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Location: Singapore

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    Sunday, July 17, 2005

    Post #91 from Blogger's Count

    Song: 3 Doors Down - Never Will I Break

    Pardon my previous entry. Was drowning myself in anger, it was quite hysterical. FYI, my uncle came yesterday, and there seemed no signs of him knowing what's been going on with my gran and I. Not the slightest clue. He was still disturbing me, thwapping me as per normal, for sheer teasing and bullying. And the storm just vanished within seconds. She started telling everyone about my bro's webcam, and how he showed us his hostel unit. She could actually narrate an incident which happened seconds before she blasted off at me for being self-centred and all that shite.

    Nope I don't think I'm gonna just be pretty, smile, pretend nothing happened like it always happens. Her moodswings ought to be controlled. She cannot just blast off at me as and when she desires. That has to be known. She doesn't know yet. But I don't think I'm going to be pleasing her for the moment. My brother can go do that for all I care, really. I've been bootlicking and pleasing her far too much, and far too long. Everything has their limits.

    Anyhow, my my. What do we read about the world today? Suicide bombings in Iraq. What's new, really? Everybody's bombing one another with no utter respect or conscience. Like killing the innocent ones in each other's territory is gonna resolve everything.
    1. A suicide bomber wrapped in explosives detonated himself next to a gasoline tanker south of Baghdad on Saturday night, creating a devastating fireball that killed at least 59 and wounded 86.
    2. Last Sunday, an attacker detonated an explosive vest outside an Iraqi Army recruiting center, killing at least 23 volunteers and wounding at least 40 others.
    3. On Wednesday, a car bomb aimed at an American unit on patrol killed 27 people, most of them Iraqi children.
    4. On Thursday, there was a triple attack on a checkpoint leading into the Green Zone government compound.
    5. On Friday, there was a daylong blitz in Baghdad in which 10 suicide car bombs targeting U.S. and Iraqi military throughout the capital and on the highway heading south that killed 22 people.
    6. On Saturday there was other strikes throughout Iraq that killed at least 16 people. Also, three British soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb exploded in the south. 1 killed, 2 wounded.
    7. The number of deaths from the London blasts have totalled up to 55 currently.
    Please, people, if you may. Kill everybody. Then you'll be the only one surviving left, and hooray you own Earth! You can then mass reproduce (oops sorry, spare one of the opposite gender of the same race with you) and brainwash everyone who's of the same race to be of the same religion, have same beliefs, and you will all live happily ever after like in every friggin fairy tale.
    Why do people throw up their hands and give up? Why do people not think? Why doesn't anyone acknowledge that war kills innocents, and why don't people publicly mourn for the victims on both sides?
    ~From one of my random reads.

    someone bugged me to do this quiz again. :p and i'm surprised. still, agnosticism's top of the list.

    You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).

    Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.


















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    At Sun Jul 17, 08:00:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    just wanted to say if 2 ppl are left n they mass produce, their children's children will be retarded. it'll take a long time for anyone smart to be produced. n yes it's scary n sad that all these bombings are taking place.

    At Sun Jul 17, 09:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    good point. hey, i don't think that far lah. :p

    At Mon Jul 18, 01:25:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Nettie said...

    That's true, I never thought about that.


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