ramblings, basically.
Prom. People who say all-girls prom is boring deserved to be smack. Twice. Girls have their fun when they go out together and stuff, what difference does it make if we have our own prom? Besides, if we were to combine with some random guys school, wouldn't that make it more awkward than fun, at all? I mean okay maybe some girls would be ogling at the guys and vice versa but how fun is that? Not very.
Anyhow, the emcees kind of sucked. They treated us like little kids and were telling us they could do it the "easy way" or the "hard way". Now what is this? Military camp? Really, it's our prom, dude. Our teacher did a much better job. I think we should've gotten teachers to emcee, save the hiring of emcees cost and the money can be invested to change the venue to some hotel ballroom. :p Or give out more lucky draw prizes so that the unlucky ones like myself have more chances on winning ANYTHING at all.
Oh okay Bren and I caught the little box the emcees threw at the finale. Opened it up to realise it was a compass. Great, now I won't get lost when I'm out at sea.
But it was fun seeing everyone dressed up. Everyone was so pretty! :) Oh yeah Brenda's mum did my eyes so they were purple. Hahaha. Okay that's random.
The games were kinda boring though. We were sneaking out to the toilet many times. Wasn't really intriguing. Taking pictures with one another was more so. :p
Anyway towards the end there was the Graduation Song played (typical, but always, always appropriate) and we just went about in circles, swaying from side to side, holding one another's hands. It was sad. I was upset. I didn't wanna leave. I don't wanna graduate. I don't wanna move on. I finally got closer friends towards the second half of the year. I took a year and a half to find these friends and now they're making us split. I don't like the idea that
all good things must come to an end. Not true. There're everlasting marriages. They don't go to an end! Why must these stuff come to an end?
I like taking the lazy way out. I like things to remain the way they are - happy and merry, free of worries. I like things to remain. I don't wanna move on. I don't wanna graduate. I like the way we are now and I don't want it to change, ever. I hate the idea of an end, even if it's the end of only one chapter. Things are not gonna be the same, ever, and everybody knows that. I don't like it.
Then we did our school cheers on our own, ignoring the emcees and teachers. We were stamping our feet with our heels. LOL. We cheered and we sang. And then a brilliant teacher's suggestion was to sing the school song once more. And everybody did sing their hearts out, very loudly and proudly. And I felt tears welling up but was determined not to let it ruin my makeup. Bren saw the tears I think. Then we went out of the ballroom and took several class photos, final hugs and pictures before we went outside. I hugged another friend and told her I was about to cry. And finally I did, smudging the eyeshadow all over. I was horrifyingly purple. I cried and I cried while I hugged her. And then Bren and Zheya came out and told me it's okay we could still hang out. But it'd be different! I just know! I don't want it to change!
Anyway we went back, I went over to Bren's place and stayed over. I cried some more at her place before finally stopping. We talked during the night till about 2, about our entire journey, since day 1 of stepping into this secondary school to the very last. Day 1 was our allocation of classes, when we came in our primary school uniforms. I was so out of place. So, so out of place. Then I made friends, and Audrey and Elise became my bestest friends for 2 years. Actually we only got really close at Sec 2. So I took a year to find my friends. Coincidentally (or not), the three of us got split into three different classes. The only three triple science classes, yes each of us there. Ironic, everybody says. Sad too. Sec 3 I didn't really exist until later, or so Bren says. I was non-existent. Well, nearly. :p I was just sitting by myself, invisible, quiet. Until finally I mingled more and became friends with Bren when we sat together. Then we got closer, and super coincidentally we got into the same watch in OBS together. We were close. I relied on her pretty much for a lot of things. Mid sec 4, I finally got closer to Maryam, Nadine, Zheya, Bi Xia and Cheryl. I took a year and a half to find these friends.
And now, we have 2 years of JC. How am I gonna survive there when I take that long to find my friends?
But I'm glad, even though I took that long, I found the perfect groups. We braved through streaming and O's together. I cried after my PSLE only out of joy because of my grades but I wasn't that reluctant to leave. Now, I don't know how I've scored but I cried so much more and so bad. Perhaps when they say sec school life is the most memorable, they do mean it. I'm gonna miss everybody so bad. :(
I hate changes. I hate it. I wish things don't have to change sometimes. I've been waiting so long for graduation. And now that I have graduated from there, I don't want to anymore. But man, we're a hell of a cohort. We're a hell of a class. We're a hell of a group. We braved through more things than we ever expected to. We thought we'd die after this and that but we always made it through. We pulled through. And now we've literally pulled
through the 4 years. At least I know one thing's not gonna change. No year would
ever replace the
Class of 2005.
It's driving me nuts. I can't decide where to go for the first 3 months. I have basically the first 2 choices settled. I have 10 more to fill up.
And apparently I don't think going into a triple science stream was a good idea. I think I'm left with science stream choices only. I doubt I can go into arts. I don't have enough humanities subjects foundation.
*pulls hair*
I'm going cycling. yay.
Calling All Sec 4 Students
A friend of mine, Suzi, is part of organising this competition for Radio Heatwave, part of Ngee Ann Poly's Mass Comm thing, it's just for fun so those who're hung up on the idea of going JC can just try it out too!
Here's the web address:
http://www.radioheatwave.com/Pretty interesting, in my opinion. :)
I'm considering going for the 2 walk-in interviews tomorrow listed on the papers that have a higher chance of wanting me. It's scary though because I've never been interviewed and to have 2 pop out at the same time, it's pretty freaky. But I really don't wanna have to ask for money from my parents during this break and there's a ton of things I wanna get, I might as well work for it since I won't have much to do this vacation. And because I haven't done much, any thing I get would be exposure and experience!
Think I'll only start to talk about it if I do get the job. Haha. I hope it pays. :p
Here's what happened yesterday when we were told that the time was up for our last paper.
1. All grins spread all across the faces of everybody.
2. Quickly glance around and smirk at everybody.
3. Turn to the friend nearest to you, grin again.
4. Stamp your feet in joy.
5. Squirm in your seat.
6. Look around impatiently for the invigilator. Here's my paper, TAKE IT!!!
7. Grin some more as you strike off the final paper on the entry proof whilst some just save the crap by crushing it.
8. Wonder if 10 years of studying was worth waiting for this very date.
9. Wonder who to call later to scream into the phone and say, "I'm FREE!!!!!"
10. Wonder what to do next for the stretch of vacation - finally!
11. Grin some more.
12. Laugh hysterically.
13. Cry for joy.
14. Grin and grin and grin.
15. Prance around, dance and hop after being dismissed.
16. Take tons of pictures of each other/with one another/of the hall.
17. Hug anyone and everyone and scream into their ear.
18. GRIN!
Okay I didn't cry but I felt like it. Nearly did especially seeing Cheryl and Bi Xia cry. Awww I just went around hugging and finally screaming out. I got so shaky I had no clue why but I was so, so, so shaky. But it's all good. :) It is over. It is. I just gotta drill it in my head cos right now I still feel like it's not over. There
must be something remaining to mug for. Isn't there? No? Hmm. I guess because there isn't something to mark the finale of it all perhaps.
But yay, I love my friends for being there for me through these years. Always finding someone to tell me to keep going on at times when I feel like giving up, always asking me to work damn hard for the final stretch. I'm just hoping our effort pays off! I'm really glad I had those lovely people around. It's really gonna be weird next year when it's no longer an all-girls environment. I had so much fun in an all-girls environment. ;-) The openness would be restricted in some ways and the road for education stretches far and never straight but we will make it through!
Yeah okay I had fun hanging out with the whole gang yesterday. From walking the long way to avoid jaywalking (the silliness :p) to frantically flipping through books and notes for last minute memorising, to hugging each other out of sheer relief that everything was over, to having dinner and talking rubbish even though we were all so braindead and tired. Bi Xia and I were at Brenda's place after that to stay over. We were so sleep deprived that when I got home today I immediately went to bed. Ah well it was still fun while it lasted. :)
Thunderstorm - Pros And Cons
I'm scared of lightnings.
To make matters worse, I left home this morning while there was a thunderstorm. Thunder kept booming, lightnings kept flashing and striking non-stop. I'm not afraid of lightnings that way. I don't care much about lightnings. I do want to be able to snap a picture of a lightning some day. I just am terrified of it when I'm walking about under a measley foldable umbrella with the smallest of plastic handles.
It's one of the situation when you feel sort of isolated. There isn't many places you could run to. Anywhere under nowhere was dangerous. Even void decks flats aren't entirely safe, let alone bus stops. Lightnings strike anywhere and everywhere they want and I am scared of them. I do not want to be struck by lightning. That's the worst way I would ever want to die.
It was pouring madly this morning and my granny had suggested going to school by cab, except I have too much pride for my own good. I told her I could make it to school by public transport on my own. She said well okay could get my mum to fetch me to the bus stop with the huge umbrella we have. I said no, I'll be fine.
Six-thirty in the morning, dark and gloomy, lightning strikes once... twice... thrice... I was terrified! I was half walking as quickly as possible, half praying the lightning would strike far far away from me. And then I saw this flash strike down across the street.
I do not like lightnings when I'm out.
Midway through the carpark, I saw this lady almost strolling under her brolly towards shelter. How on earth do people stroll in such weather? I walked as quickly as I could, I just wanted to get onto a bus. Later, before I crossed the road, there were 3 ladies standing under their brollies in that terrifying weather with lightnings striking again and again, but they continued standing there waiting for their company bus to take them to work. Imagine how silly it'd feel for you to be praying and muttering about the weather while those middle-aged ladies stood there under the dark, dark chatting merrily. How do you do that with lightnings flashing every 20 seconds?!
Anyway I got on a bus safely, in one piece, unstruck. At the interchange, there's a route to the train station that's fully sheltered. However, it was under construction so the alternative route had to be taken and it wasn't sheltered. Audible sigh. I was about to take the drenched umbrella from the plastic bag I dumped it into when this lady next to me said it's alright, and offered to shelter me to the train station. Unembarrassed as I was lazy, I was more than happy to agree, thinking that perhaps it's about time to stop being discriminitive against Singaporeans. Some people
are nice after all!
She later revealed that she was from my school. Ex-tkgian. Ah, I see now. So, we just started chatting. What was meant to be a shelter to the train station became company till the train station near my school. Apparently, she graduated about 6 years ago. Tall, tanned, confident looking, it's almost everything I've aspired to be. :p And she was brilliantly nice. She was going for a pilot interview this very morning. I wonder if I'd bump into her again. I'd love to find out if she did make it after all. I was in awe when she said she was going for a pilot interview. How many people in Singapore do you know are that young, and one step closer to soaring the skies literally? There was some sort of oddness when I alighted at my stop because it's weird to know someone, once a stranger, and not know if you'll ever see that person ever again. But I sure hope she got the chance to fly planes.
So yeah, I made friends with a stranger today.

One of the sweetest things I've ever gotten. I've been listening to this for a couple of nights now. It's such a pretty song to listen to alone in your room, in the dark, blasting it slightly. You just feel like snuggling up a little corner, cuddle your cushion and wish away... I don't wish for much. I only have one thing on my wishlist. :)
It's one more day to this.

It is so tough to start studying. So, so tough. I wanna sit around the computer, watch tv all day, listen to music, call up random people and say, "BOO!" then hang up. I wanna read my storybooks that have been lying on my shelf for ages without feeling bad for not studying for whatever's due soon. I wanna cycle to the interchange and buy a couple of stuff. It's tough to face my Chemistry books. Soon... in about 27hours time, I'll scream out for joy.
Till then...
au revoir!
I take back what I say about the BOO! part.
This ever innocent nut rang me up to say BOO! and hang up. Well not exactly BOO! but the gist is there. :p (OI YOU! I haven't seen you since you left for Edinburgh like agessssss ago. HELLO??????)
People say
you don't realise what you have till it's gone.
Sometimes your dreams at night can teach you that very lesson cos it feels real anyway. And when you know you're not enjoying that dream, there's something valuable to obtain from that 'ordeal'.
I guess in a way I'm glad I went back to bed and have the odd dream that I didn't like cos I woke up realising what I have. At least I don't have to
really lose them before appreciating them. Whew.
The skies have gone darker. The clouds have colonised the skies. Darkness overshadowing the clouds. Gloomy weather; about to pour anytime soon. Thanks, weather, for not even attempting to make me less gloomy.

4 days to the end of the o's. It's near yet far. It's like showing me a slice of mudpie, waving it in front of me but not allowing me to touch it. It's driving me insane. I don't feel like studying anymore but I have this voice booming at the back of my head and I know what I'm working my arse for. Pah.
Though yesterday was nice. I saw the sun set. I saw the
nearly full moon. :p I saw the bright star amongst the other faintly glowing stars aplenty. I saw really cute dogs and cats. And the bus ride home seemed awfully short for the first time.
It'd better be cooler when it pours.
[Edit @ 5:15pm]
It didn't rain afterall. Merely threatened to. And I'm feeling better too. You know it's bad when your mood's parallel to the weather condition. The unpredictability of it all. :p
You think you're going nowhere/When you're walking down the street/Acting like you just don't care/When life can be so sweet/Why'd you wanna be like that as if there's nothing new/You're not fooling no one/You're not even fooling you
Oh my goodness. I was watching Lizzie McGuire the movie on Disney channel earlier (I know, I was bored). And all of a sudden I found myself singing to the tunes on the show.
So walk a little slower and open up your eyes/Sometimes it's so hard to see the good things passing by/There may never be a sign, no flashing neon lights... (okay fine I can't remember what goes after this)
Why not (Why not) take a crazy chance/Why not (why not) do the crazy dance..
Two of my closest ever friends from sec 1 and 2, the three of us used to take turns to sing a line off that tune. As embarrassing as it is, especially since it's off a teen flick and horror of all horrors, it's by Hilary Duff, I found it so, so nostalgic! Those memories are just crazy I don't ever wanna forget them!
Have you ever seen such a beautiful night/I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright/When I see you smiling I go oh, oh, oh/I don't ever want to miss this/Cos in my heart I know that this is/This is what dreams are made of...
I can't believe I'm doing all this without referring to a single lyrics site. It's been two years. I remember the time going to Audrey's place, and we went to her gym and it was so funny. And she showed off her limited knowledge of piano skills. And I borrowed her ever pirated Lizzie McGuire the Movie.
And every now and then, during recess or while walking about after playing badminton together, Audrey, Elise and I would be randomly picking a Hilary Duff song to sing and we would take turns to sing a line of it with invisible microphones shoved in each other's face. Oh my goodness, we were so retarded.
It was a perfect
Friends Forever moment, except the three of us split up into three separate classes in sec 3 due to the different humanities subject chosen. Everyone thought it was so coincidental that we were split up into the first three classes, all 3 of us. Fate has it that none of us should be in the same class. Growl, fate.
But gosh that's so weird. Starting to think of what happened 2 years back when things were so innocent and we memorised Hilary Duff song lyrics! (You two, if you're reading this, you owe me a date after this week, I swear. We should start playing badminton again!) Well, it's not all about wasting an hour-ish on flipping channels on TV, is it? :)
Song: Joan Armatrading - The Weakness In MeI'm in a fab mood. I'm all chatty and bouncy and chirpy. And crappy and retarded but it
only comes when I'm happy. Here's what I've come to realise.
1) Soon, I'll be like, "O level exams? Never heard of."
The countdown shows... 6 more papers, 7 more days.
Technically it's... 3 more subjects, 4 more days of exams.
3 more subjects to mug for? I'm feeling a lot, a lot better.
We can finally refer to the finishing line as 'this coming friday'.2) It's Friday. I have the entire weekends plus Monday! Always good, whether I'm supposed to mug or not. It means an opportunity to jog cos I'm feeling extremely fat, and to have naps because I've not been sleeping a lot these past nights. It also means Jay Leno at nights. That's just a bonus.
3) I've found myself in much lighter moods lately. Perhaps I've learnt to stop being clingy. Yup, does me good. Doesn't mean I don't like people anymore. I love them to bits. I just don't feel as upset with the absence of them anymore. I can stone alone and remain happy. Thank goodness!
4) I've realised that the things I've whined about are far more trivial than bad things happening to others. I've been reading a lot of blogs and articles and come to realise my predicament is always far less terrible, it's almost like I'm ashamed for allowing myself to wallow in self-pity at that moment. I'm so flipping fortunate, I just don't appreciate it.
Then again, I always say such stuff when I'm in a better mood. Once the whole moody routine comes crashing down again, my outlook is gonna have drastic changes. Well, they don't say
savour the moment for nothing, do they? :)
5) I don't mind mugging for the remaining subjects to come. I don't dread studying those subjects and that's always a great first step! Woot! I've decided to stop groaning about the thought of possibly screwing up my English papers, etc. Because I won't know the results till next year anyway. Heh!
6) We just got Star Movies Ch58! Hop! Now you know where to find me after my papers - yup that's right. The return of the coach potato. Be afraid, be very afraid!
Today was crazy. Bio was alright. I seem to be the only one comparing its standard with the prelims paper. Which is no wonder why I'm saying it's alright. Doesn't say much though, since I screwed up the prelims paper so bad. But I'm hopeful!
On the bus back though, it was funny. I completed Bio paper 2 with a headache so I attempted to catch some sleep on the bus. Unfortunately at this particular stop, a whole bunch of people who look like they were just doing Hari Raya visiting boarded the bus.
Thing is, it was a double decker bus, so the first level had the 2 rows of benches facing each other, and this short bench perpendicular to them at the back. I was on one of the bench facing the other, while the short bench was to my left. So anyway, I was in the middle of the bench, so everyone filled up the seats on the short bench, on my left and right and the bench in front of me. (Yea, it's a big group.)
So I continued shutting my eyes attempting to block out the noise, blasting my ipod, trying not to get irritated or bothered by them. Then one of the dudes in front of me began snoring aloud. Sounded kinda like he was mocking me but you know, I won't jump to conclusions. lol
The next thing that happened was, he tried to reach out to the guy on my right, as in like whack his knees to get his attention cos he wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Accidentally, however, he touched my knees instead and got super embarrassed. My eyes opened then, and he was like grinning the sheepish grin, apologetic. And I just smiled and said it's okay. (It wouldn't be if he didn't apologise but he did, twice.)
And then this dude on the short bench spoke to him something in malay then said to me, "Hey, can you give me your number?" and grinned.
How're ya doin? (Think Joey Tribbiani.)I was like. *blink* Um, hello? I just gave him an absurd expression. He had his phone ready in his hands and repeated the question.
I'd give you mine if you gave me yours, baby.I just laughed assuming they were kidding, and proceeded to just fiddle with stuff in my bag.
Then, while exasperated trying to talk to the guy in front of me because it was a little far, he came and sat on the empty space on my left and continued talking to him. Then, he looked at me, adjusted his shades like it was a cool move, then said, "Hi!" and smiled at me again. Er. I smiled. Then before he returned to his seat, he turned to me and smiled again. So, so odd.
Finally, they alighted the stop before mine. And before he left, he looked at me and grinned and then said, "Bye!" and waved.
Do people do this to girls in uniform a lot? I wouldn't know, it's the first time I witnessed something like that, let alone on me. I mean, wouldn't guys try that, joking or not, on girls who are NOT in school uniform? Like on cute tops, mini skirts perhaps, etc? lol
How absolutely retarded. But it was funny. And no, the italics weren't true. I'm just being my retarded blogging self.
I was listening to the radio earlier, on Power98 they have this competition called Few Good Men. So basically they picked NS guys for this competition and the prize is to date Caroline Cheong (supposedly Singapore's sexiest woman).
So today's segment (I'm listening to this for the first time actually!) was that he's supposed to give 2 names of friends who are closest to him. He gave this girl's name. How did he know her? His BMT friend's girlfriend. Like okay. A bit odd, but no biggie.
Next, the DJ called up the girl and asked her about him. She said he's "fantastic", a "ladies' man", she can "go to him for anything at all". She said he can cook well and dance well.
Nope, no biggie yet.
DJ said there must be something embarrassing about him.
She said he talks a lot of rubbish. But he's "very special" to her.
DJ asks why he's so special to her.
She said because of her birthday surprise. He brought her to watch
Disney On Ice and immediately defends herself, "it's just a present."
DJ says
mmhmm but is unconvinced. Finally he says that dude's in the studios so asked her to leave a message for him.
She thanked him for being a great guy and then says, "I love you".
My eyebrow was like, raised up and up. And up, and up and up. I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one since the DJ was like questioning the dude, "What's with this thing with your friend's girl eh?" And he was struggling for an answer so the DJ decided to save him by saying, "yeah I'll give you time to think of something good to explain yourself."
Did the programme just contradict itself? Few good men? Hmmm and on a matchmaking show! LOL! Yeah I'd so wanna date him if I were Caroline. Suspiciousssssss! Wonder how her boyfriend feels if he heard that. Oh wait, he must be on guard duty tonight or something. LOL I'm mean. Tralala.
But seriously if you reread the above, and imagine the DJ didn't ask about how they met each other (she says, "through my boyfriend") anyyyyyyyone would think otherwise... or still is thinking otherwise. And since my English paper is over, it doesn't hurt to say, WAH LAO EH!
LOL I should be studying Bio. Hi. :)
Sidenote: I know girls do say I love you to guy friends. I'm not that back-dated. It's just that if you heard it, it sounded like a girlfriend making dedication to her boyf. It's a different tone. I'm observant. Shut up. lol
Song: Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Give It Away
Hmm. The previous post made me sound pathetic.
Anyhow, I got my motivation back. Right now I just wanna study my arse off and get the stupid Ordinaries over and done with. Give the stupid Ordinaries a piece of my mind. Mwahaha.
English was... okay I think. I don't really like my essays, which is bad because I always end off loving what I wrote. Eek. As for the paper 2, the vocabulary was really screwed. I
have to read up more, man.
Gonna go off to feast on some vegetarian noodles with more vegetables and tofu. I have NO idea why I bought that but let's pretend it sounds really delicious. Yuuuuuum. I think I was hynotised when I bought it. Hmm.
Can't wait for Bio to be over. It'd be a hugeeeeee load off me!
Yesterday I was panicky before SS cos I wasn't really prepared.
Then I was depressed cos of poor time management. Super dejected.
Then I was over the moon cos I had a brilliant day after that. Or evening.
And I kept grinning to myself till the time I went to bed. I was just so happy, I haven't been that happy for a long time.
And today, I was happy for a while... and then thoughts of things are making me miserable again. It's toooooo long, I'm telling ya. Too long. But of course it may seem like I'm out of my mind cos I'm not making sense and I'm not explaining myself. But it's gonna seem like forever.
But it's really just my thoughts. I mean, it's not
that bad. But it just is, in my head.
Ugh sometimes I wish I had a backbone. Getting clingy is
no good. I wish I could sing
I'm A Survivor like I used to. I wish I wouldn't be easily affected by the slightest change in weather and stuff like I used to. I used to be okay in my own skin, by myself, in my own corner. In other words, a happy loner. :p But I can't be that anymore and worst of all... I don't want to.
Oh god. Please grant me a backbone. :p
Oh yeah. I've also lost my motivation to study. I forgot why I was motivated to study. I hope the reminder comes soon. And I hope I find the motivation soon. *cringe*
Thoughts Of A Hopeless Romantic
The following is triggered while reading something a while ago.
Hopeless romantics always dream about having the most perfect date. The most magical one. Just by being brought to the beach, you know you're in for a lovely evening ahead. Never mind what food you guys have for the picnic. Never mind what music goes on in the background. Never mind the kids brought there by parents to enjoy an evening bathing in the sun.
Okay who am I kidding. Maybe the kids would matter. If everyone's in a light mood, maybe people would think:
awww, the cute little kids remind me of the times when... But when things are dark, cloudy and hazy, people would more likely to be thinking:
buzz of you bozo buffalo, who are you to spoil my day here eh? run back to mummy, you little punk! And then you share a little quiet time with each other in a little tent, feeding each other some fries, laughing at the little things but can't help it since everything is so merry. Then you take a little stroll around the beach, playing with the things at the playground that you have not touched since you were 6, and what not. Walking hand in hand, grinning at every thought and every statement each other makes, enjoying the little breeze, fiddling about in the sand. And you get told again and again how special and precious you are, while you melt inside unknowingly. You feel like you're floating. With glee. And wonder about how such blessing could come your way. Had you deserved it? Maybe it was too good to be true?
You then sit down on rocks, leaning on each other, still having a joyous conversation going on while feeling very much appreciated. Never mind the texture of the rocks that may ache your ass. (Whoops, what a way to ruin a lovely sweet romantic thought.) You still would rather spend the entire night there just sitting, even if it means difficulty in walking the next day. You rather not move an inch. Just glad you're there with someone special means the entire world to you. And then the sun begins setting, and you see pretty colours sprawled all over the sky, beyond the horizon. It's like the sun was happy for you and decided it was enough of looking over you. The stars would soon take over that job.
Sweet nothings would be whispered gently into your ears as the eyes of the special person are lost in yours. An arm around you ensures that you'll be protected for the night. And you just dive straight into the person's arms and wonder why time seems to be passing so quickly. A long and big hug that you
wish doesn't end. The warmth and smell of the person lingers on and you love it.
Finally, when you hear the trees rustling, and birds chirping the good night greetings and the stars hovering above, you pack things up, and stroll off still hand in hand, reluctant as hell to let go.
Well, I thought that's a great image of a perfect date. :) Pretty thought. I am quite a hopeless romantic I realised. Don't need expensive food or an expensive restaurant to please me. Just pretty sights, pretty thoughts, pretty words and a lovely hug can do me a superb day.
Oh yeah what am I doing on the eve of an E-math and SS paper? Hmm.
I'm just gearing myself up to write English essays on Wednesday. :)
I've been reading more and more travel ads. Heck, I'm deprived to the extent I'm hoping someone holds a chalet. Class chalet? Anyone at all?
Or how about setting up a tent at East Coast Park or something? I mean, it's not a bad idea to wake up to watch the sunrise... and then head to Mac for breakfast or something. The lazy way out for a camper. I think this is a good idea!
Or like Bintan. I'd love to visit the pretty beach again. I want to jetski so bad. And play golf, ha ha ha! I mean, waste money on attempts at golf.
Or like a little teeny weeny Malaysia trip. A night over at KL or something? Heck, I really don't mind. It's the thrill of not staying at home. I love my bedroom, don't get me wrong. But... :(
Or Thailand! Or Perth! Sydney! NZ! San Fran! Paris! Or... HK's Disneyland! I mean, if it's Disneyland, why would it matter, whichever country it is in? :p And I wanna go for farmstays! :p
Or of course, Finland. So I can visit Santa. *cough* Don't call me naive for believing in him, you idiots. *cough*
Yeah 13 more days. Not really a day with productive studying yet.
PS: If you're going anywhere for a vacation, don't tell me about it or risk being strangled, eyes gouged at, arms twisted, bones fractured, etc. ;-)
Quick, I Need An Exorcist!
My brother got possessed I think.
he: Oh my god, girlfriend! Like totally!
i: *amused*
he: Oh my god look at those nails, they're so pretty, girlfriend!
i: i know, girlfriend!
he: Like oh wow, that prada bag looks really good on you!
i: i know, doesn't it? *slight giggle*
he: Yeah that prada bag from pasar malam, girlfriend!
i: it's totally real, don't do that when you're jealous, girl.
he: *does the hand thing* i got the oomph, girlfriend.
i: *very amused and bursts out laughing*
he: talk to the hand! *leaves hand in my face*
oh my god I'm cursed to have blonde guys around me. Like guys-cum-blondes.
- I wasn't the only one feeling this way.
- I got comforted in return.
- It wasn't all about feeling bad.
- I have special powers to make things go away and others come back.
Like the past.
Okay I'm done ranting.
PS: I'm feeling dizzy, like the world's spinning. Never figured why till I went to the bathroom. And then I remembered. Bloody period. I'm such an idiot sometimes.
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Try to look beyond the neatly stacked Gardenia bread behind the main object.
This is what my cousin and I are planning to walk down the streets with on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day..

Oh yeah and I bought the brown pullover with a hood today. *beam* Now I'll just have to struggle through 2 weeks and a day left. Audible sigh!
Celebrities I'd Like To Date + Love & Hate
I was talking to Esther earlier, and we began our whole list of celebrity crushes. Maaaaan, there are a lot of celebrities I would so date. lol
- Ben Adams
Okay I adored him long enough for him to make it to this list. - Bosson
I totally admired the way he treated his fans ;-) Great charisma, so I thought. Heck of a lovely person. Looks cute occasionally. Lol Let's not go into the embarrassing period I was nuts about him. - Jimmy Fallon
For the sake of it, I think I would die of laughter. And he IS cute. In the oddest ways. LOL - Ashton Kutcher
We all know this. :) He is C.U.T.E. haha - Colin Farrell
I can spend the entire evening ogling at him, really. - Damien Fahey
Top of the list perhaps. My absolute favourite VJ! :D Followed by Utt of course, but I doubt I wanna date Utt. Damien, whoosh! - John Jonsson
Hahaha. Okay sometimes he looks cute sometimes he doesn't. Still!
Heh. I thought it was fun to think of that. lol Other lists - thoughts of today...
I hate...
- being moody, which I currently am.
- irregular period, which I currently am having, hence the previous point.
- kids playing card games in the freaking library. WHY on earth would people play cards in the library, can anyone enlighten me? They looked like primary school kids.
- waiting for 18th Nov to come.
- being stuck in this island.
- missing people. Getting pissy. They're a whirlwind of emotions, really.
- my cousin's computer for being down.
- being disappointed or disappointing people.
- not being acknowledged.
- being alone, lost or even confused in my own thoughts.
- phlegm being stuck in my throat for eons. It's like totally blocking the passageway.
- my brother sometimes. He was getting on my nerves earlier.
- my sweaty feet (like my palms being sweaty isn't enough!) and my legs slip off my slippers and I walk like a freaking tortoise. No wonder I get blisters all the time. That's it, gonna wear shoes from now on.
I love...
- the brown sweater I saw earlier that is so gorgeous and it has a hood. It's not oversized but I'm so gonna get it tomorrow.
- sipping hot coffee when I'm feeling cold, stoning away, or being deep in my own thoughts, with nothing bothering me.
- being reassured.
- the thought of a break coming right up. I could really do with one. I can't stand feeling all that I've been feeling lately.
- my cousin cos I always feel happier when I talk to her on a bad day. And she never fails to perk me up, regardless of what I'm feeling or what I'm going through. And her instincts are amazing, she can totally tell what I'm feeling. Who said girls with complexed minds are bad? :)
- learning to pluck songs on the guitar. I just learnt another song yesterday which is so cool, I hope I manage to flaunt it to a few people before I forget how to. lol
Oh yeah and I hate studying for exams. Period. Too much hate + Too little love = Moody. Eew. I'm in such need of hugs lately I'm beginning to despise myself. Eew.
Happy belated Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya in advance!
While I was flipping through Classifieds today, searching for possible temp jobs for the post-o's period, and looking through all the usual tour/holiday thingies, I found this.

Okay it's blur, I know. It says,
8/10D Santa Claus(e?)Highlights: Reindeer Farm / Arctic Circle Crossing / Lapp Lunch / Itakeskus Shopping Centre / Turku Castle / Christmas Market / Post HouseThat's under Europe. SO WE KNOW!! Santa Claus doesn't live in the North Pole! He lives in Europe! Gah, I should've known. Damn it, the Christmas Market and Reindeer Farm sounds
really inviting *sigh* And I wanna see Santa. :(
Can't wait to go Christmas shopping :p Then start getting gifts for everyone, and FINALLY meeting all the people I haven't met in ages. Yay! Tis the season for giving!
Oh yeah I forgot there's O's to get through first. UGH.
I am so random sometimes.