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Location: Singapore

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    Wednesday, July 06, 2005

    I'm An Introvert? Oh okay!

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Weird World
    (nope I'm not sick of their album yet! It's THAT good!)

    The Bottom Line

    You are sensitive, and that comes in handy. You know exactly what's going on.

    In Detail

    One side of your nature loves being on stage -- having everything right out there for one and all to see. The other side of you equally adores secrets and intrigue, especially if there's a bit of drama attached to keeping those things under wraps. You'll need to make a decision right now, however, as to which side of yourself will handle the current situation. The outgoing, public side or the intense, personal side? Good luck.

    Again, I can relate to this so very well, it's scary.

    I'm the complete opposite of some people I know. I do not want the mass to know what's up in my personal life. I only need few people to understand to be able to listen when I need to talk to them about certain issues. The rest are casual talk. Not to be mistaken as acquaintances, I treasure all of my friends, whichever category you fall under.

    Say, for example, I have taken a fancy for someone, I don't like to tell everyone that HEY I LIKE SOMEONE. And I certainly do not appreciate it when the person goes around telling people, ooh someone here likes someone.

    And if you realise you're one of those judgemental, superficial people, don't even think about asking me what's up, cos I don't need you to judge for me or judge me, for that matter. As much as I wish I were as laid back and heck-care as some people, I am not, so these still matter to me.

    I do suppose I have a problem opening up easily, even if you're a really great friend of mine, doesn't mean you'd know everything about me.So, call me introverted for all I care, really. :)


    At Wed Jul 06, 05:33:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    heh..i was so right..i knew you liked someone..althoug..i wont be probing...cos you'd prob keep your mouthe like ZIP! ok anyway..its great news cos now theres no one to compete with for shan..hey wait a sec...since when did i even compete with there even a need to? LOL...i mean i'd win for sure!! ahahahha..ah kidding kidding..=p

    At Wed Jul 06, 06:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    *floats* i'm good. :)

    At Thu Jul 07, 05:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    bren ah, i told you stuff already. so shush. you and shan are like 3 worlds apart, whereas shan and i are merely a world apart. hahahhaa.

    seige, and how are you good?

    At Fri Jul 08, 04:17:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    erm... i'll tell u the next time i see u lol.


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