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Location: Singapore

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    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, August 18, 2005

    Alive, Not Dead

    Song: Mest - Shell Of Myself

    It's incredibly heartwarming to receive a little note from a friend I knew 6 years ago. We were best friends then, for two years. We were always together, and she was highly respected in school. I , on the other hand, was trying to earn respect. Both of us had authority in the beginning before I gave mine up. I took mine as a job, doing it best I can, keeping order around. She had the leadership flair in her the whole time, taking it super easily. Everybody liked her. I, too, did. She was, afterall, my best friend.

    When I stopped being a prefect, she was the head prefect. I followed her around all the time, even when she's having her prefect duties. We were great friends. I told her everything and she told me everything. After school, we'd spend a few hours on the phone talking about nothing at all. When teachers approached her in school, they'd refer to me as her 'bodyguard' because I always seem to be escorting her about. I didn't care because I already had a sense of humour. :P

    Then came the examinations, and soon we were leaving the Primary School. I knew we weren't going to spend the next 4 years together because her dream school was chinese ed, and I was miles apart from being interested in speaking chinese all the time, having certain subjects conducted in mandarin, saying the pledge in mandarin, etc. So we pledged to stay in contact, and remain the best of friends for the longest period of time ever.

    Naive as primary school kids we were, we agreed. Keep in contact. Always talk to each other, continue sharing every single event in our lives with each other. And then, time became our biggest enemy. We soon found no time to tell each other every detail of what's happening around like we used to be able to. I didn't like the idea of not being able to tell my best friend, then, about the things going on in my life. I wanted to have someone there for me all the time. Then again, I was 13. I was a selfish nuisance. We then drifted inevitably.

    Because she's always been the more sociable one, she's more popular with everybody in class. Every single primary school gathering, I'd be tagging along, whilst everybody asked about her, how she's been doing, etc. Funny thing was, I never was jealous. I couldn't be bothered to fight for all that glory. I shoved all forms of limelight at her, and I knew we were fine with it. We were best friends. I began to lose interest in going for primary school gatherings, however. So, the distance between us accumulated and we were soon at different ends of the world.

    Due to different environmental factors, we undergo different influences, we no longer share common interests. We no longer are able to speak freely and openly about anything and everything. We are no longer able to keep a conversation going for a long time without any pause of awkwardness. And without knowing it, years go by without us speaking to each other at all. Yes, no doubt last I checked, we're still on good terms. But what's the point of being on good terms when you don't speak to one another anymore?

    Nonetheless, yesterday my dad came home from checking the mailbox and found an envelope with my name streaked across it. Before even opening it, I recognised that very familiar writing. The writing brought back distant memories. And then, it was completely heartwarming for the next period of time because I was surprised she remembered I'm about to turn 16. I was in utter shock. Surprised, rather. Her note was handmade too. It just shows that she does make an effort to remember, to make a little note, to convince me that our friendship still exists. And that it shall exist, as long as we make an effort to keep writing to each other.

    The friendship that I thought had died with time is alive after all. :)


    At Thu Aug 18, 07:02:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    aww that's so sweet. it's not often that we contact old friends after so long.

    At Thu Aug 18, 07:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *nods* it was good to know she's still contactable. :p

    At Fri Aug 19, 07:21:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Seige said...


    this is sweet, and rare. :)

    At Fri Aug 19, 10:46:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    one word.



    At Sat Aug 20, 11:20:00 am GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    *grin* everyone's comments has 'aww' in it. :p

    At Sat Aug 20, 03:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger elise said...

    haha notice that's been a common occurence, what with all the cute kittens and adorable stories.

    At Mon Aug 22, 03:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    haha everything around me has been so 'awwwwh' lately! :p

    At Mon Aug 22, 09:44:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger The Christmas Elf said...

    happy birthday to you!!!!!

    At Tue Aug 23, 05:36:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger sh said...

    thank you. xie xie. terima kasih. merci. aligato (sp?). uhhhhhhh. sorry that's all i know. :S


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