The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

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    ramblings, basically.

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    English Oral

    Had English Oral today. Spoke of the crappiest crap. The most contradicting personal recounts, with some made up. I think she laughed at some. So perhaps it isn't all bad. The best thing, though, is when she told me she thinks I'm a good conversationalist.

    Now, I've never had such compliments face to face before. As such, it's indeed an achievement. Though I've had numerous questions from her, which I can't tell if they're prompts or just out of curiosity. Needless to say I'm praying it's the latter. Fingers crossed.

    I'd just like to take back a certain statement I made earlier, about religions being a waste of time. Apparently I've got several people lashing at me. I think I could've structured that point a little better, perhaps! I was just being a little too... straightforward? It's not a complete waste of time, and it's not crap. I know it teaches good virtues, morals and such. And some say, good faith. I just meant it in a way that it's unfortunate to be categorised separately (because of religions) and to be accused of, simply because you're associated with the asses around. :)

    Anyhow, my headache is killing me. I'm just gonna go off and wait for a phone call, and then hit the sacks early. I don't even think I'll study the Bio topics we're supposed to. Ugh. My head hurtsssssssss.

    Did a poem while waiting for my turn for oral today. *sparkle* It's a little crappy, esp the tomb bit. Can't blame me, I waited from 2pm to 4.45pm. Haven't thought of a title for it though. And the knocking on the door is the cue from the timekeeper to the people in the classroom, next person in line was supposed to go out of the classroom.

    meek surroundings, anxiously anticipating
    with each knock on the door, cold sweat's trickling.
    nervous and freaked out, my heartbeat's racing
    "help me get through this," I'm silently praying.

    with murmurs and mublings filling the room,
    how could each knock sound like a boom?
    the anxiety kills me, but i've yet to prepare a tomb
    I wish I wasn't born yet, back in my mother's womb.

    here I am, my inspiration's running dry
    while some have left without bidding goodbye.
    soon this space - this empty classroom will be all mine
    and then I'll realise I've wasted so much time.


    At Tue Jul 12, 11:42:00 am GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    wow awesome poem. n nah the tomb thing's ok. tomb n womb is very comparable to cradle n grave. maybe it will be used by mant ppl one day. haha esther wrote a poem while waiting for her turn at oral too.

    At Tue Jul 12, 12:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    seriously babe, u're really good at this poem thing. can we "work together" some day? it'll be a n honour. lol

    and if the teacher said that u'll make a good conversationalist, then u have nothing to worry about. :)

    At Tue Jul 12, 05:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    yup elise, we were competing :P and she completed WAY before i completed mine. :p

    actually to think about it, yeahhhh tomb and womb. chronicles of life and death. cradle and grave. MAN i'm a genius. :p

    we SO can, seige. i need your wonderful tunes! :p and thanks :)

    At Tue Jul 12, 08:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger bixiathemermaid said...

    hahah you were writing poems and i was sleeping =.-| i wished that i am as inspirational as you man . hahah thks for the photos anyway!

    At Tue Jul 12, 09:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    hahaha no i wrote before you were sleeping. :P when there were a lot more people around!


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