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    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005

    Bad Day?

    Song: 'N Sync - Just Got Paid

    Today's Forecast
    Taking things out on someone else really won't help in the long run. So if your boss' irresponsibility bothers you, take it up with them -- don't pick on your sweetheart for forgetting the milk.

    That's today's horoscope on Friendster. It's not completely accurate word for word, but the entire meaning is there. Holy freaking god. It's quite scary. Quite very scary. Cos I did just take it out on someone last night, but all's well. :) Thank goodness. I hate it when that happens. Especially when I'm not pms-ing cos there's simply no reason for the plunge in mood. And I wasn't even having a bad day.

    Anyhow, just as I thought perhaps I'll wake up to a better day, I woke up feeling a headache slowly creeping onto me. True enough, it took over me when I left home. I tried to catch as much sleep as I could on the bus, and I did even with random songs blasting on my mp3 player. I had Papa Roach blasting in my ears at one point but that wouldn't make me get up. I slept through it and somehow I heard a little of it, subconsciously.

    When I woke up a few stops before where I was to alight (my body clock works pretty well when it comes to sleeping on the way to school), there was no difference. I could still feel that tingling pain in the head. God damn it. Went to class, was quite early, so I slept again. For about 15 minutes. No difference. Struggled through the first 2 classes, the headache started to worsen slightly.

    Then there was P.E., and I thought it'd get worse. But it got slightly better. Went for a drink and all, went back to class, was feeling better, miraculously! But, after the break, another lesson. Hence the headache came back on me, striking hard as it possibly could. Bloody hell. I struggled through practical lesson, and then it was LEGACY (moral ed.) and there was this break, so I slept again. Couldn't get to sleep actually, just rested a little. I hate feeling like that in school. Then Brenda had to come and whack me with her book. :p (I don't blame her though, would've slept through when our VP came in, if she hadn't woken me up!)

    Anyhow, it got worse and worse. Planned to go studying with Seige after school but couldn't be bothered. So I just went to Parkway to meet Ming Li, who gave me my first birthday present! Awwh :) Thanks for remembering, babe! Met her for a short, short while, then went off.

    Surprisingly, on my trip home, I slept super well. And I woke up with half the headache gone. Thank you, god! Thank you! :p Realised my house door was closed, so I just went to Seige's place. Had lunch, and I felt like puking after that. Suppose I gobbled it too quickly. I wasn't hungry but the double cheese burger was oh-godly tempting. And, helped her finish her entire packet of Oreo.

    I'm not surprised if I start to fall sick. But I can't! Prelims in 2 weeks! Gah. That's the end of a very whiny bad day. :) ((Just figured I haven't whined about a day like that in ages. Heh!))


    At Thu Aug 18, 04:56:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    prelims! die man.


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