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    Thursday, August 11, 2005

    Most Adorable Kitten

    Song: Backstreet Boys - Missing You

    Yesterday, I caught Wedding Crashers with a dear. (Says a lot about staying at home to study, no? :p) Suuuuper hilarious a movie. Kind of draggy - 2 hours for a comedy. But the funny bits really made up for it. So many times you just feel, OUCH! for the poor chap. And it's sappy bits made me cry. *sigh* Sappy stuff makes me cry more easily than say, a death of a soldier in some sorta war show. I'm such a loser. I cried twice.

    Anyhow, I think Owen Wilson looks pretty damn hot. :p And I think it could possibly pass off as PG, because it was pretty censored. Just the occasional cussing, that was about it. Thank god I wasn't rejected at the entrance. The lady asked if we're both 16. Umm nobody in their right minds would say, "No, I'm not 16," when that person's buying tickets for a bloody NC-16 film. *raise eyebrow* Anyway, that was my 2nd NC-16 film at the theatres. Again, nobody checked my IC. Yay! I do look mature afterall! Or maybe it was the company I was with, but I prefer to presume it's the former.

    After that, hopped over to Cash Converters, as usual. Bought *N Sync's first album. :p That's another CD off my CD list. Looking good. Think I'll be saving up for their christmas album by next week. Hopefully. The CDs I tried to hide there were gone! *sniffle*

    Oh and Swensen's is having a promotion for all Sundaes, at $4! So after all the service charges, it's about... $4.60 I think. Go, everybody! Treat me to Swensen's! *cough* I don't mind. Promotions last till the end of August.

    So anyway, was at the park nearby afterwards, and I saw the tiniest kitten ever. It was incredibly tiny. If I grabbed it by one hand, you'd only see its head sticking out. That's how tiny it is. It mews with a super high pitch. Its (or her, I think) mum is a complete wimp. When we walked to her kitten, it ran away! What happens if a bully goes up to her child!? So much for the motherly instincts. Snort. Anyhow, as soon as the kitten sensed we weren't about to harm her, she instantly loved me. *cough* It walked towards me, mewed. Walked to my feet, sniffed me. Walked between my legs, stood there. If I took a step back, it'd follow me back. It kept following me, and circling one of my feet

    It'd then look up at me with those puss-in-boots eyes. Blue eyes, may I add. Pretty blue eyes. I've not seen blue eyes in cats before! Anyhow, it was so adorable I snapped so many shots of it. It then walked to my jeans, nibbled at its folded ends. When I tiptoed, it'd walk to my slipper, under my foot, and curl up there. I had to continue tiptoeing, wondering if I should continue lifting my foot. It was as though it was comparing foot size with me. It was so adorable I was so tempted to smuggle it into my bag and bring it home. If my gran doesn't stay with us, I swear I'll bring it home. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind it so much if they saw it. My brother sure wouldn't mind, I'm certain.

    I'm not entirely a cat person. I'm a dog person. But my god, that little kitten really made me melt. I was constantly patting it gently, mesmerized by its innocent expressions. It deserved someone better to take care of it than that mum who runs off as soon as anyone comes near, leaving the child alone.

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    I think I'll go by the park again soon to check on the little kitten.


    At Thu Aug 11, 06:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    awww.. *goes high pitched*

    At Thu Aug 11, 07:49:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    so so adorable horrrrrr? :P

    At Thu Aug 11, 10:10:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Marc said...

    YESSSSS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At Thu Aug 11, 10:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    i knoooow markosss! *sparkle* shooooo cuuuuuteeeeee

    At Fri Aug 12, 05:40:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger adora said...

    haha, what's with all the cute stuff? kitten and baby? lol! so cute!!

    At Fri Aug 12, 08:15:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    ahahha i don't know. recent encounters with the sweetness of the world! :p


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