Seven things you plan to do before you die!! 1. Bungee jump 2. Sky dive 3. Travel around Europe / Canada / many parts of the world in general 4. Parasail 5. Go horse-riding 6. Be a professional guitarist :p 7. Be satisfied with all that I've achieved before I die
Seven things you can do!! 1. Bug my cousin all day long. 2. Bully certain people whenever I meet them. (In jest, of course.) 3. Cheer up at the sight of chocolates. 4. Roll my eyes perfectly well. 5. Be a complete coach potato. 6. Memorise song lyrics well. 7. Be completely moody, without pms-ing, for several days!
Seven things you can't do!!! 1. Live without my family and friends 2. Live in a third-world country for a year. 3. Live a day without my spectacles or contact lenses. 4. Rollerblade. 5. See things on its surface. (I read too much into lots of things nowadays.) 6. Express my feelings verbally. 7. Roll my tongue when I say 'R'.
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!! 1. Eyes 2. Smile 3. Tan 4. Height 5. Dressing 6. Accessories 7. Personality portrayed (possibly most important)
Seven things you say most!!! 1. Mmhmm 2. Hello / Hello? 3. Shiat. 4. Shut up. 5. Retarded! 6. Loser! 7. Damn it.
Seven celebrity crushes!!! 1. Ashton Kutcher 2. Brad Pitt 3. Oliver James 4. Utt 5. Lance Bass 6. Adam Sandler 7. Thomas Sangster (below)
AWWWW...BLESS! *tears*
Seven people to be tagged!! 1. Seige 2. Lianne 3. Markos 4. Elise 5. Melvin 6 & 7.. err, whoever sees this, really. I can't think of anyone else who'd be arsed enough to do it. :p
it's good to know i'm regarded as one of those who are 'arsed enough to do it'. yeah thanks.
i cannot believe that you chose lance bass and even adam sandler over your dear ben adams. poor ben! he's feeling downright betrayed now.
ehehehe oh come on that's not a bad thing. even I can be arsed to do it! *nods self* so if you're on the same league as me, that isn't too bad! :D
oops. umm. *ponder* i love love love adam sandler. lance bass and ben adams can share. :p
still can't believe you made ben share. forgotten about your first love already?
ben adams.
god anna it's back to bosson again. lol
heehee. oops. no first love still exists. he just has to share a little. :S
seige, bosson makes it nowhere near the list after reflection. :p
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