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    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    London Blasts

    Okay, this afternoon when I was reading the papers and BBC online on the London blastings, it traumatised me properly. I always thought it was okay, just another blasting. I mean, look at the number of blastings that occured the last few years!

    There was this one article, they were interviewing a survivor. She said she was waiting for the Bus 30 (I think). When it came, it didn't allow passengers up yet, only allowed passengers to alight. And then she was about to alight when the blast happened. Bits of metal rained down, some landed on her umbrella. She grabbed the person nearest to her and ran for their lives.

    I was absolutely shaken when I read that. I could picture myself waiting for a bus home, or something. Who knows if it's gonna explode? That could be the very minute I leave this world, be gone forever. There're still so many stuff I've yet to do. I've only lived for almost 16 years. There's so much more sights to see. I treasure this life, dammit. I have lovely friends and confidants. I have lovely people to hug me and tell me they care. I've a lovely family. Well, sorta dysfunctional at times but that doesn't matter. I want to live on! (Actually if you think about it, I'm sure most people would echo my thoughts. Only that sometimes we take it for granted and refuse to see them as 'lovely' stuff. lol I have my times.)

    And it just fills me with empathy, that because of these terrorist attacks, the British Muslims have to live in fear. They can't go anywhere alone, for fear of racist British who'd hunt them down and take revenge on the innocent Muslims. The Muslims get the blame for something majority is innocent for. Imagine if I'm one of the British Muslims, god damn it, stop blaming me for something I haven't done! And it isn't even as though I'm accountable for it!

    I share the same sentiment as Lianne for this though. Religions - such a waste of time. Those same group of people could have been left free and innocent, but because there's such thing as religions, they unfortunately fall under the same category as the most heartless creatures out there. Really unfortunate, isn't it?

    Anyhow, caught War of the Worlds later. The critics were a little unfair on this one cos it isn't as bad as some people made them out to be. I quite liked it. :) And at the beginning of the movie, everyone kept asking if the invasion was a terrorist attack. At that point, I was like, goodness at least for a terrorist attack, it's just a short period of time. And there are ways of clearing it up soonafter. But that alien invasion was muuuch tougher.

    However, at the end of it, it's like... Alien invasion, the human race could bind together and fight it as one. And we live or die together. If we get wiped out, we get wiped out together. And we could put an end to it.

    But a bloody friggin brainless terrorist attack affects the most innocent of people, leaves the victim's loved ones in misery, racism happens, people hate each other, and you can't stop those heartless beasts from harming anyone else. You can't just run for your lives. If it blasts where you are, that's that.

    Ah well, I had fun while I was out anyway. Bought Bowling For Soup's Drunk Enough To Dance, at Cash Converters. The rate of my expenditure is pretty wacked up. :p

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    At Sat Jul 09, 09:09:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Esther said...

    religions not a waste of time. u sure that the bombing was purely cos of the muslims?

    At Sat Jul 09, 09:20:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    they were suspecting it's the following up for blair supporting the iraq invasion.

    = islamic stuff

    = muslims get the blame.

    At Sat Jul 09, 10:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    heya..i agree with everything u say..but its really wrong to say religions are a waste of time know..religions teach the humans that cos those religions aint to be blamed..hahah...sorry faith is sooo strong..hahaha...and i love my church!! holy FAMILY..not u had a good day!! hehe..take care!!

    At Sat Jul 09, 10:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha okay apart from the good virtues you get off religions. :) that i cannot and will not argue with, cos it's true. so, good point there!

    im sure you had a great day too. LOL

    At Mon Jul 11, 12:02:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Tungsten said...

    dear anabelle, I dun share your tots about the muslims in U.K. The ones that are in London simply dun assimilate and they live their own lives.Most of them are capable of being terrorist becos they are religiously fanatics.Given the opportunities they will kill innocent civilians to further their religion.

    At Mon Jul 11, 03:51:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...


    the british muslims suffer less from discrimination than the US ones did after 9/11. because most of the british people, (and yes, this IS a gross generalisation), realise that it is the fundamentalists that are the violent ones, and not the moderate muslims.

    as for religion. you can argue with people until you're blue in the face, and they will still believe what they want to believe. and that's fine, until it starts to affect other people.

    You can also draw a few parallels between the current attack of the Muslim fundamentalists on the west, and the Crusades, where Christendom attacked the Muslims and committed huge numbers of atrocities, because they viewed the Muslims as being infidels, and therefore it was a just war. Ring any bells?

    At Mon Jul 11, 09:19:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    right on all counts!

    At Mon Jul 11, 08:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    richard, i think i'd give them the benefit of the doubt. it's unfair to say that just because they're religiously fanatics, they would harm the innocent to further their religion. it's too much of a personal attack on a muslim, don't you think?

    *nods lianne* i get your points. it's quite a lot of pinpointing at a certain group of people, really. even when the group of people consist of innocent ones as well. and then the other religious groups doesnt get as much of the blame, as we hear...

    At Tue Jul 12, 12:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i agree that it's unfair to say that the british muslims could be religious fanatics. in fact, it seems plainly unfair to say that about anyone.

    we should never generalize. the terrorists are terrorists. everyone else? innocent until proven guilty. living in a world today, there shouldnt be ANY boundaries between different races. and being singaporean, discrimination against other races is just a no-go for me.

    racism hurts.

    At Tue Jul 12, 05:04:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    well said babe. it's like saying, when a chinese steals your wallet, you accuse all chinese of being thieves. same concept. and that's being unfair to all other chinese, cos they just so happen to be of the same race.

    At Tue Jul 12, 05:12:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    exactly. e criminal should be judged on what he did and not what race he is.

    i agree that this might be a form of religious issues, but what if the terrorists now were chinese? do we want to shy away from crowds now that some people from our race did silly things and we fear being discriminated? wouldnt it be plain unfair?


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