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    Sunday, August 14, 2005


    Song: Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder

    This entry is done in slight frustration.

    Because people have found alternatives of watching movies, ie getting pirated VCDs for single movie they want to catch, downloading the entire movie, etc, they raise the prices of movies. And to date, when you ask some people who buys pirated VCDs from across the courseway for every single movie they wanna catch, they tell you the movie tickets are too expensive. Well, wasn't it the fault of theirs to start of with? But I won't shirk responsibility cos I used to be like that too.

    Because for some god damn reason, people don't visit A&W, my cousin and I used to frequent there for breakfasts and it's always empty. And when all branches are demolished, only leaving that ONE branch in the airport where we can't even enter unless we have a ticket. And then, people start complaining about it being scarce in singapore already. I still miss their root beer float and curly fries, which every fast food chain is quickly ripping off. Why only complain when it's gone?

    And then, the inevitable issue of downloading songs. I really don't care if people download songs. As long as you aren't downloading albums after albums. My brother does that. And it's like holy cow, suddenly you see Howie Day, James Blunt, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, Michael Buble... and every conversation with him goes like this.

    I: I wanna get [insert cd title here]
    He: Aiya, download lah.
    I: Tsk

    I: Yo, I got [insert cd title here] today!
    He: Siao, just download lah. Waste money.

    So, I have to quickly buy a CD if I want it, before he manages to download it, each time. Or he'd see it as a complete giveaway of money. Not especially since I rip my CDs onto the computer each time.

    People want more music, and they wonder why certain artistes are dropped off their labels. No money coming in, what's the point of keeping them? People want more and better songs. But they never learnt that nothing comes for free.

    One fine day if cd prices rises, I'm gonna scream at people who tell me such stuff. One fine day.

    P/S: And for all who's gonna start with the "I'm broke" excuse, bear in mind my allowance is $20 a week. You can save enough for a brand new CD in a month if you can only be bothered to.


    At Sun Aug 14, 07:29:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...

    root beer float and curly fries! i miss that too!!!

    At Mon Aug 15, 10:10:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You can survive on $20 a week? Admirable! There are people who get $300 a month and complain it's insufficient. God bless you, girl.

    At Mon Aug 15, 09:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin seige* remember we used to go there for breakfast? and catch seventh heaven on the little tv there? :p and it'd be empty!

    thank you there. i skip meals in school sometimes. so i can pretty much survive with the extra money saved whilst going out. :)

    At Mon Aug 15, 09:08:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    you shouldn't skip meals! or you will turn into... ME!!! *GASP*

    At Mon Aug 15, 09:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* minggie, i'll never be your size, sadly. i'm putting on weight still because i've been having fastfood! just not every day!


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