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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Friday, July 29, 2005

    Boys of the O.C.

    Song: All-American Boys Chorus - Angels We Have Heard On High

    I know. I'm in the mood to start listening to Christmas songs already, so sue me. :p The All-American Boys Chorus at the VCH last night was so mesmerizing. Absolutely loved it. It was the liveliest choir performance I've witnessed in my entire life. And they had the craziest conductor. They're a group of boys from Orange County. ;)

    It started with them putting on shades, all of them. They looked about as young as perhaps 7, and as old as perhaps 14. They're so, so adorable and talented. It scared me at first though, cos I thought I was watching Charlotte Church performing or something. Their sopranos are that good. Or perhaps better, no kidding. Dead serious. They sing so so so high! Notes I can't reach. *sigh* Then again that doesn't mean anything - to reach notes I can't. :p

    Anyway, throughout the performance, they're grooving to the beat, the tune, bumping and jumping about when it's a happy upbeat tune, with their conductor furiously encouraging them to, and indulging in those actions as well. All of them were having such a jolly good time, it was such a joy to watch! The conductor, many a time, turned back at the audience, was mouthing the words and hoping the crowd sang along too, to the more popular tunes.

    There was a part they were singing the Beach Boys Medley - stuff like Fun, Fun, Fun, and Surfin' USA, etc. Some of the boys ran to the side to pick up huge plastic blown up balls and kicked it to the crowd to play with. Very, very fun! :p Never mind the fact it whacked my head once. *cough*

    After the short little interval, they came back in dressed as sailors (*cough* Bro thought they looked like waiters at Billy Bombers. True 'nuff. *cough*), cowboys and several other miscellaneous beings. So, so adorable! The solo bits here and there were truly amazing. I was so impressed. The best choir I've heard and seen! Liveliest and most adorable one too! :)

    Then, the conductor mentioned that it's their tradition to go off stage at the end of the performance to shake hands with as many of the audience as they possibly can, so of course we stuck around and shook hands with a few of them. One of the little boy was soooo adorable I felt like pulling him and hugging him. So innocent looking! Told him they did a great job and all, he gave me a nervous grin then squeaked a "thank you" in return. AWWWW, bless!

    And my brother purchased 2 of their Christmas albums sold on the outside. *laugh* You can imagine the look on my face with jaws dropped and all. He hasn't bought a cd in ages. He's a major pirate! He downloads albums after albums, and last night he bought not one but TWO albums! So amazing. :p But it's worth it. :)

    If only I could go watch them again, they're performing tonight as well. Pah.

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    If they come for a Christmas concert I'm definitely going.

    On the way back to the train station, we walked past Padang, and saw people rehearsing for the National Day Parade. Poooor souls. It was already 10-ish at night!
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    Was at the airport to study with Seige today. *sparkle* Did about almost 2 hours of work. Gonna do more later. Must start studying. Must start studying. *chants* Wonder if psychoing myself into mugging would help. :p Feasted on Choco malt single scoop ice cream from Swensen's as well. Reluctantly parted with my little money. So yummy! And then we went over to... I can't remember what's the name of that fast food restaurant MarryBrown. Bought fries, sat down, listened to music, did work. Shall do that more often!

    On our way back, saw this little teeny weeny kitten which was so friggin cute. It was mewing away at me, looking around with innocent expressions. It wasn't running, it was hopping like a kangaroo! SO CUTE!

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    And then this bitch came along, grabbed the kitten by the skin at the back of its neck, nearly shoved it to her little kid of probably 5 years, and the kid started crying, so she dropped the kitten from some height. OI BITCH! STAY AWAY FROM THE KITTY! Snort. Some people are creatures, I'm tellin' ya. Nobody can bear to do that when you look at that kitty, unless you're that heartless!

    *sigh* I want a pet.


    At Fri Jul 29, 10:43:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    wow u studied. i haven't started yet. still slacking. anyway, i'vw never heard of the all american boys chorus, but they sound good. really cheery.

    At Fri Jul 29, 10:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    if they're coming for christmas u gotta tell me! i wanna be there to listen to those heavenly voices..

    btw the fast food restaurant thingy is called MarryBrown.

    At Fri Jul 29, 10:54:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    didn't study exactly. was more of doing homework. :p and they ARE good.

    ohhh righttt marrybrown :p i hope, so badly, they come for christmas!

    At Sat Jul 30, 12:25:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    eeeee! the woman is so so so mean! ): poor cat! i don't exactly have a soft spot for cats but that woman ____! yes. BITCH!


    At Sat Jul 30, 06:06:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    seeeee. even someone without a soft spot for cats won't be that mean to that poor kitty. thanks for justifying it, zheya :P


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