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Location: Singapore

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    miz graphics!

    The WeatherPixie

    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    Sweetest Little Thing...

    Song: Rick Price - Come On, Come On

    I was on the train yesterday, when I saw this little girl on the pram. She looks about 2 or 3 years old. Her parents looked philippino. And she looks incredibly adorable. Bound to turn out as a babe! I stood near the pram, occasionally looking at the little girl, and broke into a smile as I saw her huge eyes blinking, observing this little strange world and it's odd surroudings.

    And when she caught my eye, she smiled her sweetest smile back.

    Soon it became a frequent thing, to look at her and smile, and she would always give her prettiest smile back. Slowly, the train became more packed, and I had to move to the centre of the train. It was closer to the pram, really. She began reaching out for my bag and tugged it. I looked at her and smiled again. She then tugged my jeans and gave the girliest grin!

    After giggling slightly and smiling at her, she tried tugging onto my bag again. This time, her mum saw, and she grabbed her daughter's hands and told her not to touch people's stuff. Her granny looked at me, as I looked at the little girl and smiled. She smiled back, turned to her gran and gave a giggle, like she's having a good time. The gran then grinned at me. Awwwh!!

    Then finally, at city hall, I went to the door towards the left, while they headed to the right. Coincidentally (I'm not making this up), she began struggling and then she bawled. When we got out of the train, I lost sight of her but I could hear her bawling away. *sigh*

    She was, I swear, the sweetest little thing.


    At Wed Aug 10, 08:29:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    oh man! what a sweetie! hee. reminds me of the girl bren and i saw outside parkway a while back. i guess there's always a reason why people say all kids are cute. (:


    At Thu Aug 11, 03:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    :p well i hardly encounter such lovable ones though. hahaha :)


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