Song: 98 Degrees - Still
Chinese paper.
God, the topics were friggin difficult. Hell. If I'm not out of point, then I was
quite happy with it. Wrote and expressed it slightly better than usual. Doubtful of passing, still, though.
Physics paper.
One word. Killer. But I have a feeling I'd do worse for Bio than Physics. Perhaps it's because I don't care anymore. It's over!!!
And after the papers, I receive a bad news. Class decor for term 3. !@#$ I thought we're DONE with class decors!? I
hate having to ask the class to stay back, cos it's
so difficult to. !@#$ Heck first.
It was quite funny today though. Firstly I asked Brenda if she wanted to go parkway for lunch today after the papers, a few days back. She only said about the band performance at esplanade tonight, so I took it as no. I went to Audrey & Elise and asked if they wanted to. They didn't decide yet. So I went to my cousin and asked if she wanted to catch a movie. Then Audrey & Elise said yes, we'll go parkway. Then my cousin said perhaps we could. So I told Audrey & Elise I'll be catching a movie with my cousin. And later, we couldn't decide what movie to catch, so we decided not to. So I told Audrey & Elise, okay we're going parkway. And THEN today Brenda accused me of
pangsehing her for both lunch and the performance. SO I told Audrey & Elise again, that I can't go.
And Audrey said I'm very bad. Hmpf. I was in a difficult position!
Next, when we were out, they couldn't decide to go home to change or not. Brenda initially suggested going to her place. I said okay. But they couldn't decide again. And finally she said okay let's go her place. And I'm like, I can't, I'm gonna meet my cousin in Tampines now. (We decided to meet to walk around a bit.)
Lol, so bottomline is... it's their fault for not being able to decide. Tralala.
I'm drained though. Rejuvenated in the mind. Drained in the mind too. Too much cramming lately. Too much studying. Too much. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Going out tomorrow, maybe Sunday I'll drag my brother out to shop. Going out on Monday too! (Youth Day! So glad I'm a youth.)
Oh yeah and I fell this morning cos I was unhappy about the papers I was gonna sit for, and I was sleepy. Landed on my palms and knees. Something went into my thumb which friggin hurts. Came home to get my daddy to get it out. Friggin hurts. 'Least it's out!
Anyway I've got 3 friendster messages within the last coupla weeks. I'm being friggin nice to blur their info, so people don't go searching for them and mocking them.

Seriously, my profile doesn't even state why I'm in Friendster. That means I'm not here for activity with any gender, or to make friends, etc. My "Who I Want To Meet" list is umm. Well, if you're responding to that, I suppose you think very highly of yourself! So, WHY DO YOU EVEN TRY?!
Photos Galore. :)

What I purchased today at Cash Converters. Found their older one with "I Do (Cherish You). And another with "My Everything". Then realised this is like a compilation with all their fab songs. *hop* In such a boyband mood. Verrrry happy with this =D

The other day I was at Joo Chiat, extremely bored while my Gran was in the temple. Hence.

And another day I was trying to kill my handphone battery so that I could charge it properly before going out. My table - always a mess. Really a common sight actually. Bedsheets are so pretty *cough*

My uncle's extremely lovable dog named Monty after where he was living in for a while. She loveeeees me. Yes that is my hand.

This monday. Back to school on the first day. Didn't help that the sky was so gloomy.

Desktop for a while.

Now :) A friend saw their cd at Inokii. Apparently $26.90 *sniff* But just saw some promotions and their videos are being played on MTV. Hopefully they get a little more famous and cds would be easily available at a lower price soon. Heh.
Couldn't find a Jay Chou album at cash converters. Sighhhhhh.
T.G.I.F. Long weekenddddd. *bounces about*
wow photo intensive. haha uhuh physics was a killer. ooh i like fall out boy too!
awesome! *grin* they have aweeesome music. must go on a hunt for their album. :P
lots of photos i've stored but haven't uploaded. so figured, might as well do everything today ;)
i'm not gonna talk about any more papers. lalala
inokii?! as in, far east plaza?
yuuuup. but $26.90! hmpf. :p maybe it doesn't hurt if they get a bit more commercialised. *cough*
haha..which jay chou cd u want? i could ask my sis to lend u if u want=)
yeah physics sucked! actually all the sciences sucked, really. at first i thought i only had 3 mcq for chem wrong. then i came back home and had tuition, and my teacher marked the ppr. i have like 6 wrong now!!! ho tricked us! dammit...argh
exams suck
relax sharon. i can't be bothered to find out how much i've lost. might as well enjoy the moment before we get back the results. hahaa...
thanks for the gesture. i want to own one though :p so might just go searching for it again next time :)
yeah true...sigh. haha i really can't be bothered as well. have been slacking all day. haha
as i told my fren i won't be touching any books to do with school this whole wkend. lolx. only my storybooks=)
wah lao. ur table very messy leh. must show my mother. everytime complain my tble so mesy. =)
hahahaha im not supposed to be consolation to parents that their child isn't as messy as me kay!!
anyhow, havent touched ANY books. *sparkle*
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