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Location: Singapore

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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    Tortured Legs

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Climbing the Walls

    I'm exhausted. Met a friend at Suntec, went to swensens for yoghurt again. Hahaha *sparkle* Haven't jogged this week, erp. Bad bad bad. Walked a bit while he forced me try on some strange looking hats. *cringes* Not too long later, went off to Somerset to meet them. Tickets to War of the Worlds were sold out. Snort. Just hung out instead...

    I'm really tired, so I'll skip the content, and go on to pictures.

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    Fantastic Four craze. Pity only was close to these 2. I think I might be catching it next week. *hop*

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    Few weeks back, saw this downstairs.

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    What can I say, my family's a big fan of milk.

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    *hop* Best buy yet. Loveeeee the album. Never thought I'd say this, but I LIKE BACKSTREET BOYS! hahaha. Even though they're so... old. :p


    At Mon Jul 04, 09:20:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey! u got the new bsb cd!! lolx..i want too!!

    can lend me?? pretty please with sugar on top?=)


    At Tue Jul 05, 04:53:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    oi oi oi. my era k. :p don't anyhow throw the word old around. haha.

    At Tue Jul 05, 09:34:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    YAY! nevergone's up on my list! lol.

    and i wanna catch fantastic 4 as well. marvel movies...i just have to catch them..

    At Tue Jul 05, 04:38:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    bwahahaha. :p sharon, go get it! im so happy with my purchase :p faaaab.

    lianne, they ARE.. o..umm nothing. *innocent*

    haha seige umm uhh umm i might be catching fantastic 4. err umm. well. we could watch war of the worlds! oh wait, are you catching that on friday?

    At Tue Jul 05, 06:15:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    lol yea most probably..

    there goes our catch-the-movie-while-it's-out sessions..

    At Tue Jul 05, 07:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    awww you're making me feel bad againnnnnnn. initial d's still available though. hahaha :P

    At Tue Jul 05, 08:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger ★Wan Jing said...

    HOHO. BSB are cool. But it seems like just yesterday that they sang "Backstreet back ALRIGHT!!" Time flies.

    At Wed Jul 06, 03:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha certainly doesnt feel like just 'yesterday' to me! felt like decades ago. :P


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