The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, August 31, 2005

    I Met The Whole World

    In my opinion it wasn't a very good Teachers' Day. Missed out on a lot of fun by basically having to carry out duties. I missed the most important parts of the class party - cutting of cake, getting my share of the cake, popping of sparkling juice, drinking of them, etc. I had like 15mins of party, gobbling food, listening to a friend trying to convince me not to be responsible.

    After that, during the concert, I had to give out souvenirs to the teachers. After which, the class row was ultimately packed. The school hall was packed. I had not much space, I had to squeeze in with the not-at-all-enthusiastic people at the sides who just dampened the spirit, really. My friends were so fricking far away. And I was bored cos I was the only one doing the screaming cheering in that area.

    So, that was that. Went back to Tampines to meet Seige and Markos, who apparently had too much time to kill. :p Nuthead. So, he generously and kindly walked us to the bus interchange. Hahaha... Coincidentally before I met Marc, YP saw Seige and I, and gave me a tap on the back before he just trotted off like he was rushing to somewhere.

    Went back to my primary school after that and it was so nice. Popped into the hall to find out if there's anybody I know there. Apparently not, so we went to invade the staff room. First I saw my favourite English teacher - she got me to writing journal entries, which moved on to diary and blog entries. *sparkle* Anyhow, our conversation went like..

    She: How come you're still in your uniform?
    I: *blink* Huh?
    She: Oh you're sec 4, is it?

    Oops apparently I looked older than that. :p But she remembers me, so that's good. :p Met some old friends. Some of the guys just plainly continuously ignored me for some reason. *raise eyebrow* Saw my P4 English teacher, who as of every year tells me she's busy. She said it's not the right day to go back to visit. Weeeeell, it's teachers' day for a reason! Geeeee. :p Anyway I've quite given up on trying to strike a proper conversation with her. Every single year! Though she remembers me. :)

    Saw my P2 P.E. teacher which was SO sweet because she recognised me immediately and called me by my name instead of the typical 'I remember you, but I don't remember your name' excuse. :p P2!!! Okay, she was my Purple House teacher in-charge too. Ran for sports' day in P4 I think, and she trained me then. ;-) Love her to bits cos she's so sweet! Had bad experiences with her before, however. I used to try to get lame excuses, i.e. stomachaches and headaches to skip school when I have P.E. that day in P2. Hahaha. Then in P4 I realised that she's nice though she's super fierce. She said I've become a 'confident young woman' - TKGS values *grin* She thinks I've been taught well, cos I'm definitely more outspoken now. She's lovelyyyyyyy.

    She: Mrs Chia (P1 & P2 form teacher) has retired, if you're trying to look for her.
    I: Oh, since when?
    She: Huh? Very long time ago already.
    I: Really?
    She: Yeah, like about 5 years back.
    I: OH.

    I suspect her daughter's in TKGS but I forgot to probe. DARN. How else would she know my school spirit!

    Anyways, met my music teacher / choir teacher. She remembers my mum after I tried to refresh her memory - she mistook me for some other girl. Holy... :p She was asking if I'm in choir and all. Darn I went super far from that track. Oh well, the choir days were kinda fun ;-) I remember how my SYF song went! Round and round and round and round and round the cradle goes...Spins and then spins... etc

    Went down to the HOD room, apparently empty because the teachers are having a meeting - from 1 to 5pm. God damn it. It's TEACHERS' DAY!! HELLO!? But some teachers popped out of the meeting here and there, and because my timing is so absolutely wonderful, I met my favourite maths teacher for like 2 minutes just so that he can say he's busy cos he's in the middle of a meeting. Met my science teacher and it was so nice to talk to him! He was lovely as well. ;-) He wished me well for the O's and all, told me about his babies. Last I checked he had one baby. Now he's got 2 kiddies! AWWW!! :) And my last year in primary school, he was the discipline master, always defending the prefects. (I was a prefect for a year, and whenever we had students that were darn annoying, we'd go to him and it's so cool cos he'll always help us. Hahaha. People hated me when I was a prefect I knew it very well. I'd scold everyone who annoyed me. HAHAHA) But now he's no longer under the whole disciplinary thingy.

    And finally, horror of all horrors I saw this guy who looked so familiar, and immediately dragged my cousin away cos I realised he was one of the kids I used to scold all the time. *COUGH* He was so annoying. Seemingly still very childish. I don't think he's gonna like the fact that the prefect who used to scold him all the time was there. So I decided to make myself scarce. :p

    Met lots of old friends. While it did make me kinda nostalgic, I'm still glad that I've grown up really. :) And the guys. *shudder* I felt like an ultimate dwarf there. It's so unfair that they're having their growth spurt now. I used to be amongst the tall ones in class, dammit. Life's never fair, is it?

    Maaaan, I wish the teachers were less busy. I wish a bigger part of the class was enthusiastic about visiting, so we can have a class photo, except it's 4 years later. That'd be fun... If only.

    P/S: People who skipped school today or on the day of cross country just to study are plain mood spoilers.

    Saturday, August 27, 2005

    I Wasn't Tagged But I'm Doing It Anyway

    Seven things you plan to do before you die!!
    1. Bungee jump
    2. Sky dive
    3. Travel around Europe / Canada / many parts of the world in general
    4. Parasail
    5. Go horse-riding
    6. Be a professional guitarist :p
    7. Be satisfied with all that I've achieved before I die

    Seven things you can do!!
    1. Bug my cousin all day long.
    2. Bully certain people whenever I meet them. (In jest, of course.)
    3. Cheer up at the sight of chocolates.
    4. Roll my eyes perfectly well.
    5. Be a complete coach potato.
    6. Memorise song lyrics well.
    7. Be completely moody, without pms-ing, for several days!

    Seven things you can't do!!!
    1. Live without my family and friends
    2. Live in a third-world country for a year.
    3. Live a day without my spectacles or contact lenses.
    4. Rollerblade.
    5. See things on its surface. (I read too much into lots of things nowadays.)
    6. Express my feelings verbally.
    7. Roll my tongue when I say 'R'.

    Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!!
    1. Eyes
    2. Smile
    3. Tan
    4. Height
    5. Dressing
    6. Accessories
    7. Personality portrayed (possibly most important)

    Seven things you say most!!!
    1. Mmhmm
    2. Hello / Hello?
    3. Shiat.
    4. Shut up.
    5. Retarded!
    6. Loser!
    7. Damn it.

    Seven celebrity crushes!!!
    1. Ashton Kutcher
    2. Brad Pitt
    3. Oliver James
    4. Utt
    5. Lance Bass
    6. Adam Sandler
    7. Thomas Sangster (below)

    AWWWW...BLESS! *tears*

    Seven people to be tagged!!
    1. Seige
    2. Lianne
    3. Markos
    4. Elise
    5. Melvin
    6 & 7.. err, whoever sees this, really. I can't think of anyone else who'd be arsed enough to do it. :p

    Thursday, August 25, 2005

    Loss Of Loved Ones' Lives

    Recently I witnessed a person cry after being reminded of the granddad's death a few years ago. Despite being 'a few years' later, I guess people never really completely get over the loss of a loved one's life.

    And I feel extremely bad when things like that happen. Out of sympathy perhaps - for them and for myself. For them because they lost someone so dear to them. Self-pity because... well, I've never experienced that. It's not that I want to lose someone I love. It's definitely not like, god take them away from me, quick, quick! No, it's definitely not.

    But sometimes I wonder if it's a loss... not to lose someone. Perhaps because I haven't lost anyone, I may be taking the people around for granted. Like it's a lack, on my part, of experience - of falling. And climbing back up again.

    Because I've never been really hurt, I've never felt like, hey that made me a stronger person. I never really got the chance, I guess. And this sounds weird I know. It's not like I want to be hurt. I just wonder if I'd be different if it happened. It's just the usual thousand and one What-Ifs. We wonder...

    Let's just say it's not entirely true I've not witnessed any death. The only deaths in the family are that of my paternal granddad, my 5th uncle and my maternal grandma. I never got to see my paternal granddad or my 5th uncle. I don't feel their loss because I have a maternal granddad and a paternal grandma, and I'm never close to grandparents anyways.

    I wonder if it's odd to say, I wish I had experience. I wish I could say, "Been there, done that" and give an ah-that's-no-biggie-I've-gone-through-that-before expression when something like that happens. I wonder.

    Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    My Super Sweet 16

    Song: Aerosmith - Cryin'

    Big, big thank you for all the greetings and wishes. Namely people at school, Seigey (the most brilliant message at midnight. :p), Mainey, Jean, Melvin, Kenneth, YP, Ernest, Markos (for remembering the wrong day so you wished me a day early, and then counting down the hours online, and then wishing me again when it was the right day), Shona, Lianne (huge huge surprise! haven't literally heard you for very long!), Helmi (for trying to keep me up until it was past midnight and then wish me firsthand), Minggie, Chuntsen (which was a huge surprise! Didn't think he'd remember, at all, considering how long I've not spoken to this chap).. I could go on with the names, really. It feels really nice to know that people do remember ;) Thank you.

    [I know not everybody reads this blog but I figured I needed to note this down to remember such a significant birthday. It's my best birthday ever! :) And I don't normally list names either, so this is one exception!]

    On Sunday, my family and I were out for dinner. Billy Bombers! Slurrrrrrrp. I had some Philly Cheesesteak, which was really good. The waiter was super attentive to our 'needs'. :p Whenever I had problem getting ketchup out of the bottle, after knocking it a few times, he would rush to my rescue! Twice! *laugh* Yes, gave super good feedback on their feedback form! [Shameless advertising for their service - Century Square's Billy Bombers has great service! It's on the top level next to their cinema!! :p] I thought this little serving of dessert looked super adorable, so I had to take a picture of it!

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    Then my parents and brother headed towards Swensen's. I was grinning madly because I knew that my cake was gonna be an ice cream cake! Ooh I already knew my 16th was gonna be a super sweet one! Yum! Sure enough it was a Mango Tango cake. Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream with little oreo cookies on top and mango in the middle. Yum yum yum!

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    Got my cousins to come down and had photo-taking as per normal. =) Presents as per normal, from my beloved Seigey. Her brother gave me a red packet, which took me by surprise, that's why I suddenly asked, "your money ah?" :P Oops. I mean... he's just in the army. Aren't those stuff supposed to be given by married people?

    Aaaanyways, then my brother gave me the best gift ever. It overwhelmed me within minutes. I was cutting my cake, and I started crying bawling. And in the midst of all that tears I was laughing at myself. And grinning for joy. And crying. Of course they had to laugh at me for crying, calling me a cry-baby and all that. Never mind, all that for my new little baby, I don't care. I love my brother for now. :p This, ladies and gentlemen, is my new baby.

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    I knowwwww, isn't it gorgeous? I am absolutely stumped for ideas for his birthday present. *sigh*

    Seigey got me awestruck with this fab gift. :p
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    At night, I was kept up till past midnight, got wished Happy 16th Birthday. Then the messages kept rolling in, so my cellphone vibrated madly. I'm not complaining, I swear ;-) Such lovelies, everybody! :D

    Yesterday, my class sang me birthday songs twice! Once at literature class, just the 10 of them, and the other at... class. Awwwh :) So sweet! My friends started trying to come out with ideas for how I should spend my birthday. Needless to say they were trying to brainwash me that despite being only a week away from prelims, I can still take the day off away from the books. :P One of the idea was to get a tub of Ben & Jerry's and take a spoon and savour it while walking down the streets of Orchard Road. Hahahaha, I liked the idea!

    But of course, that didn't happen. Duh. :p I was taken out for dinner instead - had pizza. The cheesy crust didn't seem as nice as it was being advertised but I liked it nonetheless. AND I had another cake to cut, more candles to blow out. I made the same wishes cos I'm greedy and I'm hoping the more number of times I get to blow them out, the higher chance of them coming true. And because birthdays only come once a year I had to squeeze in 3 wishes. HEH. And was given handphone stands. 2 - one for my cellphone and the other, I managed to squeeze my baby in it!

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    Anyhow, it was a lovely birthday, really. I really appreciate the efforts of everyone who tried to please me yesterday, for remembering my birthday in the first place and those who got me gifts, thanks I love 'em all!

    Funny thing is, I got a pink bag from Seigey, pink socks and pink nail polish from Audrey. And my mum kept telling my bro he should've gotten me pink iPod mini instead of the blue one. Hmmmmmm...

    It was still the best birthday I've had in my entire life. ;-) Last year was spent on a minute scale though it was at my uncle's place. I don't like celebrating birthdays with relatives, by the way. Only seigey's side and my family would do. :p Two years back, I hardly felt like many remembered it. Three years back it was downright screwed by my granny. So as far as I can remember, this is the one I had most fun, most love, most wishes, most tears and laughter. Thanks everybody!!!

    And today we had Sec 4 farewell, so I had another cake to cut and eat. Wow, three consecutive days. Soon, I'll know that I need intensive workout to make up for all this fat I've accumulated. Heck that for now.

    I spy with my eye and I see...
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    This was absolutely gorgeous but I didn't have a proper camera with me, what a pity! The camera on my phone'll never do justice to how gorgeous it was.

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    I guess, it's about time to get down to proper studying for the prelims that's next week. *sigh* Can't wait for all that shiate to be overrrr. Pah. Still, at least I had a super sweet 16. :)

    Thursday, August 18, 2005

    Alive, Not Dead

    Song: Mest - Shell Of Myself

    It's incredibly heartwarming to receive a little note from a friend I knew 6 years ago. We were best friends then, for two years. We were always together, and she was highly respected in school. I , on the other hand, was trying to earn respect. Both of us had authority in the beginning before I gave mine up. I took mine as a job, doing it best I can, keeping order around. She had the leadership flair in her the whole time, taking it super easily. Everybody liked her. I, too, did. She was, afterall, my best friend.

    When I stopped being a prefect, she was the head prefect. I followed her around all the time, even when she's having her prefect duties. We were great friends. I told her everything and she told me everything. After school, we'd spend a few hours on the phone talking about nothing at all. When teachers approached her in school, they'd refer to me as her 'bodyguard' because I always seem to be escorting her about. I didn't care because I already had a sense of humour. :P

    Then came the examinations, and soon we were leaving the Primary School. I knew we weren't going to spend the next 4 years together because her dream school was chinese ed, and I was miles apart from being interested in speaking chinese all the time, having certain subjects conducted in mandarin, saying the pledge in mandarin, etc. So we pledged to stay in contact, and remain the best of friends for the longest period of time ever.

    Naive as primary school kids we were, we agreed. Keep in contact. Always talk to each other, continue sharing every single event in our lives with each other. And then, time became our biggest enemy. We soon found no time to tell each other every detail of what's happening around like we used to be able to. I didn't like the idea of not being able to tell my best friend, then, about the things going on in my life. I wanted to have someone there for me all the time. Then again, I was 13. I was a selfish nuisance. We then drifted inevitably.

    Because she's always been the more sociable one, she's more popular with everybody in class. Every single primary school gathering, I'd be tagging along, whilst everybody asked about her, how she's been doing, etc. Funny thing was, I never was jealous. I couldn't be bothered to fight for all that glory. I shoved all forms of limelight at her, and I knew we were fine with it. We were best friends. I began to lose interest in going for primary school gatherings, however. So, the distance between us accumulated and we were soon at different ends of the world.

    Due to different environmental factors, we undergo different influences, we no longer share common interests. We no longer are able to speak freely and openly about anything and everything. We are no longer able to keep a conversation going for a long time without any pause of awkwardness. And without knowing it, years go by without us speaking to each other at all. Yes, no doubt last I checked, we're still on good terms. But what's the point of being on good terms when you don't speak to one another anymore?

    Nonetheless, yesterday my dad came home from checking the mailbox and found an envelope with my name streaked across it. Before even opening it, I recognised that very familiar writing. The writing brought back distant memories. And then, it was completely heartwarming for the next period of time because I was surprised she remembered I'm about to turn 16. I was in utter shock. Surprised, rather. Her note was handmade too. It just shows that she does make an effort to remember, to make a little note, to convince me that our friendship still exists. And that it shall exist, as long as we make an effort to keep writing to each other.

    The friendship that I thought had died with time is alive after all. :)

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005

    Bad Day?

    Song: 'N Sync - Just Got Paid

    Today's Forecast
    Taking things out on someone else really won't help in the long run. So if your boss' irresponsibility bothers you, take it up with them -- don't pick on your sweetheart for forgetting the milk.

    That's today's horoscope on Friendster. It's not completely accurate word for word, but the entire meaning is there. Holy freaking god. It's quite scary. Quite very scary. Cos I did just take it out on someone last night, but all's well. :) Thank goodness. I hate it when that happens. Especially when I'm not pms-ing cos there's simply no reason for the plunge in mood. And I wasn't even having a bad day.

    Anyhow, just as I thought perhaps I'll wake up to a better day, I woke up feeling a headache slowly creeping onto me. True enough, it took over me when I left home. I tried to catch as much sleep as I could on the bus, and I did even with random songs blasting on my mp3 player. I had Papa Roach blasting in my ears at one point but that wouldn't make me get up. I slept through it and somehow I heard a little of it, subconsciously.

    When I woke up a few stops before where I was to alight (my body clock works pretty well when it comes to sleeping on the way to school), there was no difference. I could still feel that tingling pain in the head. God damn it. Went to class, was quite early, so I slept again. For about 15 minutes. No difference. Struggled through the first 2 classes, the headache started to worsen slightly.

    Then there was P.E., and I thought it'd get worse. But it got slightly better. Went for a drink and all, went back to class, was feeling better, miraculously! But, after the break, another lesson. Hence the headache came back on me, striking hard as it possibly could. Bloody hell. I struggled through practical lesson, and then it was LEGACY (moral ed.) and there was this break, so I slept again. Couldn't get to sleep actually, just rested a little. I hate feeling like that in school. Then Brenda had to come and whack me with her book. :p (I don't blame her though, would've slept through when our VP came in, if she hadn't woken me up!)

    Anyhow, it got worse and worse. Planned to go studying with Seige after school but couldn't be bothered. So I just went to Parkway to meet Ming Li, who gave me my first birthday present! Awwh :) Thanks for remembering, babe! Met her for a short, short while, then went off.

    Surprisingly, on my trip home, I slept super well. And I woke up with half the headache gone. Thank you, god! Thank you! :p Realised my house door was closed, so I just went to Seige's place. Had lunch, and I felt like puking after that. Suppose I gobbled it too quickly. I wasn't hungry but the double cheese burger was oh-godly tempting. And, helped her finish her entire packet of Oreo.

    I'm not surprised if I start to fall sick. But I can't! Prelims in 2 weeks! Gah. That's the end of a very whiny bad day. :) ((Just figured I haven't whined about a day like that in ages. Heh!))

    Tuesday, August 16, 2005

    Fluctuating Moods

    Song: Blink 182 - Down

    I fricking hate it when my mood is beyond my control. I mean it's always been beyond my control, but when I'm happy, I can stop it from going down - most of the times. I can simply refuse to let myself be affected by the other stuff going on around me.

    And today I nearly got in an argument with some people around. And I fricking hate it because they knew I wasn't in the best state of mind to begin with, so they don't push their way through like they normally do, to spice up an 'intellectual' discussion. I hate feeling like I have to make people compromise with me, because they don't have a choice. Cos of my fricking fluctuating moods. Actually I do know half the cause of my mood. But, it's not even important. Ugh. Hate it hate it hate it.

    And I hate it more when people notice it. Somehow. Because it's an indication that it's been so obvious and annoying them. I think.

    Bloody hell. This has to happen when people require me to help cheer them up. Greeeeat. Great, great, great.

    Sunday, August 14, 2005


    Song: Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder

    This entry is done in slight frustration.

    Because people have found alternatives of watching movies, ie getting pirated VCDs for single movie they want to catch, downloading the entire movie, etc, they raise the prices of movies. And to date, when you ask some people who buys pirated VCDs from across the courseway for every single movie they wanna catch, they tell you the movie tickets are too expensive. Well, wasn't it the fault of theirs to start of with? But I won't shirk responsibility cos I used to be like that too.

    Because for some god damn reason, people don't visit A&W, my cousin and I used to frequent there for breakfasts and it's always empty. And when all branches are demolished, only leaving that ONE branch in the airport where we can't even enter unless we have a ticket. And then, people start complaining about it being scarce in singapore already. I still miss their root beer float and curly fries, which every fast food chain is quickly ripping off. Why only complain when it's gone?

    And then, the inevitable issue of downloading songs. I really don't care if people download songs. As long as you aren't downloading albums after albums. My brother does that. And it's like holy cow, suddenly you see Howie Day, James Blunt, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, Michael Buble... and every conversation with him goes like this.

    I: I wanna get [insert cd title here]
    He: Aiya, download lah.
    I: Tsk

    I: Yo, I got [insert cd title here] today!
    He: Siao, just download lah. Waste money.

    So, I have to quickly buy a CD if I want it, before he manages to download it, each time. Or he'd see it as a complete giveaway of money. Not especially since I rip my CDs onto the computer each time.

    People want more music, and they wonder why certain artistes are dropped off their labels. No money coming in, what's the point of keeping them? People want more and better songs. But they never learnt that nothing comes for free.

    One fine day if cd prices rises, I'm gonna scream at people who tell me such stuff. One fine day.

    P/S: And for all who's gonna start with the "I'm broke" excuse, bear in mind my allowance is $20 a week. You can save enough for a brand new CD in a month if you can only be bothered to.

    Saturday, August 13, 2005


    Song: Papa Roach - Not Listening


    Read here.

    Riot police. Geez, I never knew we had the 'need' for one of those. :p And I don't suppose I've seen any of those.

    And I think I'll be secretly trying to control laughter if I saw those protestors.

    This is not an entry against them, however. Because their protest does make sense! What do we learn in Social Studies? Qualities of a good governance - transparency. Now we wonder.

    Friday, August 12, 2005

    Oral And Its Compensations

    Song: Papa Roach - Be Free

    Tomorrow I'll be out, studying. *gasp* That is such an odd idea, especially when it's noone from school or my cousin. LOL I hardly think it'll work, but we'll see. Risking a Saturday.

    Today's O's English Orals was reaaally really really bad. I was stuttering during the picture discussion and conversation. I spouted a 'lah' and said 'that sort of thing' - everything one should avoid in an oral examination. I went out of point for the second conversation question - "The expectations of people make them take their lifestyles for granted. Do you agree?" What the?!

    I hardly had much content for the picture, though I think overall that might've been fine. But the conversation was such a letdown, really. To think I was overjoyed when the invigilator for the prelims oral told me I'm a 'good conversationalist'. Snort. Good, my arse.

    The passage was great though. It was pretty smooth from head to tail. For once, really. Even though I stumbled twice on the same phrase, surprisingly it wasn't downhill from there. I regained composture and was smooth all way through again. So, that should be fine.

    But I swear to god, the conversation was really bad. I hope, hope, hope I get a distinction. I suck at comprehension, and I cannot entirely rely on composition. Oh pleaseeeeee, god, help!

    Nonetheless, thanks to all the sweeties who were trying to calm my nerves before the oral, and the sweetie consoling me after the oral. As a result, I got a Papa Roach CD. If I'd got the CD in the afternoon, I'd be blasting it quite happily. :p But now that I've gotten over it, ranted it to enough people, I'm quite okay already. Screw it. Not to forget, I said, "I don't completely agree" because I forgot about the existence of the word 'disagree'. I said, "machines that detect" because I forgot there's such a word as 'sensor'. That's what people do when they're shit scared, isn't it? :p

    And, caught Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. *grin* Many lines that I can't seem to forget.
    "Daddy, I want another pony."
    "Daddy, make time move faster."
    "Daddy, I want a squirrel."
    "I don't have a lot of pets, I just have 2 ponies, [insert number here] [insert pet here] ... and a stupid big hamster."
    "They think he's a genius but he's an idiot. And I'm not."
    "The best prize... is a sur-prize. Ha ha, ha ha." - the usual chortle from Mr Wonka that I absolutely love. :p

    Oh, Willy Wonka. My new found love flame. My idol. :p I want some wonka chocolates! Well, I quite liked it generally. :) Plot was lovely thanks to Roald Dahl. Acting was odd. I'm so hooked on Wonka's chortles. The little boy (Charlie) was slightly stiff but he's so sweet. Kinda nice and light-hearted!

    Thursday, August 11, 2005

    Most Adorable Kitten

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Missing You

    Yesterday, I caught Wedding Crashers with a dear. (Says a lot about staying at home to study, no? :p) Suuuuper hilarious a movie. Kind of draggy - 2 hours for a comedy. But the funny bits really made up for it. So many times you just feel, OUCH! for the poor chap. And it's sappy bits made me cry. *sigh* Sappy stuff makes me cry more easily than say, a death of a soldier in some sorta war show. I'm such a loser. I cried twice.

    Anyhow, I think Owen Wilson looks pretty damn hot. :p And I think it could possibly pass off as PG, because it was pretty censored. Just the occasional cussing, that was about it. Thank god I wasn't rejected at the entrance. The lady asked if we're both 16. Umm nobody in their right minds would say, "No, I'm not 16," when that person's buying tickets for a bloody NC-16 film. *raise eyebrow* Anyway, that was my 2nd NC-16 film at the theatres. Again, nobody checked my IC. Yay! I do look mature afterall! Or maybe it was the company I was with, but I prefer to presume it's the former.

    After that, hopped over to Cash Converters, as usual. Bought *N Sync's first album. :p That's another CD off my CD list. Looking good. Think I'll be saving up for their christmas album by next week. Hopefully. The CDs I tried to hide there were gone! *sniffle*

    Oh and Swensen's is having a promotion for all Sundaes, at $4! So after all the service charges, it's about... $4.60 I think. Go, everybody! Treat me to Swensen's! *cough* I don't mind. Promotions last till the end of August.

    So anyway, was at the park nearby afterwards, and I saw the tiniest kitten ever. It was incredibly tiny. If I grabbed it by one hand, you'd only see its head sticking out. That's how tiny it is. It mews with a super high pitch. Its (or her, I think) mum is a complete wimp. When we walked to her kitten, it ran away! What happens if a bully goes up to her child!? So much for the motherly instincts. Snort. Anyhow, as soon as the kitten sensed we weren't about to harm her, she instantly loved me. *cough* It walked towards me, mewed. Walked to my feet, sniffed me. Walked between my legs, stood there. If I took a step back, it'd follow me back. It kept following me, and circling one of my feet

    It'd then look up at me with those puss-in-boots eyes. Blue eyes, may I add. Pretty blue eyes. I've not seen blue eyes in cats before! Anyhow, it was so adorable I snapped so many shots of it. It then walked to my jeans, nibbled at its folded ends. When I tiptoed, it'd walk to my slipper, under my foot, and curl up there. I had to continue tiptoeing, wondering if I should continue lifting my foot. It was as though it was comparing foot size with me. It was so adorable I was so tempted to smuggle it into my bag and bring it home. If my gran doesn't stay with us, I swear I'll bring it home. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind it so much if they saw it. My brother sure wouldn't mind, I'm certain.

    I'm not entirely a cat person. I'm a dog person. But my god, that little kitten really made me melt. I was constantly patting it gently, mesmerized by its innocent expressions. It deserved someone better to take care of it than that mum who runs off as soon as anyone comes near, leaving the child alone.

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    I think I'll go by the park again soon to check on the little kitten.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    Sweetest Little Thing...

    Song: Rick Price - Come On, Come On

    I was on the train yesterday, when I saw this little girl on the pram. She looks about 2 or 3 years old. Her parents looked philippino. And she looks incredibly adorable. Bound to turn out as a babe! I stood near the pram, occasionally looking at the little girl, and broke into a smile as I saw her huge eyes blinking, observing this little strange world and it's odd surroudings.

    And when she caught my eye, she smiled her sweetest smile back.

    Soon it became a frequent thing, to look at her and smile, and she would always give her prettiest smile back. Slowly, the train became more packed, and I had to move to the centre of the train. It was closer to the pram, really. She began reaching out for my bag and tugged it. I looked at her and smiled again. She then tugged my jeans and gave the girliest grin!

    After giggling slightly and smiling at her, she tried tugging onto my bag again. This time, her mum saw, and she grabbed her daughter's hands and told her not to touch people's stuff. Her granny looked at me, as I looked at the little girl and smiled. She smiled back, turned to her gran and gave a giggle, like she's having a good time. The gran then grinned at me. Awwwh!!

    Then finally, at city hall, I went to the door towards the left, while they headed to the right. Coincidentally (I'm not making this up), she began struggling and then she bawled. When we got out of the train, I lost sight of her but I could hear her bawling away. *sigh*

    She was, I swear, the sweetest little thing.

    Tuesday, August 09, 2005

    This Is Home...

    Song: Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here

    Finally I'm listening to Justified. :p

    Yesterday was the last secondary school national day celebration I'll be able to attend. But it hasn't struck me that it is the final one. I just don't feel it yet. I don't feel like I'll be leaving the school in a few months. While occasionally I get reminded that I'll lose my classmates by the end of the year, feeling like I'll be leaving this school is a different matter altogether. I just don't feel it. I guess I wouldn't mind being in some other school, if I had the exact same group of friends there with me. Perhaps.

    Anyhow, this country I have a home in turns 40 today. *ponder* I guess, in a way, it has done well. The reasons why I'm not largely in favour of remaining here all my life isn't exactly much of the fault of the government or anything like that. I want vast land, I want a less academic-based country, I want that bit of freedom to roam about, and wander, looking deep into your own talents and not just all about the studying. Because in here, aces get you far. That makes everyone mug their asses off. And that isn't how I view a fruitful childhood as. People get increasingly paranoid, kiasu (in other words, afraid to lose out), over-competitive. You hardly find people that willing to share around here.

    About the bit of wanting vast lands, I want to be able to explore my country. I want to see greenery, vast spaces of greenery, being close to nature. There is no need for mountains but truthfully do you actually see greenery here? Yea sure you see tons of trees. And nature reserve parks. *ponder*

    And surely aces are important in studying. But it shouldn't be the only ticket around. It shouldn't be the case that you have to be the top of the top with all aces and distinctions, to get the best of the best. Doesn't mean you're fabulous at books, memorising facts means you'll be fab with say, human relations, customer service, entrepreneurship, law. It all depends on how good you are at that specific thing in the end, no?

    But people view you as god here, if you ace in english, math, science, chinese, humanities, etc here. Why is that? Does that make one an all-rounder?

    Okay I think I'm digressing slightly.

    Point is, here being academic based isn't exactly its fault. Since it's so tiny, has so few stuff ie natural resources and all that, it has to be this competitive I guess. So it was governed and handled well but not entirely my cup of tea. Land isn't an option either.

    So, okay, I don't blame anyone for my dislike. I just want to get out of here.

    That being said, Happy 40th. :p

    Sunday, August 07, 2005

    Retail Therapy

    song: Christina Aguilera - Infatuation

    I haven't gotten down to doing work yet. *hums*

    And Brenda's gonna kill me for this entry. But it doesn't matter since she's gonna kill me for pangsehing her tomorrow. *sigh* Either way I'm dead meat, I might as well make use of it, yes? Yes. :p

    Was out accompanying her on her retail therapy since she was feeling 'stressed', as she claims. :p She bought a lot of things!! I only bought ONE top. *sparkle* One black one, and only after she was forcing me to buy it. I think she was secretly feeling bad that she's spending on all that and I wasn't.

    And then she did the most disappointing thing, telling me she might just treat the top as my birthday gift so I don't have to return her the money I owe her for the black top. Pah. This is what your best friend does to you. Sadness. :p She claims it isn't final, so it might not be my present. But judging her, I think it is. Hahahahaha. But I accept it anyway. The more I look at it, I like my top more and more! *hop!*

    It says Tahiti on it. I think I'll be wearing that on National Day. LOL Okay, you can say it. I'm an ass.

    Anyhow, we were at FOX and this guy, seemingly interested in Brenda, though she thinks he's interested in me, approached us, asked for our names, tried to find out more about us. He's a salesperson there... It was darn odd! I told my mum about the discounts there and she was interested to go back there. I think it'll be damn weird if I go back there as well and see the guy again, alone this time. *ponder*

    But that's so funny. As in odd, funny. I've never been approached before. So it must be Brenda lah! Awwww because someone next to me then was so pretty. Hahahhaa

    Okay I'll go work on my protection shield now, in case I don't get to leave school tomorrow unscathed. :p

    P/S: My niece replied my email! I sense excitement there. I'm verrrrry glad ;)

    Saturday, August 06, 2005

    I Wanna Go To Canada Now!

    Song: SR-71 - Politically Correct

    (Seige, you'll want to read every bit of this.)

    I'm close to feeling emotional at the moment upon reading an email from my cousin addressed to my brother. He's residing in Canada, leading pretty free and easy life shifting about quite a lot. His wife, as I remember, was a real nice lady. She's one of the nicest mums I know around. Or maybe because she's not the usual mum we see in Singapore. Their parenting styles are different. They allow their girls to run about (only because they're mature enough to, anyway) and the little one used to bump into the padded wall and fall, and no one does anything to it, while my cousin and I stood in shock, wondering if she was going to cry. The little one was probably 5 then. And needless to say, she didn't. Instead, she laughed at her own fall and climbed up again.

    Now, my nieces, aged 13 and 9, are all grown up! They're both gifted, but chose to go to the Arts school to do lots of performing, theatre, dancing, etc. They're into ballet, tap and jazz dancing. The 13-year-old plays the drums and guitar, and is currently into flute. The 9-year-old's self taught piano and guitar player. Sounds very much like me. :p

    Thing is, I can't seem to put that into place. The last time I saw them was when they were... probably 9 and 5. I can't remember. I can't piece both bits of the puzzle together. I don't know how they look like now, only heard they're much taller, prettier. I miss them so badly. They were like little sisters cos the age gap isn't there, but they're actually nieces!

    I remember how odd it was when they arrived, cos they don't remember us much since they come once in a few years. But soon, Seige and I were entertaining them quite a bit, and they didn't want to leave. We, too, didn't want them to leave. Not forgetting our affinity with them being Eurasians. *cough*biased*cough* Mainly because they think very much better than even our other cousins who're older than them by a few years. Much more mature too. And anyone who knows Seige and I knows how much we despise extreme immaturity. Esp those cousins who're a few years older than those nieces, they're pale in comparison. Completely s.p.o.i.l.t. So annoying, that I love my nieces so much. :p

    Anyhow, my brother emailed my cousin about me as well, updating him on how the family's doing. He said he can't picture me being 16, taking the O's and all, cos he always remembered me as the 'cute little girl'. He said the girls remember me but not by my name. (Well, well. It's true what people say then. People don't remember you by the tag you're named, but by the person you are. *sparkle*) But it's extremely heartwarming to know they actually remember me. If I were their age I probably won't remember someone I visited 4 years back, and then 10 years back. I remember writing in my journal when I was 12, that if they come back 6 years later, I'll be 18. They came when I was 6 before that. I even have a picture of one of them with me when we were so tiny, hopping on my uncle's black leather couch, I remember, in his old house. It's always been in my wallet.

    I'm amazed that we're suddenly all in contact again, cos I truly miss them, and not because I want to go to Canada badly. Okay maybe that too, but definitely more of the former. And my brother's seriously considering migrating to Canada, I think. Anyway *hop* they sent us the email addresses of the girls.


    This is the one in my wallet.
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    Thursday, August 04, 2005

    What Sign Of The Zodiac Am I Meant For?

    You scored as Aquarius.

    You get along best with the sign of Aquarius. Although Aquarians can be seem very odd, or over opinionated, they are good generous people. They are the humanitarians of the zodiac; they always put others in the place of themselves. Aquarians have a strong sense of individuality, and likewise, can be very eccentric. They usually have many friends because they are very easy to get along with, although at times, Aquarians can be withdrawn and introverted when they choose to be.

























    What sign of the Zodiac are you meant for?
    created with

    That means I pretty much get along with everyone, since the percentage difference isn't that great. :p

    Anyhow, reading the Aquarius stuff mentioned, I think it's pretty accurate. *ponder*

    In The Cold

    This is gonna be the most incoherent (or the least coherent) entry. Just random... random random stuff.

    I'm freezing cos of the most unpredictable weather which didn't even look threatening at the beginning and then strong winds began to howl and it poured, without a drizzle to begin with. And we're in the computer lab in school right now, so I'm just about to be frozen - I need a hug. Quick, school, END!!

    NAPFA yesterday was atrocious. Improved several items, but deproved a lot more than I improved for the rest. Hence, I'm gonna get a bronze. But I can't be arsed to go for the re-test.

    And it's so annoying. For the stupidest reasons all the bloody banks are calling up MY cellphone for my dad. HSBC has been calling every single bloody day. I keep getting anonymous missed calls in the middle of a school day, and I can't be bothered to find out who anymore, cos they've been leading back to HSBC, and the salesperson I last encountered with has tarnished their reputation enough for me.

    And for pete's sake, why the HELL would I want a credit card when I don't have enough credit. Why would my dad want to change his cards or banks or what not? If he did want to, he'd have called them up, god damn it. Don't call my cellphone every single bloody day! We don't change our minds like that, damn it. Pushovers? I think not. So, scram and remove my number from your redials!

    Quick, school, ENDDDDD!!!

    Doesn't help that there's Australian Math Competition later. Pah.

    I need a sweater.

    Wednesday, August 03, 2005


    I'm too tired to blog, so I'll leave a conversation I had with my cousin earlier, regarding... well... terrorism. I've found that I can only talk to 2 people about this. My brother and my cousin. :p And that's fab!

    snobby little junkbucket says:
    cos that day i was asking him why terrorists are attacking the us and uk
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    i asked if its because of the invasion of iraq.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    and why are they attacking them back?
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    my bro asked me why uk and us invaded iraq
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    i said cos of the weapons of destruction..
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    he was like, well did they find any?
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    i was like
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    so he said likely that bush wanted oil from iraq. that i didnt know.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    and then i was like okay..
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    but today i suddenly remembered that richard teo's comment. (He commented here before.)
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    i asked him why is it then that it's directed to the muslims, and that people say the muslims would do it to further their religion.. when he said it's getting back at bush to show him their displeasure for him invading their country
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    and then he said, the head of the terrorists brainwashed people that it'd secure them a place in heaven, if they were willing to sacrifice for these shite.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    hence they evolved into suicide bombers.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    so i was like, doesn't mean the other muslims would be brainwashed by that particular head, since they belong to different mosques, organisations etc.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    he said, anyone can be brainwashed what. just that in this case, they made use of islam beliefs to brainwash those peeps.
    [seige] liberty says:
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    then he turned philosophical and said, religious beliefs should be used to help us live through life. and not that life should be revolved around religious beliefs.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    ooooooooh eh?
    [seige] liberty says:
    [seige] liberty says:
    so true.
    [seige] liberty says:
    beliefs are meant for u to feel safe when u're lost at the moment.
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    yea moments of darkness
    [seige] liberty says:
    when u're scared
    [seige] liberty says:
    all of a sudden, knowing that there's something u belief in, and knowing that there's something there still helping u...makes u feel slightly more secure
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    soooo interesting
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    i ask so many qns, and he knows the answerssssss. coooooooooooooool
    [seige] liberty says:
    but it should never be used to brainwash
    [seige] liberty says:
    and because of strong believers
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    even so, muslims shouldn't be ostracised because those idiots happened to select islamic beliefs to modify and brainwash others.
    [seige] liberty says:
    these strong believers sacrifice themselves
    snobby little junkbucket says:
    if one fine day, a christian head decided to do that, you'll see christian terrorists and you wonder if the world will turn their backs on christ believers

    *ponder* I haven't discovered why there's the sudden interest in these politics, terrorism and understanding it. Give me time.

    Tuesday, August 02, 2005


    Greatness of the school has decided to return us our progress report for the Block CAs, and notify us of the top scores of each subject, according to streams. And I'm very unfortunately in the 'special' stream which isn't special at all. Just because you get a score higher than 250 in PSLE doesn't mean anything. Who gives a shite about PSLE scores now? I've not heard of top PSLE scorers being the top O's scorers, do you?

    Why, why, WHY compare us in different streams? Particularly in express in special, there is NO difference. Not even in their mother tongues. Express people take higher mother tongue as well. Why, then, WHY?

    My scores are within the B4 to D7 range, with the exception of both Maths, and I see the top scores for each subject, all way above a bloody A1.

    Now, how am I gonna explain to my parents that certain papers were tough when before their eyes they see some genius score that did multiple grades better than their daughter? How, how, how?

    Blooooooody hell. I hate all these new stuff the school's trying to do. If you'd excuse me, I'll have to go think of ways of getting any parent's signature on it by tomorrow. Snort.

    Monday, August 01, 2005

    Rants For The Evening

    HSBC has flipping bad customer service.

    They called to make sure my dad has certain documents for them to collect to make some faggoty new credit card or god knows what. I told him my dad's unable to come to the phone, so I can take down the doc needed.

    AND that person mumbles. So I repeated after him, and went, "I/C and..?" POLITELY mind you. and he was like, TSK furiously then repeated his statement most reluctantly.


    I questioned him a few times, like when he's coming, etc. He was like, bye bye lah bye bye lah, sort of expression. I told my mum, she said cancel the card. HA HA LOOOSER. Stupid customer service. FAIL!

    And, guys of the century. Please, for the love of god. I'm flattered that you think I'm so popular in school, I know everyone. But you don't have to run to me to ask if I know this or that girl, cos you're interested in her.

    1) I'm not interested in such affairs.
    2) I'm not a matchmaker.

    If you're not too cowardly, god damn it, find her out yourself. Plan an ambush outside school and find her some day. Knock into her, pick up her books and introduce yourself. Or just charm her some fascinating and innovative way you possibly can, god damn it.

    No wonder we complain about Singaporean guys all.the.time. Jesus.

    Random Thoughts From All Over

    Song: Meredith Edwards - Ready To Fall

    (Blogger count: #100 Post!)

    First of August! How time flies! :p I can still recall enjoying lovely coffee at Pacific Coffee Company at Citylink with Seige, next to this caucasian who was gorging on sandwiches, cake and coffee. That was just after our visit to the Esplanade, getting serenaded by Corrinne May until the weather decided to destroy it for us. If rain were to be God's tears, I'd be kind of puzzled. Why upset on the eve of a brand new bloody year!? Why can't he (subjective) be happy for us when we're counting down eh! So I conclude, either way, rain is just the condensation of water vapour, and when it clusters together... ...

    Like people actually give two hoots about it eh? *thwaps self*

    Anyhow, I hate it when I'm at school on the first of every month. I love listening to the bells (possibly from the church nearby) ringing on the first day of every month at noon. It's like a reminder - a month closer to Christmas!

    I love Christmas though my family doesn't really celebrate it, and we don't celebrate it as the birth of Christ and all. It's just a jolly good festive season for giving and sharing. I find it a pity when Muslims find it an insult to be wished Merry Christmas. *cringe* It's not like I'm a Christ believer myself! Christmas just has that warm and fuzzy feeling. Love, love, love it. It's like warmth (I don't mean literally, cos if otherwise, I feel the 'warmth' 24/7) and love fills the air and just at that special season you feel a lot more of it. Old people singing Christmas songs, Christmas decorations, etc. Simply a joy to see! I can't wait for Christmas! I want to go out and buy gifts, and wrap 'em! Weird fetish I have.

    [Was about to do a little questioning and a little entry on all the terrorism thingies again but figured I shouldn't spoil this little happy entry. That'll wait then.]

    Oh, anyway, met my primary school teacher in school today cos there was some MOE Learning Festival thingy going on. Felt pretty damn nostalgic. I went up to him and asked if he remembers me. He then blatantly pronounced my name like he did. But I figured, it was highly possible he was just reading out what my name tag says. *ponder* Nonetheless I'm pretty certain he remembered me. And the new principal was there, telling some of the little kids from my primary school to watch the big 'jie jie' here. It was then and there that it just slapped me across the face - I've grown. I have so grown.

    And he said I look very different. I can tell, as he just stared blankly at my face for a split second there, as though trying to recall how I looked back in primary school, then snap back to the present. He looked at me for pretty long, giving that sorta expression with some sort of satisfaction like when you watch someone grow after a period of time. :) It was lovely. I think I'll go look for them again tomorrow. *sparkle* So pleased to see him. He was my favourite teacher in primary school, tied with my english teacher. He was partly the reason why I loved Mathematics, and still do! That primary school of mine has every reason to claim credit for securing my Math foundation.

    [Wow, digressed quite a bit there.]

    Aaaanyhow, as I was saying, I'm ready for Christmas! Bring it on!

    OH YES. Today I was late for school. I alighted at 7.30am (supposed to reach school before 7.30am) and the side gate was locked already, so the few of us walked to the main gate to get our names taken down. I still hear the announcements going on, but noooo. Those prefects had to take soooooo long to write our names on the yellow slip and on another form. And after taking about 15 minutes to complete writing the names of 6 people, they made us stand in front of the flag poles to sing the national anthem aloud, without music. Funny thing was we were singing so quickly. :p And I think I was singing the loudest cos this morning my voice was in a perfect condition to sing. HAHAHA. I'm such a retard.

    Anyhow, we were going through it so quickly, a nearly 3-minute song was sang in a minute and a half, or so. :p Then recited the pledge so quickly. Finally, they distributed the yellow slips and told us to go back to class.

    ALL THAT FOR BEING LATE FOR ABOUT 3 MINUTES? In the end I arrived back in class like 20minutes late or something. GEEE.

    And Brenda msged me in the morning to ask if I was going to school. Hahahahahhaa. I'm taking the train the next time I reach the interchange that late. Pah.