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Location: Singapore

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    Saturday, July 16, 2005

    The Usual Granny Shite

    song: Boyz II Men - Colour of Love

    My granny is such a flipping retard. She's being so fucking unreasonable again. It's one of those times I'm exasperated I want to cry. But I'm not gonna waste my precious tears on things that unworthy. It's a waste of time and effort on the most ridiculous things.

    She thinks I've been going out too much and too long. I was out this afternoon from, to be exact, 1.20pm to 4.10pm. That, for your information is 2 hours and 50 minutes. I bet she was unhappy because I was going out with my cousin. And not because she wasn't buying my excuse - to get stuff for school and go to the library. Well, she can piss off if she's trying to forbid me from going out with my cousin who lives a fucking storey away. So what if her exams are over? Does that mean after my O's, her parents are supposed to be unreasonable and tell her not to go out with me? That's just being fucking kiasu, thinking I'd lose out in the most ridiculous ways.

    And she says I've been going out for too many friends' birthday celebrations. Again, another fantastic excuse of mine. She's saying it like I'm being such a busybody, attending every fucking homosapien's birthday celebration. Get a grip. I have more friends than you think I should have. Not that I'm flaunting, hey granny look at me, I'm popular! I'm so far from being popular. She just thinks I have like 5 friends. Friends, mind you. Not 5 good friends. Just 5 friends. Fucking retarded.

    Next, I woke up at 10ish this morning, went straight to the docs for my finger. Noone else was at home. My parents were at the market. My bro and gran went to the temple after that. And they left a 15-year-old girl sleeping alone in her bed, with the windows open when it's fucking raining, and the fucking door open with only the gates locked. And the keys to the gate are so fucking near the door, for fuck's sake. Yay, that totally makes me safe in my room. Anyhow, when I was back from the docs, with my finger wrapped, I was yakking at my bro for leaving the door open. And then she starts barking at me for not doing my bed. Fine, I went to my room and did my bed. And just now she started saying, she's always been yakking at me for not doing my bed, and it's always messy. Fuck off, retard. This is what? The first time in god knows how many fucking months that you're telling me to do my bed. I do it every single day. Except this morning cos I went straight to the docs. My mum got me a queue number and I was late. Can I not do my fucking bed when I'm home? Nooooo. Some bitch here doesn't think so. And she thinks she tells me that all the time. WHAT THE HELL? I do my bed EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    My bro's at his hostel right now, testing out his webcam, shifting his stuff in. He called me to try on my webcam as well (they bought 2 this afternoon). I finished dinner, washed and dried the dishes, came to the computer and tried it on. I even told my gran to come look at his room. And then what happens? She tells me I'm such a self-centred bitch because I do all the things I want to do and plan to do, and go out as and when I like, and leave everything for my dad to do. Like when he's cutting fruits, I leave him to serve it to me, and leave it for him to wash the dishes in the end. Fair enough. I went to him, waited for him, served the fucking fruits to my gran. And SHE thinks I SHOVED IT IN HER FACE. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! I just gave it to her properly OKAY? I just gave it to her NORMALLY. Bloody hell.

    And now she can go tell the entire world her granddaughter wants her to shift. I don't fucking care. She's like, oh I'm gonna tell your 4th uncle. It's your O's year and you don't care about your studies. Yadda yadda yadda. You're going astray. Your 4th uncle's saying if you don't listen, I can just go control your brother so he graduates properly. I don't even know if I'll be dead by the 3rd year. Yadda yadda. Bullshit.

    Okay. Verdict: Her granddaughter's going astray. And if anything, it's because she's driving me in that direction.


    At Sat Jul 16, 08:22:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey huang. hmmm. i'm not good at words. so well, all i can say is chill. cheer up kae? (: -hugs


    At Sat Jul 16, 11:33:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Brendy said...

    woo...she sounds like a real bitch..hahah..sorry didnt mean to say that..but i kinda feel angry for you man! hahaha...but wells..old pple..hmm..when they have nth better to do at home they tend to find stuff to care about..and cos they are old they think no one will listen or care bout them so the more they have to make it seem as though they're in control..thus the more they will nag at you and just basically be dun worry lah k...just one ear in the other out..maybe ONE day she might stop..hehe!! bear with it!! =P

    At Sat Jul 16, 11:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger jean said...

    yea... dun get bothered by it so much ya? :)

    At Sun Jul 17, 12:06:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    ok. she's old and u have to learn to forgive wait i cant bring myself to deny the facts.

    f it. i just knew it. she HATES the sight of u just HANGING out with me. she's even reluctant to let u come up. and to think u ever slept in this shithole up here in the past.

    she wants to tell everyone? LET HER. AS IF SHE HAS EVER STOPPED. honestly, she thinks u have 5 friends? she's jealous babe. cos she aint got any.

    shit. i'm being such a bitch. she's my grandma. i shall "pretend" to be good. just like how she "pretends" to like me. :)

    At Sun Jul 17, 12:09:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    i am so gonna go to hell for that last comment.

    At Sun Jul 17, 02:12:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    thanks zhe ya, bren, jean, seige and mainey ;)

    bren, if there is that ONE DAY she'll stop, it's when she leaves this house. lol

    seige, if you're going to hell, chances are you'll see me waiting at the entrance for you. :p

    i don't exactly see how she's being concerned at this point in time. i know she's trying to be grandmother-ly, worried that i'll be led astray. i can appreciate that if she does her nagging properly. there have been times i appreciate her naggings. and there have been many occasions i give it up and take it as she's just feeling lonely, etc.

    but things have limits sometimes. one's tolerance level also has its limits. and there have been many, many occasions she just gets overboard, thinking she rules everything around here. many times we have proved her wrong, but she persists on doing things her way. only when special people talk to her, she then listens. it gets very annoying that way.

    finally, i don't see how giving her a plate of fruits, and her claiming i shoved it in her face, is her showing concern. it's just her throwing her tantrums and being sensitive to every action, forcing the most logical actions to be wrongly viewed. like what she normally does to all our previous maids, hence driving them away.

    At Sun Jul 17, 06:27:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    haiz... the older generation! they can't seem to get our lives la. just bear with her dear!!

    hmmms..she sounds really tense i'll say. but i guess that makes it really hard to get along huh? besides the fact that the age gap is quite far apart.

    but wad to do? she's ur granny! i noe cos sometimes i get frustrated with mine too! but u can't help it. just try to calm down kks? no use getting so angry over that=))

    don't worry. u'll always have MANY friends wherever you go. and she doesn't and wouldn't have any say in it=)


    At Sun Jul 17, 06:52:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    awww that's very sweet, sharon. thank you ;)

    the entry was done when i was super pissed, hence. but i've calmed down. i always do calm down ;)

    At Sun Jul 17, 07:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    chill. understand how u feel. my gran told me that i'm going astray n my friends are 'bad company'. hello? the number of times i go out is close to zilch. so cheer up n don't let it bother u. oh i guess mine's an improvement because she once told me that i shouldn't have ANY friends at all.

    At Sun Jul 17, 11:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    yes. she's just throwing tantrums. and i hate to break this to you but once ur bro's officially moved out, you'll get more from her.

    but dont worry babe, u can always run up here for sanctuary.and by then, who cares whether she allows or disallows u to?

    At Mon Jul 18, 05:31:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin elise* but that's only one of the many many factors she pisses me off. :p if she only bugged me for that, i think i could live with it, like i've always did.

    thanks babe. my bro's gone already. lol. she's currently picking on my mum (why am i surprised?) very very soon it'll be me. just you wait.

    At Mon Jul 18, 05:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    pack your bags. u're moving up here.u can have my bro's room until he comes back on the weekends.


    At Mon Jul 18, 07:45:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    LOL. will do. bro's coming back on the weekends too. dear god. :p i need to MOVE OUT! lol


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