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Location: Singapore

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    Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    My Super Sweet 16

    Song: Aerosmith - Cryin'

    Big, big thank you for all the greetings and wishes. Namely people at school, Seigey (the most brilliant message at midnight. :p), Mainey, Jean, Melvin, Kenneth, YP, Ernest, Markos (for remembering the wrong day so you wished me a day early, and then counting down the hours online, and then wishing me again when it was the right day), Shona, Lianne (huge huge surprise! haven't literally heard you for very long!), Helmi (for trying to keep me up until it was past midnight and then wish me firsthand), Minggie, Chuntsen (which was a huge surprise! Didn't think he'd remember, at all, considering how long I've not spoken to this chap).. I could go on with the names, really. It feels really nice to know that people do remember ;) Thank you.

    [I know not everybody reads this blog but I figured I needed to note this down to remember such a significant birthday. It's my best birthday ever! :) And I don't normally list names either, so this is one exception!]

    On Sunday, my family and I were out for dinner. Billy Bombers! Slurrrrrrrp. I had some Philly Cheesesteak, which was really good. The waiter was super attentive to our 'needs'. :p Whenever I had problem getting ketchup out of the bottle, after knocking it a few times, he would rush to my rescue! Twice! *laugh* Yes, gave super good feedback on their feedback form! [Shameless advertising for their service - Century Square's Billy Bombers has great service! It's on the top level next to their cinema!! :p] I thought this little serving of dessert looked super adorable, so I had to take a picture of it!

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    Then my parents and brother headed towards Swensen's. I was grinning madly because I knew that my cake was gonna be an ice cream cake! Ooh I already knew my 16th was gonna be a super sweet one! Yum! Sure enough it was a Mango Tango cake. Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream with little oreo cookies on top and mango in the middle. Yum yum yum!

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    Got my cousins to come down and had photo-taking as per normal. =) Presents as per normal, from my beloved Seigey. Her brother gave me a red packet, which took me by surprise, that's why I suddenly asked, "your money ah?" :P Oops. I mean... he's just in the army. Aren't those stuff supposed to be given by married people?

    Aaaanyways, then my brother gave me the best gift ever. It overwhelmed me within minutes. I was cutting my cake, and I started crying bawling. And in the midst of all that tears I was laughing at myself. And grinning for joy. And crying. Of course they had to laugh at me for crying, calling me a cry-baby and all that. Never mind, all that for my new little baby, I don't care. I love my brother for now. :p This, ladies and gentlemen, is my new baby.

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    I knowwwww, isn't it gorgeous? I am absolutely stumped for ideas for his birthday present. *sigh*

    Seigey got me awestruck with this fab gift. :p
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    At night, I was kept up till past midnight, got wished Happy 16th Birthday. Then the messages kept rolling in, so my cellphone vibrated madly. I'm not complaining, I swear ;-) Such lovelies, everybody! :D

    Yesterday, my class sang me birthday songs twice! Once at literature class, just the 10 of them, and the other at... class. Awwwh :) So sweet! My friends started trying to come out with ideas for how I should spend my birthday. Needless to say they were trying to brainwash me that despite being only a week away from prelims, I can still take the day off away from the books. :P One of the idea was to get a tub of Ben & Jerry's and take a spoon and savour it while walking down the streets of Orchard Road. Hahahaha, I liked the idea!

    But of course, that didn't happen. Duh. :p I was taken out for dinner instead - had pizza. The cheesy crust didn't seem as nice as it was being advertised but I liked it nonetheless. AND I had another cake to cut, more candles to blow out. I made the same wishes cos I'm greedy and I'm hoping the more number of times I get to blow them out, the higher chance of them coming true. And because birthdays only come once a year I had to squeeze in 3 wishes. HEH. And was given handphone stands. 2 - one for my cellphone and the other, I managed to squeeze my baby in it!

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    Anyhow, it was a lovely birthday, really. I really appreciate the efforts of everyone who tried to please me yesterday, for remembering my birthday in the first place and those who got me gifts, thanks I love 'em all!

    Funny thing is, I got a pink bag from Seigey, pink socks and pink nail polish from Audrey. And my mum kept telling my bro he should've gotten me pink iPod mini instead of the blue one. Hmmmmmm...

    It was still the best birthday I've had in my entire life. ;-) Last year was spent on a minute scale though it was at my uncle's place. I don't like celebrating birthdays with relatives, by the way. Only seigey's side and my family would do. :p Two years back, I hardly felt like many remembered it. Three years back it was downright screwed by my granny. So as far as I can remember, this is the one I had most fun, most love, most wishes, most tears and laughter. Thanks everybody!!!

    And today we had Sec 4 farewell, so I had another cake to cut and eat. Wow, three consecutive days. Soon, I'll know that I need intensive workout to make up for all this fat I've accumulated. Heck that for now.

    I spy with my eye and I see...
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    This was absolutely gorgeous but I didn't have a proper camera with me, what a pity! The camera on my phone'll never do justice to how gorgeous it was.

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    I guess, it's about time to get down to proper studying for the prelims that's next week. *sigh* Can't wait for all that shiate to be overrrr. Pah. Still, at least I had a super sweet 16. :)


    At Tue Aug 23, 06:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger adora said...

    oh no!!! *feels guilty all over*
    oh no!!! *constipated look*

    At Tue Aug 23, 06:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    happi bday! =) hee

    At Tue Aug 23, 07:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* it's okay adora it's okayy. :p

    thanks bixia! :D

    At Tue Aug 23, 07:07:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    lucky babe!

    my 16th would be spent mugging for SS and E Math cos it's the day before the SS and E Math O's.


    Anyhow, happy birthday again! (:


    At Tue Aug 23, 07:47:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    awwww... nevermind you can do a super belated one, but a full blown party and all! :D

    and thanks!

    At Tue Aug 23, 08:37:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    the ipod mini is gorgorgorgeous!

    At Wed Aug 24, 05:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...


    haha sounds like it was awesome! n whoa your bro gave you an ipod! WOW. but maybe pink would've been better for you? haha

    sadly i'm gonna spend my birthday mugging for physics and geog prelims. cheers zheya.

    At Wed Aug 24, 07:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    super super sweeeet.

    ur bro's awesome. childish at times, but awesome. lol :p

    At Wed Aug 24, 09:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lianne said...

    haha, happy birthdaaaaaaay agaaaaaaaain. :p i have a pink present to add to your tally! or maybe it's purple. err. hmm. i haven't seen it since i packed it like, a mth ago, so i don't remember. :p not much, because you originally weren't going to get anything at all. haha. *halo* you know why! :p

    At Thu Aug 25, 05:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    marc, *GRIN*

    elise, haha i'm fine with the blue one. i'm quite a blue person too! *raise eyebrow* why do people see me as a pink person? does that equate to a typical girly girl / bimbo etc? :p and well you could do a huge belated party :)

    seige, 'at times' is a serious understatement. :p but awesome's right. :)

    lianne, awww! i'm surprised there's even something! *grin* thaaaank you! :D


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