeply*
    Third reaction, I'm gonna die.

    I can't decide how I should break the news to my parents. At the same time I think it's so stupid to be so affected by such trivial matters. So sad that our life revolves around aces in academic here. Without it, it's like the end of the world. Bah, whatever.

    Was out with Bren & Bi Xia today. Had lunch at parkway. That was fun, at least. :)

    Thursday, May 26, 2005

    Shan Wee

    Before I get responses about how arrogant you think Shan (from Eye For A Guy 2) is, and how he deserves to be out, or how annoying his reaction to Denise was after he was informed that he was eliminated, I'd like to justify my reaction. (I'm still depressed that he got the boot.)

    For those who missed last night's episode, this was what happened. Shan sang this sappy romantic song for Denise (He had a beanie on his head while playing the guitar, for some reason. And when he was done, he took it off. Gee. That, is weird.) and nearly kissed her on the lips, except she decided to quickly kiss him on the cheek so there was a boundary set there. Cheeks, the max. It was sweet though. I'm sure she was deeply touched. She seemed so, anyway.

    Before that, however, he was interrogated by Denise's friends, like the other guys. And he admitted to having cheated on two ex-girlfriends. Then they got touchy, and every single one of them then told Denise how they felt Shan was unsuitable for her.

    *roll eyes* Come on, people. Think for a second here. If the people he cheated on were like years ago, then would that still matter? (They didn't specify. They didn't question when that was.) So it's like, next girlfriend, oh no you've cheated on two? And the next, and the next. So basically even if he's learnt from the previous two (or not, but granted the benefit of the doubt), he's never ever gonna be given another chance ever? Not only is there not gonna be a third, there is gonna be NO future girlfriends, don't you think? I think he's being honest here. Dude, I think most normal people would pretend to say, nope I haven't cheated on anyone. That gesture to actually admit (not one but two) was quite amazing. He's being incredibly open. And honest.

    Fine, you may argue that he's annoyingly over-confident when he spoke of how he feels they're both "physically attracted to each other", and the numerous times he repeated that, like Oh I'm so hot, she's so hot, we totally fit. (Which is true by the way. LOL *cough* Yes I'm trying to be unbiased.) That was a bit of a turn off, I would not deny that.

    But given the amount of time they've spent together, I'd be quite amazed if she managed to see how kind-hearted he is, this and that. How much time did they actually have together, alone? How much did she get to know about him? Mostly everything would be judged by the exterior, don't you think? Even if anyone pretends to be a perfect guy etc, she wouldn't be able to tell if it's his true self, would she? It's too short a period of time. So either way..

    Finally, the godly reaction. When Denise eliminated him, she spoke to him (the usual routine) and said something about hoping to be great friends. He, promptly, gave that snort. It was like *snort* "Great friends" *snort* and a bit of rolling eyes expression. That silenced Denise for a moment. But she went on to say other stuff, and then stretched her arms out hoping for a hug. He deliberated for what seemed like ages before hugging her anyway.

    Now, that I can totally understand, and in fact, almost immediately empathise with him. He must've really liked her to react that way. Believe me. It's like, he bares his heart and soul in this song which he sang to her, expresses his feelings and attraction to her, etc. Then she breaks his heart by eliminating him (= not giving him another chance), AND expects him to accept her offer to be a friend.

    Come on, any idiot would understand that one would take some time to accept the situation. Rejection hits hard. Yes, okay, he irritated a certain amount of viewers with his snide remarks on the other guys. But he's being sharp, and perhaps insecure? Nobody picks on the others like him because they're just "heh-heh", go on with life, sort. But to have reacted that way, he must've liked her quite a lot.

    And this bit I read on his moblog at Eye for a Guy's official site I found made most sense, was that the rest who got eliminated simply hugged her and understood her reasons for eliminating them? They probably didn't feel a thing towards Denise. They're joining "for fun", try their luck, oops lady luck wasn't by their side, fine, they accept it. But to react Shan's way, DUH-UH he had feelings for her.

    ARE THOSE PEOPLE DODOS OR WHAT. I'm not insulting Denise here, cos it's her friends who swayed her decision. Afterall she DID have fab impression of Shan on that night. Until they gave her the booboos about Shan.

    So annoyed.

    (Not to mention, I still feel like a dork for telling him I hope he wins. I do hope he wins. And I'm being open then and there. But THE LOOK he gave me after that. It looked almost familiar. Nearly like one of the looks he gave Denise when he snorted. But obviously there was an attempt to sugar coat it. I didn't understand it last weekend. I understand it now. And I feel like such an idiot.)

    I'll get over it, I know. It's just one of those times I get pretty affected by characters, and people's contrasting views on them (or him for this matter). Oh well.

    Carnival Day today was alright. The old folks were really nice. Lovely to see how you can make them smile. Some people annoyed me today however. But thanks Bren, for the coffee which I didn't get to drink much. Heh.


    Tuesday, May 24, 2005

    Auntie, Yi Bei Kopi-Peng!

    (translates: a cup of iced coffee)

    Today was insane. I was indulged in picking on my classmate, it got so hysterical. It wasn't helping when the others were on my side, calling her an "irritant" (*grin zhe ya*)and just providing me with peer support. HA. Had such a blast. I was in such a mood to annoy her!

    Anyway, I never knew how often people checked their friendster. (I know I do that a lot, but I didn't know the others do that too.) So one person asked me about the picture with Shan, and it went about. Bren started telling a few, and soon it speculated until it got out of hand. lol and some people happily wrote on the board how much I love Shan and everything. Super exaggerated. And they started acting like I hooked up with him, or he's my husband or something. GEEEEEEEEE. I just had a picture with him, and embarrassed myself. That's the end of the story! :p

    And some people told me, 7 years of age gap isn't all that. It can still be worked out. HAHAHA. These people crack me up. No wonder I'm surviving my Sec4 years. :p So hilarious. Few said we do look like a couple, judging the picture on my cellphone. Bren refuses to admit that. HA. It was hilarious.

    During lunch, Bren decided to order Kopi-Peng. (Wow, so phenomenal now.) I swear I had no clue what that was. I know (duh) it's related to coffee but weeeeell. Now I do know, and the coffeeshop near our school which serves that drink is faaaab. :p It rubbed off us really well too. We were hyper for this period of time. Then we were exhausted, but our bodily functions were still carried out fine. Just that deeeeep inside you know you're exhausted. Felt like the living dead.

    Then it got worse, and we started having uncontrollable fits of laughter. Or giggles. We wouldn't stop laughing. I started tearing but I still couldn't stop laughing. It was terrifying, I swear!

    Later on, it was all good. Returned to normal. Or maybe worse, cos I ended up bullying picking on my classmate even more. :p We went to Parkway to get some stuff for Carnival Day (on Thursday). We'd be hosting old folks, so we were getting food stuff for them as souvenirs. And she decided to throw in a box of raisins into the trolley we were pushing.

    I: Your box of raisins are such an eyesore.
    She: You know what's an eyesore? Your picture on your phone.

    That was the funniest thing I've heard all day. :p So anyway I conclude that caffeine has huge impacts on me. And I still have my bottle of mocha lying in the fridge. That I shall save for another day. I've had enough coffee for the day.

    Anyway on Saturday I was watching X2 on HBO, and asking my cousin tons of questions about the show cos I didn't understand it.
    She: How did you understand shows like Matrix and all?
    I: I didn't watch Matrix.
    She: Oh right.

    And the other day I had a casual conversation with my bro.
    He: ... yoda ...
    I: Who's yoda?
    He: *astonished* You don't know who's yoda?!?!
    I: A character in star wars?
    He: Oh my god where are you from?
    I: I don't watch Lord of the Rings either.
    He: You think you're from third world country, is it?
    I: And I haven't read Da Vinci Code.
    He: Oh my god. You think you live in Afghanistan, next to Osama, is it?


    (P/S: If you noticed, I only name people who read my blog. I don't wanna end up sued when the rest finds out. lol)

    Monday, May 23, 2005

    *inhales deeply*

    Song: Vonda Shepherd - Tell Him

    Sam's birthday yesterday. It was a last minute decision to buy a cuddly bear and a slice of cake for all of us (4 others and me) to share. So, poor little me had to run around in Tampines Mall, when majority of the shops were not open for the day yet. Thankfully Toys'R'Us was open. And Cottage Pies. :) Despite setting off at the time I planned to, before these gift plans came about, I wasn't late! Some people (like Seige) would be amazed. LOL I wasn't late!

    Because it was a shared gift, I didn't want to meet her alone and spoil the surprise. Clever little me decided to wait for the rest. I was there at 11.10am. Birthday girl and friend arrived shortly after me. I decided to evade her as long as I could. I immediately headed for the escalators. Then the friend called me. I told her to go towards Wisma. Tell the birthday girl I was late.

    After they have safely evacuated the train station, I went back down, waited... and waited... and waited. During which I had numerous calls rushing me, while I rushed the people I was waiting for. Finally, one arrived at... 11.50? With her boyf, who left soon after knowing his girl was in safe hands (ie me HAHA kidding) and then we waited a little while more, and the other person came. It was noon. So BASICALLY, if you did the math, I waited, not so patiently, for 50 minutes. 50 entire minutes. Which is 5/6 of an hour.

    Anyway we had lunch at Breeks. It was all fun, really. We asked the guy for a candle there. "Is it someone's birthday today?" As I quote my bro's reaction. Well, candle? Birthday? Whatever made you think so? DUH. We went off to take neoprints. 6 of us squeezing into one. Oh it wasn't easy!

    Later on, the lot proceeded to watch Star Wars Episode III while Bren and I went around walking a little more, cos her boyf (snicker :p) was gonna meet her later on, and her cellphone's batt was flat. So they were communicating through MY cellphone. After much persuasion, I just stayed around with her. (BOY, did I not regret it.) We decided to go Heeren anyway. Lo and behold! There was a Perfect 10 event "Perfect 10 Dares You To..." going on. And this tall, gorgeous figure just caught my attention at first glance. My my my MY! None other than Shan Wee, P10's brand new deejay, as well as one of the contenders still running for Eye For A Guy 2 to win Denise Keller's heart.

    He looks so much better upfront, I swear. So much better than he does on TV or in photographs. It's just his presence. Swept me off my feet. My heart skipped a beat. I went weak in the knees. I told Bren I wanted a picture with him. *grin* We decided to go to the other side where we'd be nearer to him. We happened to see schoolmates. One of whom was an ex-classmate. They didn't see us, or heard us when I called out. I couldn't really be bothered anyway. But I knew one of them wanted to take a picture with Shan as well, while her friend told her not to be a wimp cos she was scared. :p

    Man, these people don't understand. I was terrified!!! He is gorgeous, I swear. So anyway, after watching a few stunts going on on stage, Bren was saying she'll take a picture for me. It was up to me to approach him. Deep breaths, here goes nothing!

    Standing a centimetre away from him, I was dying inside. His back was facing me, and he's such a giant, I had no idea how to attract his attention. I was nearly poking his waist, before I began tapping his arm. Such a little girl, tsk. Said hi, told him my name, handshake. (I was too terrified to hug him lah.) Asked if it was alright to have a picture with him, pointed to Bren. Couldn't control my grin, hence it turned out retarded. (I KNOW. Look at the picture. I was having that retarded grin, while he was all cool and everything. I can't help it okay?)

    I was pondering how it was gonna turn out because he was so tall. Standing next to me, I wasn't sure if my cellphone's camera was able to capture both of us. :p Then next thing I knew, he bent all way down, positioned himself next to me. Tadah!

    Then I did the most retarded thing telling him I hope he wins. OH MY GODDDDDDD. It wasn't even a "good luck". It was a "I hope you win".

    I am SUCH a RETARD.

    I can't believe it.

    I want to die right away.


    Anyway, without saying goodbye I went to Bren, dying to see the picture, and literally ran farther away SCREAMING. I am such a tween. I was screaming, adrenaline rush, going insane, jumping and everything. Hahaha I am SUCH a retard. Heh. (Thanks for tolerating me, Bren!)

    The stunts going on stage (ahem, I DID pay attention to them) were pretty much similar to what's like MTV's I Bet You Will. People doing silly dares for little money. Amongst the more gross ones were competing who could melt a bar of chocolate under their armpits. And getting someone else in the crowd to lick it. Dead sick.

    Her boyf came shortly after so I left. :p and when I told my bro about the whole Shan incident, he told me not to be such a bimbo. Snicker.

    Went to Sakae Sushi at the airport last night for dinner. I'm SO not a Jap food person but oh well, it wasn't too bad. I was pretty much full from the sushi itself. I can't believe I ordered rice. Couldn't finish them. Must've been the Beef Lasagne from Breeks that afternoon ;) And we went to Cold Storage to do a little grocery shopping there. *sparkle* We now have coleslaw, finally after keeping the dressing for it for ages. Ben & Jerry's. More chocolates. (My bro's idea. not mine.) Cereal. COFFEEEEE. FOR MEEEEE. *hop hop*

    Yes, I think with that, I may finally get down to doing a little more work later on. Slacked the ENTIRE weekend.

    Yes, Shan IS hot. That picture's everywhere now. My blog, my display pic, my friendster. :p

    Sunday, May 22, 2005



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    Oh I just LOVE myself. and Shan. *hop hop hop* He was gorgeous. and he's a giant. He was bending down so so much. I felt so bad. :p I'M SORRY I'M SHORT.

    You'll have to wait for a few more hours before I can write an entry that's close to being coherent. *cough*

    Friday, May 20, 2005


    Song: Vonda Shepherd - Hooked On A Feeling

    [Honey, I miss you. I forgot many incidents I want to bitch to you about. *pout* I've been too angelic lately. Damn, I hate you working and going for your orientation. :p I may be living life quite well lately, but STILL. LOL and I wanna watch Monster-in-law. *whine*]

    Anyway, yesterday I was out to buy mugs for Carnival Day (this coming Thursday). My gosh. I'm convinced I'm desperate for a shopping spree. Walking along the linkway to the malls, I was stopping to look at earrings going at 2 bucks a pair. Observing the rings on display. None that was very intriguing though, but spotted a few pretty earrings :)

    When I stepped into the mall, I saw some sale going on at the main atrium. Jeans were going at 15bucks! Woooooo. Began looking around at designs, colours, etc. Nothing very nice though. :p Then I finally went to look at mugs. But before I did, looked at this little gift corner, pondering if I could get any of those for a few people whose birthdays are coming up.

    The actual agenda for that little outing yesterday was to get the mugs and head home. I swear. :p

    ANYHOW, going to town on Sunday! OH I LOVE long weekends. *grin* Finally. I think, if I don't spend too much on lunch that day (my friend's idea, not mine) I might hop off to get Vanessa Carlton's Harmonium, on that same day. And perhaps grocery shop after that, and head home to prepare dinner. That's... if there isn't anything going on that day. *cough* Gonna try out her deeeelicious looking brocolli and bacon pasta, if... well we'll see how it goes!

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005


    Bad bad end to the day. Our class got ransacked.

    And it fucking sucks to return to a class, with personal stuff being ran through, bags open. Fucking assholes will just rot in hell, just they wait.

    My stuff weren't even stolen. Imagine how the people who have lost their valuables would've felt.

    Like hello? You can't even do it properly. My friend's bag was on her chair, and it was open. (She NEVER EVER leaves her bag on her chair.) My bag was open, on my right. (It's ALWAYS on my left.)

    Duuuude. The least you could do is close it back. Bloody coward, can't spend another two minutes zipping up ah? Scared you get caught is it? Well DOOOOOOOH then don't fucking steal. Not from us, you dumb assholes.

    Like totally, stealing's the way to go. At the rate I'm viewing the size of your brain, it's already very impressive. Go, girls. Totally. Like, just go. SHEESH. Get a blooooooody life.

    I'm still seething. The way stupid actions they do can cause so much misery to my friends, that's just downright annoying. I don't like seeing my friends cry or get uptight because they have their bloody valuables stolen. If they were lost, that's another thing. But stolen, fuck robbers.

    UGH. I'm gonna do a voodoo doll in no time. lol

    Tuesday, May 17, 2005

    Gift From The Mail

    My goodness. The accuracy of friendster horoscopes, sometimes, just scares me.

    The Bottom Line

    Feeling quieter than normal? Even lions need to purr instead of roar occasionally.

    In Detail

    You're a fire sign, so you're not at all afraid of speaking your mind on impulse. At the moment, however, that might not be your best bet. Holding back will be frustrating, to say the least, but you'll manage -- especially since your silence will buy you and your loved ones a happy return on your time and effort. Keep quiet and think about the rewards you'll earn, not just for yourself, but for the people you care about who are trying to find their way out of a tough situation.

    Yes yes yes yes yes, to all of them. *shudder* I don't like it though.

    Anyhow, the ONLY highlight of the day!
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    I LOVE YOU! *grin* I had a good feeling when I was at the mailbox today. *bounce* Indeed. Finally a proud owner of a bloody mascara. *grin* Yaaaaaaay. (I'll work on the essay, hun. :P)

    The most boring school day of the week. I had a pretty happy Monday though, but I predict a sucky week ahead. *sigh* Unless miracles occur. Fingers crossed. Ugh.

    Funny thing captured my attention today. This lady boarded the bus with a badge pinned to her blouse...
    I swear I was so tempted to approach her.

    Monday, May 16, 2005

    You See There Got, Got.

    On yesterday's Sunday Times, at the Think section...
    Her favourite Singlish anecdote is about the salesgirl in an apparel store who is asked by a customer - using proper English - whether a piece of clothing came in medium size.

    The salesgirl's puzzled response is: "Hah?" So, the customer has to say: "This colour, medium size, got?"

    The salesgirl's reply: "You see there got, got. Not there, no got."
    First thought that came to my mind. Been there, done that. Exact scenario's happened over and over. Except that the salesperson's language grasp isn't as atrocious as to say "not there, no got." It'd be more of "not there means don't have" or "no stock". But I've found myself doing that many times. First, ask using proper English. I always result getting a puzzled response. Hence, having to rephrase it in another manner before I get "orhhhhhh" - sign of being understood.

    And, that occurs so often at the coffeeshops. One thing I hate about coffeeshops? I have problems ordering. I feel so weird saying, "Uncle, kopi". It just feels like I may blurt out "coffee" and it wouldn't be "correct" anymore. I don't want them to be shooting me those sort of looks like I'm some snobby lil missy who's trying to flaunt her standard of English here in a "lowly thought of" kopitiam.

    There are many words in Singapore that are used, in a sense, that's extremely local to Singapore. For instance, the word "take". We say, "Take your lunch" or "we take dinner". This is not found in Standard English. Usually, it's used for something unpleasant such as "Take your medicine" or "Take this!" as you punch someone on the jaw.
    Heeeeey. I knew "take your lunch" and such sounded weird, but I didn't think it was meant for unpleasant instances. Very interesting article, anyway! Did make me think!

    Tons of articles have been published, on how a blog isn't exactly an avenue to say anything you desire. If that is the case, why are they called "online diaries"? If a diary isn't an avenue for you to voice out everything you want to, I don't know what is. Anyhow, because the IT law states that anything published on the net can be used against me, I shall watch my insults in future. :p Lest you see me on the papers, hotter than hot, more popular than the AcidFlask, A*Star whatever shite there was. And racist comments. Though I cannot stress enough how I pick on Chinese more than I do on other races, though I'm 100% pure Chinese. *shrug*

    Pictures taken yesterday, while I was watching and listening to my brother jamming. (Now, even if I don't want to listen to him jam, it's not like I can stuff my ears with ear muffs and still not hear him. Nothing beats his amplifiers. *roll eyes* Lucky for him it wasn't too bad.)

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    My bro's amplifier for his Ibanez

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    The pedal for distortion

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    He wouldn't let me take him so he kept standing close to me, knowing I wouldn't be able to capture the entire thing. blah. :p

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    His ginseng-look-alike plant. He calls it Gins.

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    My ultra colourful QA book. Yes I was actually attempting to study while he was jamming.

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    Snapped this off American Idiot's lyrics book. I LOVE this picture. It's currently my cellphone's wallpaper :)

    Yea I just had the urge to snap everything I see. As usual. *sparkle* In the midst of getting over having to miss Rooster's showcase. *mutter* Nevermind. There're other things in life I'm sure I won't miss. *snort*

    Saturday, May 14, 2005

    friendster horoscope for the day

    heh heh

    The Bottom Line

    You've got 'kiss me' written all over you. Take your pick and pucker up.


    Harmful Morning

    Ugh. To think I actually went jogging. Because, remaining fit = healthy living = longer lifespan.

    But, after all that inhaling of irksome cigarette smoke at the coffeeshop during breakfast, passive smoker = dying early.

    So I completely went against the entire point of jogging, didn't I?

    And that bloody faggot went on smoking though he realised I was fanning my nose, holding my breath, covering my nose and mouth, etc. Inconsiderate, stupid bastard. Drink your stupid coffee. Coffee is meant to be refreshing and yummy. Adding the taste of cigarette? EEW!? You have NO possible taste.

    I continued sitting there though, because my dad wanted to watch the chinese movie shown on the tv there. Some SCV channel we don't have. Until I couldn't stand it anymore. I think the guy threw me disgusted looks and continued puffing his cigarette. Then I told my dad we should leave.

    I can't believe he actually wasn't bothered by it. Eew. Smokers should piss off. And die. And get banished from the surface of the Earth and never return EVER. Unless they try to kick the habit of course. *nods magnanimous me*

    And while walking back, every freaking people I saw was actually smoking. My goodness, what's becoming of my bloody neighbourhood? This 70 years old (thereabouts) lady was walking in the opposite direction, and I gave way to her. Only to whiff that filthy smell. I turned around and observed her. Oh yea, bloody cigarette in her hands.

    I CANNOT STAND SMOKERS. (Yes I know all of you already know that. It just had to be reiterated.)

    God damn it. GO AWAY.

    Anyway, my mum got some FHM magazine from her hairdressers' earlier, and was referring to Maia (one of the Singapore Idol finalists) as being "dirty", simply because she's been posing... exposing herself a lot more.

    Then again, hasn't that been what kept her on the show for that long? All the skimpy clothing and seductive motions? *cough* But it's like, *shrug* it's so her. It's just the way she is. Nothing shocking or surprising! AND besides, it IS FHM after all. For HIM magazine. I don't think guys want to see her in long-sleeve shirts with collar, in a bohemian skirt all the way to the ankle, etc. Since when does FHM show girls that were covered up anyway.

    And if by exposing oneself a little more than usual would make you applicable to be labelled as "dirty", then... would all models be "dirty"? (Have you seen Jon Jonsson advertising on MTV for the '50 Most Stylish Videos'? My, he was in an umm... odd position, with only briefs on. *cough* but my, was he hot! *cough*) Tsk, my mum's getting a little narrow-minded now. I ought to show her the rest of the world! :p

    On a more serious note, I wish everyone would stop talking about Direct School Admission (DSA) to me. I'm not applying for it and stop asking me about it. If you have the talent, you think you're close to having what it takes, go freaking apply. The papers won't publish "HA YOU LOOOSER, YOU DIDN'T GET IN!" if it was unsuccessful. So, there's no freaking risk. It's like a lucky draw dip. If you filled up your coupon and sent yours in, that's that. If you're awarded the prize, you have a choice of accepting it or not. So, what IS the deal?

    No wait, I take that back. I don't want to know.

    Friday, May 13, 2005

    How can anyone EVER bear to do that to me? Rooster's coming for a gig?

    Tell me, what's worse than that?

    :: Squishington - Cos I Shiver :: says:
    good charlotte is coming to town
    :: Squishington - Cos I Shiver :: says:
    july 12th

    OH MY GOD. All these while I've whined, raved and everything about how Good Charlotte (or Green Day) should've toured with Simple Plan here, cos I want to see them in concert so badly. And now? They do it in the worst half of the year ever. They just have to do that don't they? They just had to. They can't resist but see me go miserable. They just HAD to do it.

    Why? WHY WHY?? And here I thought, okay nevermind I'll get over Rooster. I'm sure they'll be back, when they're hotter than hot. But NO. The person up there has to make a sport out of me. Cannot resist making me feel worse than I already am feeling, eh? Oh god.



    Whyyyyyyyy? WHYYYYYYYYYY?????

    And people like them don't frequent here, you don't expect me to get over this very soon. It's like Robbie Williams? I thought it was okay to miss his concert in 2001 (or was it 2000?) Cos he'll probably come back for another gig. I'm so wrong. OH GOD NOOOOOOO. GOOD CHARLOTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


    Why do they have to do this? (Warning: This will go on for quite a while.) WHY WHY WHY??????

    Thank goodness it's friday. Or I might just have, yet another moody day at school tomorrow. I've been having that for a few days now. Today just took a turn for the better. And I have to hear such news.



    I hope they decide, oh no, we're such a fab band, we're too busy for Singapore now. maybe later. Maybe in Dec? Away from our freezing country, to a tropical island. Perfect in December. (DO NOT RUB IT IN and say it's monsoon season then. I will just make a dartboard with your picture on it.) We can totally go back there later. No rush.


    god. *inhales deeply*

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    Wish I still have this with me, to literally cool myself down.

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    Couldn't resist this. It was sooo soundly sleeping. Like a little child. But it was smiling. Must've dreamt of a bucketful of fishes laid out for it or something. lol I know I'd be grinning if I dreamt of endless supply of chocolates.

    Anyway, this guy came up to me and asked for ten cents to make a phonecall. Out of the bunch of people at the bus stop, a few other students, some working adults, some housewives, he asked me. The other day, this RGS girl asked for fifty cents for the bus ride, cos there wasn't money left in her ez-link card. Out of the truckload of people in the bus, and I wasn't even the one nearest to her. *raises eyebrow* I must be too generous looking. :p


    Thursday, May 12, 2005


    My VP has successfully made me shit scared of the big O.

    Because I have such inactive CCA life, I don't think I'll be able to make it to any JC through the Direct School Admission (DSA) way. That means, I have to work my butt off, if I still plan to go JC.

    And, (lianne, don't worry) I think I do want to.

    Therefore, oh my, I forsee wonderful, fun-filled days ahead. *mutter* Miserable days of mugging. Oh please, don't come so soon. Why can't the time tick slower? Why can't there be 30 hours a day? I can not only sleep for full 8 hours (and that's meant to help lose weight, apparently), I can also have SO MUCH MORE BLOODY TIME.

    But if there was 30 hours a day, I think I'd still be complaining lol.

    Oh well, school sucks.

    Anyway, on the bus today, I was looking out the window from the upper deck, when the bus was braking at a bus stop. This guy hurriedly puffed his cigarette as many times as he could, even though the cigarette was no longer than my thumb already. It was the length of half my middle finger. (HAHA) And he just puffed and puffed and puffed. Finally, he lifted his right leg to board the bus, while he threw the cigarette on the road and stepped to put it out with his left leg before hopping on.

    Horror of all horrors, he climbed his way up to the upper deck and the entire deck was filled with the aroma absolute stench of cigarette smoke. Fucking hell. How selfish can one get? I could smell it when he was halfway up the stairs. I could smell it when he was looking for a seat. I could smell it when he walked past me. MY GOODNESS. If he dared to sit next to me, I'd immediately stand up, calmly as possible, walk down. Friggin ass. This is what I call a desperate smoker. Like being a smoker isn't bad enough.

    And, when I got out of the lift, leaving with a stretch of corridor to conquer before reaching home safely, this 2 kids were about to enter the lift I was coming out of. The two boys looked.. 10? One of them was heading towards the lift, the other looked at his friend, merrily and proudly spit on the ground and walked in.

    Of course, I gave them an expression of sheer, utter, utmost disgust. If you have the biggest urge to spit, please do so at the sink, at a drain or into a bin. God. He did it exactly the spot before the other lift. So the next person who comes out of that lift is sure to step on the phlegm or just saliva (I didn't really see. but I didn't think he'd be successful in spitting phlegm. lol) How bloody innocent eh? 10-year-old kiddo.

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    fierce looking kitty
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    tree enveloped by green leaves, clinging onto its branches.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    Innocent & Not Judgemental

    Schoolwise, we had some sort of useless talk today. Conquering our exams. And honestly, asking us to make it a habit to revise daily at this point in time, rather late isn't it? More than half the syllabus is gone!

    Our class is up against another for the debate finals tomorrow. Hugely exciting. Very nervous for the debaters! AND, what sucks is that, I was told to do backstage for AVA TOMORROW. FREAK! I wanna be part of the floor!!!!!!! I'm so gonna argue with those teachers tomorrow.

    Anyway, school aside, I was told that I'm very.. *cough* innocent... and far from being *cough* shallow.

    Okay, now I demand you to stop gasping and choking upon reading this. :p But it is quite sweet, isn't it? Such compliments!

    But in actual fact, comparatively, I am innocent. Under normal circumstances I'm extremely pure. I don't think evil. I don't think dirty. I don't think horny. I don't think sex. I don't think devils. I don't think hunks. I don't think bikinis. I don't think... lol. And perhaps it's true when it's said that my hormones are active, but not raging. *chuckle* I do understand dirty jokes, however. And I'm quite comfortable with sexuality talk, or any of that sorta stuff. So, it's like, innocent. But with a corrupted surroundings. *chuckle*

    I'm surprised, however, by the bit said about me that I don't judge others. Compared to a few people I know *cough* it can be rather true. :p As long as that person doesn't provoke me, I give everyone a chance to change my impression of them. Unfortunately I do remember someone telling me I'm shallow. :p So that is quite contradicting. I know hot/gorgeous/cute guys always are the ones with immediate fab impressions carved on me. BUT HEY! That doesn't mean anything! lol

    Just thought it was interesting that I had such compliments out of the blue, and it was nice having such affirmation. :p Bless.

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    Yet another one of those pictures I have of the sky. Only, taken with my cellphone. The resolution isn't THAT bad eh? :) I'm rather pleased, as I find out more functions! They're hidden!

    Tuesday, May 10, 2005

    Freeeeezing Day

    Fab weather we had today. I was practically freezing the entire afternoon! Not only was it raining, I was stuck in the AV Theatrette in my school, air-conditioners set at godly temperatures, it wouldn't stop blowing me. Constantly having to get in and out of the theatrette didn't help either. Just when the temperature of my skin got back to normal, it had to undergo torture again.

    BUT, I'm SO not complaining. Absolutely love feeling frozen. Or not, but at least it beats sweltering heat!

    We had some sort of workshop for the student leaders today. Some games were downright umm lame? But they were fun, really. I think the funniest game they got us to play was called Touch. Basically we got a partner, felt the hands of our partners and tried to look out for its distinct features. Next, we were blind-folded and scattered, and we were supposed to look for our partner, by feeling the hands of one another!

    It was hilarious, cos since we couldn't see, we just felt our way around. Some banged into the thrash cans, someone was touching my head! Then at one point, one whole group of people were going against the direction I was heading. In other words, they were going to bang into me. But because being blind-folded means our first natural instinct is to stretch out your hands so you don't bang into anyone, suddenly I felt a whole bunch of people's hands at my stomach and it resulted in feeling extremely ticklish. When I laughed, apparently some people recognised it, and it was really funny! And I did find my partner anyway, cos I heard her voice. LOL

    And school's been plain sucky I can't understand why. The grades are MEANT to be improving from last term. But it's nearly maintaining that horrendous results. I've got a D7 for higher chinese. And C5 for bio. I think. Think I got B3 for physics. And B3 for chemistry (and it's meant to be one of my best). Oh fuck. I need to get working!

    Anyway, fab news. Managed to install this thing for photos on my phone to be uploaded onto the comp. Hence, expect tons of photos. But I regret making the picture really tiny for this one.

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    On the bus ride home, while it was still raining.

    Monday, May 09, 2005

    I Have A New Cellphone

    Song: Kelly Clarkson - Where Is Your Heart

    "Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Often I hear people complain how others hold them back yet I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that can stop one from getting off their own ass is their unwillingness to stand. For moving forward often brings a fear of succeeding, of trying, of doing, of hardwork, of failure, or of change. And those fears somehow give way to hundreds of excuses and reasons why a person can't do something when in fact, they can.

    For the only real limitations one faces are those that are self-imposed. It's why some who start with nothing can sometimes rock out more than those who have all the advantages - it's all a matter of what a person wants to do and what they actually will do.

    - Quote from

    Just thought she made a lot a sense :) Food for thought eh? Lots of things sometimes I say, I'll do this and that. But later, complain that I won't be able to do it, when I know I can but I just can't be arsed to. Or I worry about taking risks of all sorts. And then I need tons of reassurances from people, and when I don't get that, I don't do it. Even if I want to. How retarded. *thwaps self*

    And the title is direct enough. *beam* Please, please, please, feel free to feel envious!
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    It was such a last minute thing, it was unbelievable. I was yelling at my brother to enter the m1 shop with me on Mother's Day. And then I caught sight of this affordable cellphone amongst all the extremely expensive ones. Then we spotted the LG salesperson (who was EXTREMELY LOVELY, I wish I caught her name. I'd have wrote in to compliment their service.) and she began showing me how amazingly light the cellphone was, and user-friendly (though I'm still taking time to get used to it) and it has a blooody camera *chuckle* That's LG F2100 for you.

    My, my. We stepped into the shop, looked around, I got excited, I got a phone. LOL. So it was quite funny last night. I was on the phone, as usual, and at the same time, deleting my messages off that cell, cos it was going to be passed on to my mum. :p And looking at all the messages, reading them out to the owner of the messages, it was hilarious. Think my mum would faint if she saw them. So of course I had to make sure the inbox was empty, the outbox was cleared, etc. :p Some messages were flirting basically, some were on chasing, funny messages to read back on, I wish I didn't have to delete them. :p And of course my cousin's rants and TV reviews and such. :p

    Well, one thing I miss about Nokia is its ability to store tonssssss of messages. The old one I had, I was storing 90++ messages in the inbox. And it wasn't "full" yet. But the LG one only accepts 30, i think. 30 max. Ah well, I'll live with it. :)

    I had a bad day though. First of all it's Monday. Second of all, I slacked the entire weekend. I spent it chatting, and going out, and coming online. So I sort of panicked when I went to school today, uncertain of what I've not done, or what I've not brought, etc. And worst of all, we got back several test papers. I'm not happy with any of them. So it's quite... depressing. Guess I have to try to study now, since my chat partner's away! lol

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    Pasir Ris Park, view from Fishermen's Village

    Sunday, May 08, 2005

    Spoilt Parents

    Song: Gavin DeGraw - Change Is Gonna Come

    Visited Ericsson Pet Farm yesterday. *beam* Those dogs and kitties, they just melt me! Such cuties! I absolutely love the gorgeous Husky there. My gosh. Yes I've fallen in love with a husky. But it's absolutely gorgeous I swear. I would've taken a picture but that bloody idiot there warned us that photography isn't allowed. Pah.

    And there was this little American bulldog puppy my bro kept poking fun of through the glass panel. It was so adorable and active. It started wanting to bite my bro, but of course there was the glass that saved my brother's fingers? It then moved backwards and charged at my bro. It practically leapt and jumped straight into the glass. *chuckle* So adorable. So so so SO adorable.

    Then there was this little kitty that was sooo playful. It's in a metal cage, so I could slip my finger through. When it wanted to put its paw on me, I withdrew the finger. Then it stretched its paw out of the cage and tried so hard to reach for my finger. I just played with its paw a little and then it decided to try to do a tumble, sideways, and its eyes were glistening. SO adorable. Until.. it decided to try to scratch me later on. *grumble*

    Another kitty I played with was mewing at me. So soft, gentle and high pitched. :p When I tried to slip my finger through the metal bars (my, it sounds like a prison), it withdrew to the very end of the cage. When I just stood back and watched it, it began walking very slowly to the side of the cage I was at, and playfully stretched its paws out, yawned the biggest yawn ever, then sat there. SOOOOOOO adorable. Sniff.

    I want a pet. :p

    Anyway, we then went to Fishermen's Village at Pasir Ris Park, watching people fish in this confined area, whereby fish are released every hour or so. *raises eyebrow* And my brother and I were discussing how smart those people are. They buy a fish, people pay to fish them, and most of them just leave the fish with them too. Most of them don't bring their catch back. So, those people get to sell the fish to the restaurants. How bloody smart is that? Buy them once, sell them twice.

    But I thought it was so pathetic. First of all, the confined space, ie pond, is so pathetic. Second of all, the fishes are released for people to fish! Get it? Fishes released to be caught. In an hourly basis or something. When we reached there, NOBODY got a fish. At 6.30pm, they released fishes and suddenly everyone caught a fish, or more! That's so pathetic! Where is the thrill, if everyone gets a fish?!

    Anyway, at dinner, we were sitting at this place with several large tables joined together. We took one end, and there were enough for another family to fit in the other end. Then, this family came. Chinese family. There is the mum, dad, daughter, maid, and grandma. The mum looks... 25-28 years old. So does the dad. The grandma remains silent throughout. The maid looked 20. The daughter.. possibly 2 or 3 years old. So anyway, when they arrived, the maid was carrying the daughter in her arms, and they had seats. So the daughter remained sleeping, leaning against the maid. Then, the mum decided, hey wake the daughter up, it's gonna be dinner time.

    So, the maid sat up properly, tried to wake the daughter up, held the daughter's hands and began clapping them, trying to do some nursery rhymes or hi5 motions, etc. In the midst of trying to humour the daughter, the daughter (still sleeping) was wobbling cos she was leaning, the entire weight, on the maid. The mum began making noise. (If the maid was sitting too straight up, since the daughter was leaning on her, the daughter's head would begin falling for the table in front of them.) Don't let her head fall. Why're you doing this to her head. This and that, IN MANDARIN. And she clearly can speak English, so she's plainly making things difficult for the maid. So annoying. The maid tried to lean backwards a little, and still humour the daughter, trying her best to wake her up. But nothing worked.

    For goodness sake, it's not gonna hurt the daughter if her head wasn't leaning back on something. And it wasn't even close to hitting the table. Why cushion it, when you want the girl to be awake?

    Then the mum tried to talk the daughter up. She ruffled her hair, spoke sweet nothings to her. But the daughter remained soundly asleep. (Almost like she got knocked out.) When the maid went on trying to wake her up, her head was moving about and the mum began that row again. Don't.... Why... Stop... You... etc. Oh.My.God.Shut.Up. And the entire time, the mum didn't even have to lift a finger to carry the daughter or anything. For goodness sake. She just stood there comfortably in the chair. Watching the maid do all sorts of strange stuff, mocking her for doing them wrongly, but she's not doing much, herself!

    And then there was a lot of coaxing the daughter, ensuring she's properly cushioned, making sure the maid's not doing anything to the daughter that would make her uncomfortable sleeping, ensuring not a strand of hair would be lost. I just couldn't stand the mum. And the dad? Useless bum. Sitting there, watching the vendors. Wondering what food to eat. Ignoring the mum and daughter entirely. The grandma just stared at the daughter, but said nothing, like if she did say something, trouble would arise and stuff. The mum was the limit.

    Later on, when the daughter did finally wake up, the mum kept asking, do you wanna walk around first? (SEE? SHE COULD SPEAK BLOODY ENGLISH BUT SHE HAD TO SPEAK MANDARIN TO THE MAID. oh my god.) I thought, okay, maybe the mum would hold her hand, walk her around. Or carry her, bring her to see the fishes and what normal things a mum would do? No. The maid still had to do it. She had to carry the daughter, bring her to each stall, see the food being cooked. Look around, the coconut trees, the benches, etc. Ugh.

    Spoilt kids? The daughter may turn out to be spoilt. But that's only because she has such a spoilt mum. Ugh. If I were the daughter, I'd like to know that MY MUM was the one carrying me around when I was a kid. (And my mum did, though we had a maid when I was that young. Thank goodness.) I'd like to know that my mum brought me to see fishes. And not my maid who was instructed to. *rolls eyes* Spoilt mum. Useless dad. Ooh I'm harsh.

    Happy Mummy's Day. LOL

    Bought my mum this pack of facial masks. *chuckle* If she doesn't like it, oh hell, she could teach me how to use them. *nod me* HAHAHA. Out for dinner tonight!

    Friday, May 06, 2005

    You Said You Read Me Like A Book, But The Pages Are All Torn And Frayed

    Song: My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

    Just saw the video for that song. They're HILARIOUS. :p but what a fab song to shout to when you're downright pissed! I liiiike that song now. Heh. And the title of this entry is from the song :)

    Your Taste in Music:

    Adult Alternative: Highest Influence
    R&B: High Influence
    90's Rock: Medium Influence
    Ska: Medium Influence
    80's Alternative: Low Influence
    80's R&B: Low Influence
    80's Rock: Low Influence
    90's Alternative: Low Influence
    90's Hip Hop: Low Influence
    90's R&B: Low Influence
    Classic Rock: Low Influence
    Country: Low Influence

    How's Your Taste in Music?

    Ooh that's quite accurate.

    Anyway, this afternoon, I walked out of school groaning, with a throbbing headache. Boarded a bus, trying so hard to sleep. Took out my radio, listened to it, finally fell asleep. Suddenly, felt someone shaking my hand. Woke up immediately, thought I had reached the interchange and was left on the bus. But, it was just the bus conductor pestering me for my ez link card to ensure that I've paid for that bloody bus ride. Growl. (You'd better count your lucky stars I was better then, or I'd bite.)

    And in school, I saw my classmate from afar and just screamed hi.
    She: Your teeth looks weird.
    I: Eh?
    She: Are you wearing braces?
    I: *blink* No.
    She: Were you wearing braces?
    I: Yar?
    She: Say so lah!
    I: *remains shocked*
    *blink* After 1 year. Goodness gracious. My.Classmate.Never.Noticed. LOL How amazing!

    Anyway, was surfing around with mainey dear (muahaha im calling you that from now on). Checked up on Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson... Gee there's no phone that I REALLY like. There're just some pretty ones and that's about all. I do wanna get a new phone but I can't choose :p And, no money. Pah. Think I'll be stuck with my N3120 for a while. Yes, sooo old. Sooo auntie. Every auntie has this now. :p

    The People's President

    Just got home from school after admiring my masterpiece - done up my CCA board. *chuckle* It looks quite crappy but it's much better than what it was before! *nods self* Anyway, I was surprised. As I was approaching my door, I heard noise coming from my house. English speaking people. On TV.

    Okay, cos what happens is that, every day at this hour. (4.30 to 6.30pm) My grams would be hooked on some taiwanese show or some local chinese show. It's always some mandarin conversations going on, and some dramatic background sound to go with it. This time, it was silence in the background, just serious talkings. And my dad was watching the TV intently as well. (Oh yes, my grams doesn't understand English.)

    Queer? I know. I sauntered into the house and realised they were watching the farewell speeches made to Dr Wee Kim Wee, more affectionately known as our People's President. Then, I stood to watch the bit when his son made the speech. He made this statement. "Many of you would wonder why I brought my daughter along on stage with me. She is here to make sure that I delivered the speech properly after the most draining period of 5 days." After which, he quickly brushed away his tears rolling down his cheek.

    I felt so bad when I found out about his death a few days ago. After the whole big issue about his funeral and such announced on the radio, I was like... Dr who? I had no clue. But that's only because President Ong took over in 1994, according to my brother. And I would be 5 then, so how'd I know who was Dr Wee? And when I asked around, the older people (*cough* that means my brother) could only shake their heads in utter disgust and disappointment, then tell me, "He's a very nice man." It's quite sad, isn't it? The younger generation (like myself) never got the chance to appreciate how much of a people-person he was. While people griefed over the loss of a great man, I had no idea how he was like, how he looked like, what he did, or who on earth he was!

    His son went on to say, "He (Dr Wee) never had former education. He told me that he only started learning when he first took on a job and earned his first dollar. He was earning $80 a month then. And that was a lot of money." Wow. Uneducated but one hell of a person, according to everyone.

    "He had met the Queen, the Pope, and all the world leaders." WHOAAA. I wanna meet the queen! *curtseys* My respects to your royal highness. Or however you say that. lol.

    "Join me in celebrating his life." Okay, now that is something I will NEVER be able to say if I lose a loved one. It'd be more of like, I thank all of you for moaning over the loss of a precious one. And go on grieving. Man. And, he just went on brushing away tears occasionally. It was so sad, I didn't feel like picking on the way he mumbled his speech at all. (I'm NOT being sarcastic here, I swear. Cross my heart and hope to die.) It made me feel like straining to catch every word he was saying. Oh well, deepest condolescences. Wish I'd gotten the chance to know how he was like when he was in control.

    Thursday, May 05, 2005

    I Don't Wanna Be..

    Restless minds; curtain calls follow fanfares
    Troubled hearts; just a walk down the hall
    Restless hearts; you take a punch just to land one
    Troubled minds; it's only fair after all
    Mountin, the trail, but you've got it in sight
    Sometimes the only way is jumping
    I hope you're not afraid of heights
    Reach in my pocket for a bill that isn't there
    And to face all of the undoings
    Still isn't more than I can bear
    ~Gavin DeGraw's Meaning

    I bought Gavin DeGraw's Chariot CD. *hop* It's almost like a CD a week now, eh? *bounce* And I can't wait to listen to it. I can't believe I actually found it, really. Couldn't find it anywhere in Tampines - Music Junction, Sembawang Music Centre, CD-Rama, etc. Couldn't find it at HMV, Borders... And then, on this very fine cool day, I found it at Sembawang Music Centre in Parkway. *grin*

    And then, I had to borrow some money from my friends to make sure I got it or I'd never see it again! That was the only copy I saw lying around! How amazing is that! :p And the following took place through sms.

    Seige: Get it. I'll pay you later.
    I: How about you don't pay me, and I keep it?
    S: No no, I WILL pay you later.
    I: No no no no, you don't pay me. It's mine!
    S: No no no I want it, it's mine!
    I: No no no no no I wanna be a proud owner of Chariot!
    S: You're a bitch. I hate you, you know?

    More or less along those lines. *chuckle* Sooooo happy I found it!

    Anyhow, I felt reeeeally bad for bitching about a certain person previously? I felt sooooo bad when I saw her, I felt like digging a hole in the ground and never to surface ever again. But later on, we became pretty umm good friends. I mean, she's always been a great friend. lol. But we've decided to help each other for Chinese, cos we completely suck at it? So yeah, I should pretty much take back my words. :) It was much better today, anyway.

    Eye for a Guy 2 yesterday? Oh geez. I'm beginning to realise that a 30min show is hardly enough. Bachelor? Bachelorette? Joe Millionaire? Man Hunt? ALL the other shows like this are an hour long. Half an hour is just, tooo damn short. Excluding the advertisements there's barely 20min worth of a show. It's so monotonous. It's like a short challenge goes on. Winner gets picked. Losers still get to pull her aside. Some showdown happen. Elmination. Woh woh woh, it's all happening too quickly, isn't it? You hardly get to judge anyone! More than half the guys there are practically soft-spoken, judged on the 20min show!

    And, Aaron? What's with Mr. Stuttering Average? I would've said he was quite a cute looking Singaporean, but I take that back. Such a turnoff. My bro actually made this comment. "Hello? Don't you learn how to talk to girls in JC? You think you join JC to waste time one is it?" *raises eyebrow* So THAT's what he learnt in JC eh. Anyway, it's a sure-boot for him anyway.

    Got my retainers today. Ugh. So umm plastic-y. I'll live with it I guess.

    Wednesday, May 04, 2005

    Ben Adams

    Yea. Benjamin Anthony Edward Stephen Adams. From a1.

    I just watched his "Sorry" video. Oh.My.God. *hyperventilates*

    SO HOT!! SO SO SO HOT!!!

    No wonder he was the first guy I went gaga over. :p

    Thanks to taffie for mentioning that in her blog or I'd never realised it was already out!

    Oh my my my! Bennnnnnnn! I need a1singapore back. HAHAHA. *cough* Random, excuse me.

    Sorry for the mess I made
    I fucked it up never can be saved
    Im sorry I wish I could take you back
    I would if I could but I cant do that
    Im sorry Im down on my knees
    I know I failed spectacularly
    Im sorry That I stooped so low
    Just hear me out before you go

    Yet Another School Day.

    I had 2 extreme reactions today. Some people didn't notice the braces were gone, until my closer friends pointed out to them. :p They said it looked extremely normal, like it was like that all the while. The other reaction was close to hyperventilating, oh my god, your braces are gone! Where'd they go! etc. :p That was hilarious!

    Anyhow, I was quite annoyed though, with a friend. It's quite irritating, when one studies darn hard for a certain test. And she gets to ace it, simply cos she wrote them all in a tiny slip of paper. With no expense of unnecessary time or effort, she's bound to get it all correct. (It's all memorising.)

    And I don't understand. That lesson wasn't until after recess. You had the entire morning (she comes really early to school), you had the entire recess. You even have the 3 entire hours of lessons before recess. I mean, you don't pay attention in class at all. Instead of smsing your hunny pumpkin pie, why don't you just take like half an hour and memorise the bloody thing? My closer friend memorised it during the morning itself. She smses in class too. She didn't bring her book back to study it as well. Why's it that she can study it the proper way and you can't?

    And it's not like an entire chapter. It's just a friggin' paragraph to memorise. God.

    Plus, every single lesson, you're smsing. We tell you to keep your phone. (Or at least I tell her not to make it obvious, cos I wouldn't say I've never peeked at my phone in class before. (Esther or Elise, don't kill me!)) That's all you ever do. And then whine about the lesson or the teacher. What is the entire point, geez! After you're done with a message? You would ask me what she's explained, and say you don't understand it. WELL WELL WELL, I'll tell you why. You weren't listening.

    And if you were memorising the bloody thing, hence not listening to the teacher's rambles, I'd understand. Or if you were trying to complete an assignment meant to be handed up already. I mean, shit happens. :p I'd still have been delighted to teach you what I know. But it's a complete waste of time. Why don't you pay me to be your tutor? God. E-V-E-R-Y lesson, mark my words. Maths and Sciences. I'm not being stingy here, but if I have to teach you everything from scratch, I can very well qualify to be a tutor. Or a teacher. And if it was something you've tried, but you don't know, then I'd still be delighted to help out.

    Perhaps it's the way my bro taught me. Everytime I have a difficult question, I sit there, shove him the question, expect the solution. But he'll squeeze me dry. And even after that, he'll never ever write out the entire solution for me.

    And it gets terribly annoying when she asks me a certain question, I attempt to explain to her. Before I can complete it, she nods her head as though she understands, grab my work and copies my solution. Yes, you're a fab friend. And I try to be one as well. But sometimes certain things have limits. It so shows how much you're trying, dear. And I totally wanna help you out.

    Gee. And with all due respect, I've mentioned the above not to bring you down, not to demoralise you, not to insult you or anything like that. Definitely not so we can ignore each other and never be friends again. God no. It's just about time for reflection perhaps?

    Tuesday, May 03, 2005

    Freedom to the Mouth!

    Yes, you read right. You can no longer call me metal mouth. You can no longer pretend all the light's reflecting back on you so badly, you're blinded. (That refers to you, yes you darling.)

    IT IS GONEEEEE. FOREVERRRRR. I cannot believe it. :p

    It feels extremely odd right now? Cos all of a sudden I have tons of space in there. And I don't feel my teeth. They're like, aliens. I feel soooooo odd.

    God, I don't want retainers. Pah. Nevermind, endurance! *nods self*

    P/S: Amusing thing I found, off a random read - Starting fire with a can of coke and a chocolate bar.

    Monday, May 02, 2005

    The Night I Stuffed Myself

    I remembered more CDs I'd want to get.
    That was after I was browsing Borders yesterday.

    Anyway, last night, my mum was out. My dad was out with my uncles to catch the Shaolin Kungfu thingie going on at Expo. My gran was at my uncle's place with her mahjong kaki for a while. So, my bro decided to bug my cousins out, along with us, to go to town for dinner. Of course, he probably didn't remember the bit about the bit about who's to foot the bill. :p Until later, when I happily reminded him.

    We were actually at NYDC for dinner, and I had some FANTASTIC three amigos. Though, the cheesey top layer was quite tough to eat. It was like, half of them were swallowed, and the other half was left hanging, cos it was so cheesy to break the 'bond'. :p If you get what I mean. And, oh god, the serving was *blink* Don't ask. All I have to say is that, I felt like puking after it all. And I didn't even complete it. Everyone agreed and we cancelled dessert. That was how bad it was.

    But, it is YUMMY. :p

    We went err bowling err again. I had 2 strikes in my first game, none the second, 1 the third. And we proceeded to play the "Spot The Difference" game again. God I love that machine. :p We tolerated the porn *laugh* and my goodness we were, what, at round 61? :p We made it to #24 on the High Scores chart. LOL. So gonna play that again the next time we're there.

    And, again, I sobbed to A Walk To Remember on HBO. bah.

    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    And Finally...

    Song: Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes

    You have NO IDEA how long I've not been out.
    You have NO IDEA how long I haven't been to the cinema.
    You have NO IDEA how long it's been since I've bought a CD.

    And I did that all, yesterday. *grin* And I don't feel like I've splurged, cos god knows how long I've been saving up for a bloody day like yesterday. Besides failing to convince my cousin to have dim sum with me for lunch, it was fun. :p

    We actually caught The Pacifier, even though I've caught that on Friday when someone brought the pirated vcd to the lab. :p With Pringles of all sorts, we were having a movie-watching thing during our last day of CCAs, that was cool. Haha. That was probably one of the few movies available in a theatre near home that we were interested in, and we had no plans in going far, like town or whatever, so we just caught that.

    Hey, at LEAST we caught a movie before the prices rised! (Supposedly today I should think?)

    Anyway, the show was lame. The plot was lame, rather. At least there were twists, but it was hilarious, what they put Vin Diesel through. It was like Bridget Jones, having to put the actress through all those humiliating bits. :p But Vin Diesel was hilarious. The whole Peter Pan dance? The wrestle? Poor macho man! *chuckle* Good laugh.

    And, yes yes, FINALLY, I got myself to buy a CD. Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway. *sparkle* (Now Marc, I know you must be hell proud of me. lol) I can't believe how long it's been since the first time I said I'm gonna get that album. Finally, finally!

    CDs I'm planning to get next: (if my cousin doesn't get them)
    Got to skip more recesses now! :p It's quite amazing K. $20 a week as allowance, I actually saved $13! That's how much I saved by skipping recesses, woooow. :p And that includes a burger from BK for one of the lunches!

    Plus, went jogging yesterday, after skiving for 2 weeks! I practically had stitches throughout. *shudder* It was bad. And my brother and I were at SAFRA tampines AGAIN, hoping to bowl, but no. After waiting for an hour, our names remained on the waiting list, so we just booked a lane for today instead :) *hop* Bowling later on! Bring it on, Remy!

    p/s: Who said anything about working doubly hard since there's a long weekend? *innocent* Happy Labour Day!