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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    Youth Day

    When I first came online this morning, I was greeted by this.

    these jagged pieces of my happy beginnings; says:
    these jagged pieces of my happy beginnings; says:

    For some weirdest reason that made me extremeeeely happy! LOL! I actually burst out laughing! (Yes that's silliness from Marcus. haaaaa) Poor poly people who have school today. :p My sympathies. Hahahahhaah

    Going out later. *HOP!* Very excited, for some reason. :p

    Happy Youth Day, lovelies ;)


    At Mon Jul 04, 12:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    hmph. i dont like it that poly people have to go to school today.

    although i dont.


    At Mon Jul 04, 01:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    hello YOU! haha...hmmmmmmm....i actually wanted to say lotsa things..but i kinda forgot after reading all your entries..ahhhaha...oh bout the frenster thing..i get it too lah! so irritating..norm i just block and delete..but huang...i just got another one saying wow u have beautiful eyes..and this guys really different or so i think..haha..oh cares..haha

    At Mon Jul 04, 03:15:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    *radiates brilliance*

    At Mon Jul 04, 03:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    *cry* i gotta work!

    i mean, come on. i'm 22, that's gotta still be a youth, right? right? :p

    At Mon Jul 04, 03:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    i know your bro would back me up on that, but then, he's mentally about 5, so that doesn't count. lol.

    At Mon Jul 04, 07:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    seige, you've got no school today????

    bren, hahaha well the picture of your eyes is nice. ;p

    marc, *peer*

    lianne, HAHAHAHA. he DOES have a mental age of 5, i think he deserves children's day as well. :p 22...youth... ummm weeeeell. hmm.

    At Mon Jul 04, 08:19:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

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    At Mon Jul 04, 08:20:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    lianne, i'll have you know that I was abt to gmail you happy youth day too before i stopped myself in time

    At Mon Jul 04, 08:26:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    LOL ouch! poor pooor lianne. :p

    At Mon Jul 04, 11:17:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i also got no sch today!! and, i din know it was youth day today until 8pm -.-"


    At Tue Jul 05, 04:54:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...


    At Tue Jul 05, 09:39:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    *laughs* jean jean jean...

    yea babe i had no school yesterday. no exam, so no school.i didnt exactly get to celebrate youth day the way i should though. now what's up with that?


    At Tue Jul 05, 04:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    poor jean.

    seige, i don't normally celebrate youth day either. :p this year's an exception.

    *pats lianne* there there. :p


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