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Location: Singapore

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    Tuesday, August 09, 2005

    This Is Home...

    Song: Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here

    Finally I'm listening to Justified. :p

    Yesterday was the last secondary school national day celebration I'll be able to attend. But it hasn't struck me that it is the final one. I just don't feel it yet. I don't feel like I'll be leaving the school in a few months. While occasionally I get reminded that I'll lose my classmates by the end of the year, feeling like I'll be leaving this school is a different matter altogether. I just don't feel it. I guess I wouldn't mind being in some other school, if I had the exact same group of friends there with me. Perhaps.

    Anyhow, this country I have a home in turns 40 today. *ponder* I guess, in a way, it has done well. The reasons why I'm not largely in favour of remaining here all my life isn't exactly much of the fault of the government or anything like that. I want vast land, I want a less academic-based country, I want that bit of freedom to roam about, and wander, looking deep into your own talents and not just all about the studying. Because in here, aces get you far. That makes everyone mug their asses off. And that isn't how I view a fruitful childhood as. People get increasingly paranoid, kiasu (in other words, afraid to lose out), over-competitive. You hardly find people that willing to share around here.

    About the bit of wanting vast lands, I want to be able to explore my country. I want to see greenery, vast spaces of greenery, being close to nature. There is no need for mountains but truthfully do you actually see greenery here? Yea sure you see tons of trees. And nature reserve parks. *ponder*

    And surely aces are important in studying. But it shouldn't be the only ticket around. It shouldn't be the case that you have to be the top of the top with all aces and distinctions, to get the best of the best. Doesn't mean you're fabulous at books, memorising facts means you'll be fab with say, human relations, customer service, entrepreneurship, law. It all depends on how good you are at that specific thing in the end, no?

    But people view you as god here, if you ace in english, math, science, chinese, humanities, etc here. Why is that? Does that make one an all-rounder?

    Okay I think I'm digressing slightly.

    Point is, here being academic based isn't exactly its fault. Since it's so tiny, has so few stuff ie natural resources and all that, it has to be this competitive I guess. So it was governed and handled well but not entirely my cup of tea. Land isn't an option either.

    So, okay, I don't blame anyone for my dislike. I just want to get out of here.

    That being said, Happy 40th. :p


    At Tue Aug 09, 04:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    i totally agree. keep hearing everyone say that they're gonna spend their holidays studying. it's scary. i'm still happily, though a little guiltily, slacking.

    At Wed Aug 10, 09:39:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i havent been studying -at all-. *collapses and dies*

    At Wed Aug 10, 11:10:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you wanna be an all rounder, you must be fat too


    At Wed Aug 10, 11:22:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    and I have to be able to roll on the ground easily, yes?


    At Thu Aug 11, 04:23:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    me too! *joins in the collapsing and dying*

    At Thu Aug 11, 05:02:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    gosh. joining in the collapsing and dying? i'm not a fab role model, i see. :p


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