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Location: Singapore

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    Monday, August 01, 2005

    Random Thoughts From All Over

    Song: Meredith Edwards - Ready To Fall

    (Blogger count: #100 Post!)

    First of August! How time flies! :p I can still recall enjoying lovely coffee at Pacific Coffee Company at Citylink with Seige, next to this caucasian who was gorging on sandwiches, cake and coffee. That was just after our visit to the Esplanade, getting serenaded by Corrinne May until the weather decided to destroy it for us. If rain were to be God's tears, I'd be kind of puzzled. Why upset on the eve of a brand new bloody year!? Why can't he (subjective) be happy for us when we're counting down eh! So I conclude, either way, rain is just the condensation of water vapour, and when it clusters together... ...

    Like people actually give two hoots about it eh? *thwaps self*

    Anyhow, I hate it when I'm at school on the first of every month. I love listening to the bells (possibly from the church nearby) ringing on the first day of every month at noon. It's like a reminder - a month closer to Christmas!

    I love Christmas though my family doesn't really celebrate it, and we don't celebrate it as the birth of Christ and all. It's just a jolly good festive season for giving and sharing. I find it a pity when Muslims find it an insult to be wished Merry Christmas. *cringe* It's not like I'm a Christ believer myself! Christmas just has that warm and fuzzy feeling. Love, love, love it. It's like warmth (I don't mean literally, cos if otherwise, I feel the 'warmth' 24/7) and love fills the air and just at that special season you feel a lot more of it. Old people singing Christmas songs, Christmas decorations, etc. Simply a joy to see! I can't wait for Christmas! I want to go out and buy gifts, and wrap 'em! Weird fetish I have.

    [Was about to do a little questioning and a little entry on all the terrorism thingies again but figured I shouldn't spoil this little happy entry. That'll wait then.]

    Oh, anyway, met my primary school teacher in school today cos there was some MOE Learning Festival thingy going on. Felt pretty damn nostalgic. I went up to him and asked if he remembers me. He then blatantly pronounced my name like he did. But I figured, it was highly possible he was just reading out what my name tag says. *ponder* Nonetheless I'm pretty certain he remembered me. And the new principal was there, telling some of the little kids from my primary school to watch the big 'jie jie' here. It was then and there that it just slapped me across the face - I've grown. I have so grown.

    And he said I look very different. I can tell, as he just stared blankly at my face for a split second there, as though trying to recall how I looked back in primary school, then snap back to the present. He looked at me for pretty long, giving that sorta expression with some sort of satisfaction like when you watch someone grow after a period of time. :) It was lovely. I think I'll go look for them again tomorrow. *sparkle* So pleased to see him. He was my favourite teacher in primary school, tied with my english teacher. He was partly the reason why I loved Mathematics, and still do! That primary school of mine has every reason to claim credit for securing my Math foundation.

    [Wow, digressed quite a bit there.]

    Aaaanyhow, as I was saying, I'm ready for Christmas! Bring it on!

    OH YES. Today I was late for school. I alighted at 7.30am (supposed to reach school before 7.30am) and the side gate was locked already, so the few of us walked to the main gate to get our names taken down. I still hear the announcements going on, but noooo. Those prefects had to take soooooo long to write our names on the yellow slip and on another form. And after taking about 15 minutes to complete writing the names of 6 people, they made us stand in front of the flag poles to sing the national anthem aloud, without music. Funny thing was we were singing so quickly. :p And I think I was singing the loudest cos this morning my voice was in a perfect condition to sing. HAHAHA. I'm such a retard.

    Anyhow, we were going through it so quickly, a nearly 3-minute song was sang in a minute and a half, or so. :p Then recited the pledge so quickly. Finally, they distributed the yellow slips and told us to go back to class.

    ALL THAT FOR BEING LATE FOR ABOUT 3 MINUTES? In the end I arrived back in class like 20minutes late or something. GEEE.

    And Brenda msged me in the morning to ask if I was going to school. Hahahahahhaa. I'm taking the train the next time I reach the interchange that late. Pah.


    At Mon Aug 01, 05:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    so am i! and it's e 1st day of my hols as well. I WANT CHRISTMAS.

    At Mon Aug 01, 05:41:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    5 more months. hoppity hoppity hop!

    and by christmas, it'll be the end of o's. *GASP*

    ohhhhh i waaaaaaaant christmassssss!

    At Mon Aug 01, 05:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    I LOVE CHRISTMAS! it's such a wonderful feeling during christmas week!

    At Wed Aug 03, 05:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i know! *grin* i LOVE christmas season. oh please let it be christmas. :(

    At Wed Aug 03, 06:08:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    uhuhuh! *sings* Rudolf the red nose reindeer! had a very shiny nose...


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