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    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    That's What Friends Are For (inside joke)

    Song: Ashlee Simpson - Giving It All Away

    Been doing fab lately! I used to have one confidant - Seige. Now I have quite a few and it feels great! I haven't been that close to friends since I entered Sec Sch. Good friends yea, I have quite a few. Now it just feels like I've found myself a great buddy who understands what I'm going through and all, it's freaking awesome. :p

    (Yes, I love you, Bren! Hahahaha)

    Seige'd understand that I don't just open up to friends. But when you finally find people you can talk to about anything, it freaking rocks. I can't find a better way of describing it really. :p It's not so often you find such friends. Bloody awesome that you can find friends who can cheer you up. Yay! I'm glad I found mine!

    Was out with Bi Xia and Bren yesterday for lunch and we walked about. Oh and for kopi peng. Hahaha. Bi Xia accused us of tricking her many times to go to parkway with us and not ending up drinking kopi peng, so she finally had her taste of that yesterday. :p And Bren did a lot of prom planning, which is damn funny cos we're SO FAR from finishing prelims, let alone the O's. And she apparently is make-up pro, so I'll grab some tips from her next time. Hahaha (Don't let me down, Bren. Hahahaha.)

    I've been quite happy lately. And I'll say it again, it's freaking awesome. :p

    *hop* Gonna catch War of the Worlds later. Can't wait. :p Tralala.

    On a more serious note, I think the fucking terrorists behind all that blasting in London deserves to be tortured. I have a cousin living in London currently, and she was quite near where one of the blastings took place, so she's currently staying in a little more than usual. It's disturbing and freaky to know you have loved ones so bloody near all that son-of-a-bitch-s doing bloody brainless thing. Blast blast blast, go blast your own brainless skull. Nothing better to do, go find a stupid job. Even people washing the toilets and sweeping the roadsides are a freaking million times more useful than you retarded people. Is it so damn fun to blast everyone? SHEEESH. Get a bloody life!

    And then there's Lianne in Edinburgh, potential target for terrorists as well, only perhaps they're wimps. But thank god they're wimps. lol.

    Seige's gonna be at sentosa today and she was slightly worried last night, so she told me how much she loves me and all. *chuckle*

    Well well well, may everyone be safe around :) Terrorists can go kiss my ass rot in hell.


    At Sat Jul 09, 10:30:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    im so glad ur cousin is safe.

    At Sat Jul 09, 10:32:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *ponder* i don't see you online, wow that was quick. :p i -just- blogged.

    i'm so glad she is safe too :)

    At Sat Jul 09, 10:37:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    i need a tissue..*sobz* so touching so good times and bad times..lala..always count on me..hahahaa..dats how we sing it love you huang!! hahaha....we're in the same boat time so its easier to understand each other..hehe...anyways...good luck with HER ok..she will bring so much joy into your life..ALL THE WAY!!!! ahhahah...and yes..ill go perfect my make up skills and do it for our prom! hahaha...i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! hyatt!! hahaha..

    At Sat Jul 09, 10:40:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahahahaha and it's so funny how you talk about HER. hahahhaa. :p i know i know, i'm so bloody sweeeet! wahaha

    yesssssssss. go perfect your make up skills and then help me not make myself a disaster!

    At Tue Jul 12, 12:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

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    At Tue Jul 12, 12:43:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i do i do! i do love you!!!:)

    i know exactly how u feel. when i suddenly remembered that sc was in london, i got really anxious. i am sooo glad that she's fine. but it really scares me at the thought of her staying near where one of the blasts occurred.

    babe, remember, if i die, u get all my cds yah?

    At Tue Jul 12, 05:05:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    and read your diary *hop!* :p

    she wasn't exactly near the blast i heard. but her transport to and fro is affected. heard she had to walk for 1.5hours from work that day. ouch.

    At Tue Jul 12, 05:22:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    1.5 hours? on foot?


    oh yeah, and my diary. lol

    At Sun Jul 17, 02:14:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    yup on foot. thing is, everyone else in the streets were doing the same, so i don't think she'd feel that exhausted or anything. must've been that sense of panic around.


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