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Location: Singapore

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    Thursday, July 14, 2005


    Song: Blue - Long Time

    That was quite a break from blogging.

    I've got a swollen finger again. Might very well be another ingrown nail, like the case I had with my big toe. Only that if the swell on the finger isn't gonna heal, I'm gonna go back to the doc on Saturday and have him slit a little bit of my fingernail off, and drain the pus out. Eeeeew. The previous one on the toe involved slitting a little of the toenail off, leaving room for the nail to grow out. Snort. What's with nails and I!

    Gah. Like Monday, I'm having a headache now. So annoying. While I go on persisting staying awake and not taking a nap, I'll just have to make do with sleeping earlier tonight.

    And finally, class decor's pretty much completed. I think the backboard looks pretty cute and kiddy. :p

    Image hosted by

    Anyway was out yesterday. Had a very nice time :) I caught my very first legal (yet illegal since I haven't turned 16 yet) NC-16 film! :p The Werewolf Hunt. The ah peks at Lido weren't exactly err checking. Moreover I had school socks and school shoes on. *raise eyebrow* Anyway Lido's theatre sucks. :p


    At Thu Jul 14, 08:17:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    using your handphone in class! tsk tsk. swee huang!

    At Thu Jul 14, 08:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    noooooooooooooo. zheya's camera!

    At Fri Jul 15, 06:28:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    wads the movie about?

    At Sat Jul 16, 11:55:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    this guy who seduces women, cuts their flash to collect this layer of fat in a bottle, morphs into a werewolf and attacks them, so it looks like a werewolf attack and not by a man...

    something like that. :)

    At Sat Jul 16, 04:42:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    collecting fat in a bottle? sounds kind of gruesome.

    At Sat Jul 16, 05:39:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    huang! are you a sadist or are you a sadist?! how can you watch such a movie? haha. -shakes head. on the other hand, i'm curious to know. why did he collect the fats for? eeewww. ):


    At Sat Jul 16, 05:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    elise, it IS gruesome. it is especially sick when you SEE a leg with the layer of skin removed, and the guy extracts the fat, leaving pure raw human flesh in the leg, on the big screen.

    zheya, :p i'm not a sadist!! how would i know it'd be that sick? :p but the gruesome scenes were only for a short while :) and i have no idea what the fats are for. LOL

    At Sat Jul 16, 06:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    eeewww fats. haha maybe he was going to inject it during plastic surgery. fat gets rid of the wrinkles! n didn't you watch the movie?

    At Sun Jul 17, 02:13:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i did. but the reason as to why he did that wasn't clear.

    but thing is, the guy isn't exactly in control of himself when he turns into a werewolf.

    it was just a lot a lot of attacking. and the one true person he loved and did not attack, killed him in the end. ouch.


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