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    Saturday, July 30, 2005

    Regrets, I've Made A Few

    Song: Jack Johnson - Bubble Toes

    Several things I realised I regret.

    1) Not doing homework promptly when supposed to.
    Cos while doing work today (for 3 gruelling hours *nods self*) I realised that the large amount of work to be done was due to the accumulated undone work for the past few months. Particularly the past few months, as some would understand why. :p But for me to be able to grasp enough discipline to get down to completing them today, shows that it isn't that bad afterall :) lol

    2) Being a huge pirate previously.
    When I got down to organising my mp3 player again last week, I was furiously deleting tracks after tracks off my player - all of which are downloaded. Because they're of such poor quality compared to those ripped off cds I bought. It's super annoying when you're listening to your player, and when it's one of those of poor qualities, you have to blast it a little louder PLUS it sounds a little blur compared to the better ones. That, particularly, sucked.

    AND I didn't even know some of the tracks in my player were corrupted. So besides being soft, halfway it's just the scratching sound. That SUCKS. No wonder I've steered away from downloading. Hoppity.

    3) Not mixing around in class more for the previous year.
    And I only realise how bad it sucks currently because there's only 4 more months of wearing this green irksome uniform and most of the 4 months would be just pure torturous studying and exams. Then we'll go our separate ways. That is so, so sad. I remember at the beginning of the year I was questioning why people said Sec 4's the most memorable year in anyone's studying life, cos I didn't feel attached to it at all. But right now, after getting much, much closer to some people, I don't want to go. I don't want to leave. I want another year. I want to be able to whine about school with these people. And complain about mugging cos we can't be bothered to, etc. Maaan, if only time would past slowly.

    4) Quitting keyboard class in primary school after a mere month.
    Now I can't play a single complete tune on the keyboard that is actually impressive. GROWL. The basic fundamentals aren't even solid. Pah.


    Sometimes things just strike you when you begin to think of what it could've been if not for certain decisions you make in your life. I've pondered about quite a few. I've wondered if I should regret certain decisions I made in the past, with people. Like there were a few guys I've rejected before. I wondered about how it'd actually turn out if I did accept them into my life. But I guess after all that, I don't regret my current situation. I enjoy it, thankfully. :)


    At Sat Jul 30, 07:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    - your work. well.. u should do it promptly. but it's normal. i'm sure there many out there who're like us. lol

    - your friends and school. appreciate secondary education while u can. :)

    -keyboard lessons. damn u! we could've...*hints* lol


    i think u're happy now.

    At Sat Jul 30, 07:25:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha work. pah. :p but it was accumulated over many many many many many occasions. :p

    and i AM appreciating it now. only i find it too late, cos there isn't much of it left. :(

    and I KNOW. bloody keyboard lessons could've helped SO MUCH. :P but who would've thought i'd grown to be so *ahem* musical now. :p

    and thanks babe :D


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