The Writer

Location: Singapore

a little thing i'm trying out, with lyrics from songs and images from the web, piecing them together to put on this page.

The current mood of annz89 at
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    idle thoughts

    ramblings, basically.

    Thursday, April 28, 2005

    The Truth About Apples

    I was pretty inspired to start concentrating on my studies after a very inspiring talk by our FM. The truth about apples. She encouraged us to hang in there, no matter what happens, drive on. She taught us that everyone has their own capabilities, it differs from person to person, there is simply no point in brooding over losing out to your friend for a certain score, etc.

    And it may seem like doh, some cliche aesop's fable or something. But it was really sweet.

    She began to tell us this story about apples. This grandma told her granddaughter, who was really dejected by all the disappointment she faced, after all the extra hard work she put in, to have an apple a day. Reason being, when an apple is slit horizontally while sitting on the table, no matter how bruised the apple is externally, or how perfect, when slit open, it's always in the shape of a star. Regardless of what happens, the star inside the person, no matter how perfect or bruised externally, will shine through. Some day, some way.

    Then, she proceeded to take out this large bag from her humongous desk in the lab, filled with god knows how many apples. And gave us one each.

    And despite it being cliche and everything, because the entire story was told so genuinely, her sincerity could be felt by many. I do know my friend teared (*grin* sorry dear I had to spill that out. At least you're not named!) and I was holding them back. It was one of the most touching scenes in school!

    This is how the star looks like, when the seeds are removed.
    Image hosted by

    Wednesday, April 27, 2005

    Because I'm way too bored online, I decided to do this little personality test at and these are the accurate bits! It's based on a lot of things they picked out on the way you write :) So they might not make sense to you, unless you do the test. But I didn't wanna copy the entire thing with the pictures cos they'd take up tons of space!
    *amused* notice i mentioned the bit up till sitting on the fence. cos I usually don't manage to decide very well after that. :p

    I Have THE Most Interesting Life.


    It's the same old routine, every single day. And some people just had to point that out to me. :p Week after week after week. Same routine. Same old, same old. *yawn* Even I'm getting bored, cos there isn't much to tell about my life anymore. And the past few days were worse. I come home from school, slack a little, study, talk on the phone, sleep. Next day I end up realising I'm gonna do horridly for the test that I studied for.

    And especially for the physics test I had today? I swear I studied hard for it. Only, it mightn't show in the score. So demoralising.

    The chemistry test she wants to return tomorrow? 18 out of 42 passed. I'm not looking forward to receiving that. Usually when I say I'm not gonna do very well for a chemistry paper, I end up doing pretty alright. But this time, I'm so definite I'm not gonna manage a pass, it sucks really. Especially if I were pointed out to be a not-too-bad chemistry student, I certainly don't wanna drag down the hopes pinned on me. Tomorrow's gonna be terrible.

    The biology test yesterday was *sigh* far from what I expected. I'll admit to not being prepared for it. So that was fine. I regret lots of things, really. But it's still saddening... I don't think I'll manage a pass either. This SUCKS.

    That being said, at least I'm in a much better mood today than I was yesterday. Apart from a phone call I had yesterday that cheered me up, yesterday was just plain gloomy, all day long. Test. Things to do. Rush back to study for today's test. People around becoming increasingly solemn, etc. Damn it. I miss my sec 2 life.

    Kinda looking forward to the weekends, though I haven't a clue if I'd be going out or anything. I've got as many tests I have next week as this week. And that means a lot. But I do wanna catch a movie before the prices increase. (A dollar on the weekdays and 2 dollars on the weekends?) And I wanna get Kelly Clarkson's album. I need to. I haven't bought a single album since Simple Plan! And before that would possibly be... hmm I don't even remember. I suddenly feel the need to divert away from piracy. LOL

    Monday, April 25, 2005

    saturday's issue

    Was at my uncle's place for dinner, while my aunt amused me by trying to teach me certain yoga moves and positions. *grin* And she's planning to lend my mum and I her book. *bounce* Exciting! All began when my mum happily announced to my aunt, a yoga-freak (lol), that we were learning yoga in school! Hmm.

    Anyway, my brother and I decided to go bowling after that. And turns out that all their lanes were taken. So, we just had our names up on the waiting list. I bugged my brother to play pool, and we did. Only to experience the quickest pool match ever, ever. *raises eyebrow* I thought I wasn't too bad at pool, after the experience with marc & co. Wahey, what do you know? I suck.

    Forget that, I gave up after 2 rounds. We ended up playing the 'spot the difference' game. The one whereby you're given 2 pictures and you're supposed to spot... the difference? It was hilarious. There were 3 options. Male, Female and Both. My brother, the smart alec, clicked on Male. What came out looked like porn pictures of guys. It was hilarious!

    There were a picture of this guy, completely naked, taken from the back, but of course his butt was cut off. And Another, of the bod of this guy, only with briefs? And suchlike, you get the point. :p It was so hilarious. Some of them had one nipple missing, etc. My brother kept doing this, "eee, so gay" over and over. And I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh. I couldn't stop giggling but we went on for quite a bit! :p It was soooo hilarious. I wouldn't mind doing it over and over. (NOT that I was feeling dirty or horny or anything *COUGH* so wrong!)

    Then my brother decided to be, you know, a proper person. He clicked on "Both" with a pic of a guy AND a girl. What appeared was pictures of sceneries and all. SO.BLOODY.TOUGH. If the people behind us hadn't been waiting, I think I might've dragged him to play another game with the male photos. SO HILARIOUS! :p I mean, well don't these stuff make games thrilling? I mean, well. HAHA

    (Yeah, you can find that machine in SAFRA Tampines. :p)

    Anyway, we proceeded to bowl after that bit of drama. I completely sucked for 2 games. I had scores like 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5... etc. With a brilliant score of 61 for the first game, while my brother thrashed me with 123. And 50 for the next game (lol this was unbelievably embarrassing) and he had, again, 131 or something. Then I finally found the right weight for myself, and right posture, and all that. I had *grin* 102! Now, wasn't that a lovely improvement from a undeniably miserable 50? :) But he had 183. With 3 consecutive strikes and 2 other strikes somewhere else. Some spares as well.

    God, save me.

    He went on with this whole arrogant routine.
    "They call me Remy." (Remy Ong's our national bowler, if you don't already know that.)
    "I'll need to wear shades soon, cos I'm too cool for that!"
    "We should play in the middle lane next time, so all the girls can watch me."
    "We could have my score projected on big screen!"
    "*gasp* I'm so good at being good at bowling and so sucky at being sucky at bowling. Oh my god, how awesome is that?"

    *raises eyebrow* When we went home, I was on the phone with a friend till the wee hours, who's another arrogant person but lovely too. *cough* Hilarious shite. :p Alright, I should attempt to go study soon.

    Sunday, April 24, 2005

    New Pope

    Just to add to Lianne's post.

    [quote from some news site]
    In a 1997 interview with the French weekly L'Express, he complained that Hinduism offers "false hope" through the "morally cruel concept of reincarnation."

    But it was another line from that same interview that caused a sensation, when English-language publications quoted him as calling Buddhism an "auto-erotic spirituality."

    In fact, he was talking not so much about Buddhism as its appeal to some Westerners. And "auto-erotic" was not a good translation.

    "If Buddhism is attractive (to Westerners)," he said, "it's only because it suggests that by belonging to it you can touch the infinite, and you can have joy without concrete religious obligations. ... It's spiritually self-indulgent eroticism."

    As cardinal, Ratzinger made no secret of his resentment of Buddhism's growing popularity in the West. In France, for example, there are more men studying to be Buddhist monks than are studying to be Benedictines.

    *roll eyes* He must be so freaking jealous.

    Saturday, April 23, 2005

    the undeniable punk

    With that, of course I don't mean myself. I hardly fit the word "punk". Completely off track.

    Anyhow, we were at cafe cartel today ("we" refers to my parents, bro and I) and there were some magazines we could browse. So, obviously, my brother picked it up, and he started flipping through. Being the usual pathetic me, I began observing the bit on horoscopes. Then, I read this bit on Aries. They spoke of the celebrities who fell under the individual zodiac signs.

    Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day told this story. There was this guy who approached Billie Joe and asked, "What's punk?" Billie Joe then kicked the garbage can and replied, "This is punk. The guy then kicked the garbage can and asked, "This is punk?" Billie Joe responded, "No, that is trendy."

    How enlightening. That said, from the true punk eh? Not something we'd think of.

    Anyhow, it was our school's speech & prize giving day today. I'm so glad the most embarrassing minute of my entire life is over. :p You can't believe how nervous the lot of us were. I just wished I could dig a hole in the ground and bury myself. We kept doing last minute "oh my god"s again and again. The teacher in charge who was there to arrange us wouldn't stop laughing at how nervous we were. You think it's easy, but it isn't! :P Even if it meant just standing there. I heard laughter, giggles, murmurs amongst the crowd, and I knew they were commenting on the pictures flashing on the screen. Somehow they just made me feel like laughing, I was trying so hard not to bite my lip. I just scanned the crowd for my parents, and saw my mum grinning, looking at the screen and back at me. I don't think I could've stood there without laughing, if I looked at my friends instead.

    And it's so much worse than making a speech. Cos if so, I could, perhaps, it may all go away once I start reading from the script with the speech rehearsed a thousand times. But just standing there, looking at everyone while my citation went on and on about how great I am, it was really amusing. Especially when I knew the script was exaggerating. I'm not all that, and I don't say that just to pretend I'm so darn humble. *Cough* I don't deserve all that praise, I swear. I don't do as much as they think I did.

    Anyhow, having the ex principal back as the Guest Of Honour was the most brilliant thing I could ask for, for the last speech day in this school. I swear, I was nearly moved to tears when she began her speech explaining why she insisted she had to come back this year. Simply because when she left our school, she left this sec 1 batch that just entered, and this batch is graduating in a few months time. That would be us. She truly left the greatest impression on me. I think I had an entry on how wonderful she was on my very first blog ever. Sigh. It made me kind of nostalgic. I couldn't remember how it was like, listening to her speeches. She's perhaps the most genuine speaker for the day. Oh well. I think everyone misses her. Some of us were considering going to ACJC cos she's the principal there. Haha. Then again it's sooooo bloody far. Sniff. I miss her.

    Oh and after that, my bro and I were at the pet shop near my school, playing with the little cocker spaniel. She is so pretty. Sniff. We wanted to get her so badly! $1.2K though. My bro was saying I'd have to walk her everyday. Hell, I wouldn't mind! He could potty train her. Heh. But my gran...

    Anyway my uncle's cocker spaniel gave birth to 4 (I think) puppies, and sold one away. Maybe if we do decide to get one afterall, we could get one from him. *grin* Just maybe!

    Thursday, April 21, 2005

    closed EYE FOR A singaporean GUY 2

    Oh my. Did anyone catch that show last night? I'll tell you the highlights.

    Denise Keller: I don't set expectations, or I'd be very disappointed.

    *chuckle* My brother and I, seemingly the only two people, found it the most hilarious line of the entire show. *cough* and the only two people who caught that sentence as well! Since everyone else I asked haven't really got a response towards that.

    Okay, thing is, cute guys, there were a few. One in particular, would be Shan. perfect10 deejay? I should think. He's cute teehee. The "strong silent type" as I quote my classmate. Most umm composed, cool and steady yet not cocky at the same time. Just charming and laid back, not trying too hard. I do like him :)

    Then there's Howard. Funny? Yeah. Bitchy? Yes too. He sang this strange song he made up that bitches about every other guy. *raises eyebrow* Okay funny, yes. Entertaining, yes. *shrug*

    Then there's Jeffy.
    Denise: What kind of woman turns you off?
    James: Girls with umm big hoop earrings
    (Denise was wearing big hoop earrings)
    Denise: I turn you off?

    ==Later on, James tried to apologise to Denise in case he made a wrong impression===
    James: Err.. I jus want to tell you that jus now it was a joke lah, I hope you don't take it the wrong way...
    Denise: Oh yeah yeah, I know it's a joke...

    James: I don't have a ring to give you (the previous guy gave her a ring), so can I get a kiss instead? Ok times up. *leaves*
    Denise: *blink*

    HUUUH? okay so he's a strange guy.

    And then there's Regan. Who claims he likes dee-pa-chur mode. (Depeche Mode) Then all the guys started making funny noises about it, cos clearly he's memorising something here.
    Denise: Oh so what song of theirs do you like?
    Regan: Err... the one... *stammers* the one where they sang about..the girl?

    All guys started going, EVERY SONG IS ABOUT A GIRL!
    Regan: No no no, I'm serious.

    Bro: Uh oh he needs to go home and do research again.
    that is sooooooo stupid.

    Did I mention that Shan is cute? Oh yea I did. Yes, Shan is cute. :)

    Anyhow, yesterday my cousin and I had this "tell all" session, and it made me realise how important she is to me *grin* My baby! She understands like every bit of my life. Okay she suck (she's doing this clingy hugging thing on me, "aww you're talking about me!") lol. But it's lovely. Things I thought were quite embarrassing and all, she just completely understands, and most of the time, already have guessed many things that crossed my mind. And when I ask how this all happens, she simply puts it as the 16 years we have together, the inevitable bond and equal mindset. Okay so maybe I added a little more details to that. Still. :)

    I do feel extremely blessed that I actually have someone here, growing up with me. The entire life!

    Oh no she's going insane. *runs*

    Wednesday, April 20, 2005

    Show Me The Moneeeey!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud (or maybe not so much) to announce that Singapore has plans for 2 Integrated Resorts, with a casino each, to be developed by 2009.

    Then it strikes me. Have they been considering to build casinos, only wondering how many we should have? Because that would mean that all the little debates and forums they opened up to the public, seeking the public's views, were basically asking them 'for the sake of asking'. Just to ensure that hey, Singapore! We're opening up! You can totally express your views openly! (Only that they probably don't take into consideration those against what they have already planned.)

    I mean, gee what's the point of asking if the public's for or against casinos? When they already have been tilting towards for casinos and have been wondering about how many casinos to build, where to have them, what to include in them, etc.

    Fair enough that it does boost tourism. I mean, I wasn't hugely supportive of the idea, but whatever since I don't really matter. It's not as though I'd be there gambling anyway. But let's bring out the little bitchy issues.

    Integrated Resorts (IRs)?! What IS that? I mean, do you actually have to think of such names to call them? It somehow brings bad impression cos it drags in the thought of dreadful education systems. Like the Integrated Programme? And all other integrated stuff.

    Next, I heard that they've allowed Singaporeans to enter these casinos. Only that they have to pay an 'entrance fee' of S$100? Or was it S$200? So they're opening casinos and Singaporeans have to pay to get in while the rest enter for free? Hmm. That's like building a flat in Singapore and only allowing tourists to stay in it. What will they have next? Hotels that only allow tourists to stay in? (That would, you know, discourage Singaporeans' minds to be corrupted and influenced by tourists and want to leave for elsewhere to stay permanently. Not.) I mean it's silly, isn't it? Opening not 1 but 2 casinos in Singapore and discouraging Singaporeans to enter.

    And, my English teacher mentioned they could pay S$2000 a year to 'subscribe' to the casino so they don't have to pay to enter all the time.
    Me: Subscribe? *sheer disgust*
    Him: Yes. Like a membership subscription. *sarcastic tone*


    Soon, Singapore will be known as, Singapore: The Gambling City. (Think Las Vegas.) Only maybe the pirated version. Yippee! Moreover, with Macau, Las Vegas, what makes us think tourists would be so damn attracted to Singapore just for our casino? Like this casino built by Singaporeans in Indonesia (somewhere in there), is it even heard of? Hardly.

    *Shrug* Then again, we'll wait and see how the outcome would be like. Only that I still think it's silly to set one up and then discourage Singaporeans to go. I mean, it IS built in Singapore afterall. 2 of them.

    Like wow, since when do I ever follow such news closely and analyse them. *cough*

    Monday, April 18, 2005

    Back In Action

    Which reminds me. I caught Looney Tunes: Back In Action the other day on HBO. Pretty lame. Quite glad I didn't catch it in the theatres. Suddenly remembered that I made my very own layout of that millions of years ago!

    And I caught Ghost Ship on HBO as well (I quite like HBO hee) which was fairly scary. More action than horror and I liked the storyline. Though, sure enough, I did spend some time hiding my head behind the pillow. My bro tried to spook it up and scare the hell out of me cos he knew very well I was terrified of horror films! Growl.

    The computer's back, finally. I actually survived the entire weekend without using it at all. I amaze myself sometimes. *sparkle* It's like... empty. And lots of pop-ups and that's driving me crazy. But I'm just quite glad I can email and blog again. :)

    School's been so-so. I find myself a little more hardworking than I was in the beginning of the year, so I suppose that's good. The results -should- take a turn for the better, gradually. Chinese is always a red mark though so that's worrying. The rest seem to be improving, so yay. We'll see as I continue to monitor the progress. Only that since the computer's back, the progress may become umm sloooower. :p

    Terrible headache of mine, I can't get it off me! I have remedies for flu (eat oranges. It helps for at least 5 minutes), sore throats (strepsils, especially the orange ones. Helps temporarily as well.) But I can't find any remedy for headaches. Ack. I slept for half an hour earlier! It's still hereeeeee *whine*

    Eye For A Guy, season 2, begins in 2 days from now! *bounce* I'm pretty excited to watch it, actually. I'm quite sure I'll be amused. Denise Keller (helloooo?) on a show to search for a guy? *blink* Doesn't she get guys throwing themselves on her quite enough? :P Okay maybe not as exaggerated. But I hardly think of local guys being good enough, or adventurous enough for her, at all. It'll be so embarrassing. I shan't speak evil of them, in case they turn out quite.. impressive. And some of them aren't -that- bad looking.

    (And I still think Mark Zee from the previous season's quite cute.)

    Thursday, April 14, 2005


    The Bottom Line
    Hold back a little. Keep a few secrets. Be a mystery, not an open book.
    In Detail

    What a nice surprise. You've actually crossed paths with someone you believe may be among the last remaining intelligent, charming and interesting people on the planet. And speaking of interesting, if they're available and you are too, this could be truly interesting. If either of you isn't quite available, however, things could get tricky, especially during the coming weekend. Better think this over.

    *cough* very umm interesting. perhaps accurate? *shrug* but umm very interesting.

    Happy Birthday, Audrey! :) I love the note I wrote you *grin*

    And yes, in case you needed to know, the Chinese test today sucks so badly. I don't know if I can struggle with a pass, at all. So much for trying so badly to keep awake last night. Thank goodness I had a phonecall, or I'd have just snoozed off. Then again, all that studying didn't help much anyway. Growl.

    You hide behind The Beauty Mask, you like to look perfect in everybody's eyes, you like people to envy what you have, you don't like to analyize things you just take them the way they are, that's why some people might say you are irrational and shallow, but you like your life this way, you don't like to ask for help, you have a lot of friends but you feel that no one is a true pal.
    What kind of masks you hide behind? (i added pix)
    brought to you by

    In your eyes, people see life... You see yourself
    as just an average person! You enjoy life, love
    wildlife, but also enjoy time with those who
    know you best. You like to get outdoors and let
    your mind wander over all of the mysteries god
    gave to you. You don't really have a certain
    sanctuary because you're so well-rounded, but
    you like having fun and adventures, but can
    also be found sitting quietly about, reading a
    book. You have a pretty good life ahead of you,
    never trade it for anything else :)

    What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Wednesday, April 13, 2005

    Pessimism Declared

    Once upon a time, there lived this girl who thought she was an optimist. She always knew what things to say to cheer people up. Or at least, most of the time. One day, her computer decided to break down. Her brother would then blame her for deleting the infected files because some of them could be essential for the computer (ie Windows files). However, she knew that it was not right to leave the infected files in the computer or it would cause worse outspread of the virus.

    When her computer broke down, she was devastated. What was she gonna do without her computer? It's one thing needed for life to go on! She constantly bugged her brother to save the computer. However, in order for him to attempt to save it, it requires him to reformat the entire hard disk. Both hard disks. (One of which is an external hard disk.) Despite the loss of her important notes and powerpoint slides in her computer, she was feeling alright as it seemed as though her brother was making some progress.

    Horrors of all horrors, it suddenly dawned upon her that she had Simple Plan videos in the computer. If they were MTVs or other videos easily available on the net, it would not have mattered as they could be downloaded again. But no, they were videos of them she took at their gig only 2 weeks ago! The loss felt like a sword piercing her heart. She was desperate. She only wanted her "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" cover they had sang. That was all. She felt as though the slightest wish could not be fulfilled. It was too large for her to share them with her friends as it would take all day. And, she had obviously deleted it off her camera's memory card.

    Feeling more depressed than ever, she began smsing two people. One of whom, at the expense of continuous sending of overseas message. What the heck, she has already exceeded her sms limit anyway. The other, even though they lived a storey apart, it did not strike her that she could use the telephone or any other measures to contact her. After several messages being sent and received, this little girl suddenly realised how pessimistic she is.

    Her thoughts: She lost her live videos, which can never be found anywhere. Videos clear enough to see certain members walking across the stage, etc. Audio clear enough to hear every instrument, especially with crowd noise reduced somehow.

    Others' thoughts: At least the videos she had taken weren't GREAT. At least she was there.

    She woke up the next morning and felt better. But, of course, she still wants her computer back. And it can only be salvaged if she brought it to the computer shop to have it repaired. Which means she'll have to wait for her brother to be back the next day (He's having night duty).

    ======The End======

    Funny isn't it? While I thought it was bad for me to lose low quality videos, people thought at least i didn't have that great quality ones or I'd be even worse off. While I continued thinking that I'd feel better if I didn't take the videos, because I wouldn't feel that great at the loss of it. But in actual fact, since I was there, and I had it for a while, which means I did have multiple playbacks after the gig, it had to mean something.

    Yes, I'm such a pessimist. No prizes for guessing whose story was being narrated above. In the meantime, I'll just have to keep using my cousin's computer.

    Sunday, April 10, 2005

    Food For Thought

    And people who believe in God think God has put human beings on the earth because they think human beings are the best animal, but human beings are just an animal and they will evolve into another animal, and that animal will be cleverer and it will put human beings into a zoo, like we put chimpanzees and gorillas into a zoo. Or human beings will all catch a disease and die out or they will make too much pollution and kill themselves, and then there will only be insects in the world and they will be the best animal.

    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon

    Interesting way of seeing it, no? Imagine human beings locked up in cages, or given this tiny area closest to what is known as their natural habitat, with fixed feeding hours, used for the newly evolved animals' entertainment. Our talented singers would be seen as the way we view those parrots trained to sing. The way we speak are heard as the way other animals in the zoo make funny noises to communicate. Creepy thought.

    I, for one, certainly do not want to be kept as a pet. Heh.

    Saturday, April 09, 2005

    Smokers. *makes a face*

    I cannot understand the silly bit about them smoking at any restaurant, cafe, coffeeshops, and so on. It's so stupid. Why would you want to have a puff and then drink some delicious coffee, or have some food that's meant to make you salivate? Why would anyone ever, ever want to destroy that delicious taste?

    Take the coffeeshop I was at this morning for breakfast for example. This guy was smoking, and the wind had to direct all the smoke our way. Firstly, it curbs my appetite. Secondly, it stinks and hello? I'm trying to eat here. Thirdly, that ass was drinking coffee. WHY on earth would you want to smoke, drink, smoke, drink, smoke?!

    Anyhow, I do agree that smokers should be given designated areas for them to smoke. Other places should more or less be banned. It's not fun (at all) when I wash my hair, dress up and all, and when I walk along the linkway to the train station, someone smokes, and it comes over to my direction, and all is destroyed? So what if we had deodorants or perfumes? You still stink in the end!

    And it's not like they require a puff to keep warm. As though it isn't warm enough (it's DREADFUL) .

    Daily Horoscope from Friendster states...
    The Bottom Line
    Your strategy may not be the most efficient. Consider the other possibilities.

    In Detail
    You've had quite the time over the past few days -- the past few weeks, even. You can take a breath now, however, because the heavens have arranged a break in the action. And you're probably quite happy to hear about that. The higher-ups you've been dealing with lately are probably relieved, too, because if anyone can be stubborn, you can. Fortunately, they're fond of you.

    I can be stubborn. I'm given the right to be. *beam* And a quiz I'd wanted to put up a long time ago...

    You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).

    Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.



















    Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
    created with

    Thursday, April 07, 2005


    I'm so selfish, self-seeking, self-indulging, greedy, mean...

    Just because Audrey told me about her friend managing to get simple plan's autograph because her friend saw them and spoke to them. Don't get me wrong, I really don't need their autograph or am envious cos she owns a signed cd cover.

    It's just... *shrug* I've placed high hopes on being able to see them. Upclose. Any one of them. None worked out, really. That being said, we were so bloody far away from the stage. Yes, it was good since it was spacious. There was hardly anyone to get pissed off with, right at the back.

    Still, if a chase is non-existent, the next best thing would be to be near to the stage, no?

    Thing is, I did get over it. Pretty well, in fact. Only that the sudden reminder of how I missed the chase was pretty upsetting. (And no, dear I'm not blaming you AT ALL. You did try :) Mainly me on my part, really.)

    Then I realised how selfish I am. I wish my friend's friend's never got that autograph. I wish my friend's friend's friend never met them. Simply because I didn't get the chance to. Heh.

    It's one reason why my posts on their visit / gig was never justified because they DID have a fab performance. It's just... *sigh*

    Tuesday, April 05, 2005


    My cousin and I had this conversation today about which concerned Jojo who's 14? And seemingly dressing and acting like a 20 year old.

    And my cousin, my brother and I agreed that it's such a waste that some people have pretty wasted and deprived childhood. Who doesn't enjoy growing up listening to boybands and then-music legends like michael jackson, take that, beatles, a1 *giggle*. Who doesn't enjoy watching those sort of meaningless cartoon that basically has the same sequence to it every episode, like Tellytubbies, Power Rangers, Barney & Friends? LOL.

    And, all the barbie dolls, pushing them in prams, playing with faulty or toy telephones. Making up with fake pearl necklaces? Showing off to the world your lovely imitation kungfu skills after watching a Jackie Chan film. All the "I don't friend you" immature, silly, yet hilarious things to look back on.

    Isn't it so sad Jojo has only her music career to look back on? Dancing with her backup singers, recording her album, not even going through proper schooling? Spongebob squarepants? No?

    All that being said, bottomline is that I'm glad I went through the normal way. Heh. She could've been like Billy Gilman. Act her age! Pah.

    Anyhow, I had a pretty bad day. Everything sucked. (It's been a bad day... please don't take a picture... It's been a bad day... *hums*) Because I figured it couldn't get any worse, I tried to endure the lonnngggg practical periods, and Chemistry turned out hilarious. My lab partner and I are probably the worst at practicals. Either that or slowest. And our results, or MY results seem to be pretty... off. As so, I quote my teacher. :P But we ended up laughing at one another till our tummy ached it was really all quite funny. And one other friend ended up waiting for us, keeping our apparatus for us, and I took for granted she was gonna wash them for us. *cough* I was telling her which is clean and which isn't. And she gave me that glare, and I was like, Oh nevermind *takes it from her and washes it* and then she wouldn't stop laughing. She kept saying we're really funny and all.

    As much as I didn't see how funny I am, I like being told I'm funny. :p Anyhow, SHE was really funny. Just laughed my way out of school, really. Very amusing. And we were saying if such situations occur during our O's practicals, we're SO screwed. :p

    Monday, April 04, 2005

    Random Monday

    Oh. The pope passed away. I heard something on the radio news that mentioned his body being transported to a certain area for public viewing before the funeral.

    Okay, now. Public viewing?

    Oh thank goodness I'm no big deal. I certainly don't want my body to be viewed in public after I leave this world. Wouldn't the people want him to be left undisturbed? And who in the right mind wants to see that stone cold, stiff, restless, soul-less body? Even if that person was a respectable being? Puzzling.

    That aside, I absolutely loved the weather today. It poured and poured, chilly gusts of wind blowing. Wonderful! :) Basically when there's such weather, I think about how much i resented the humid weather, hence being able to appreciate the weather.

    I was truly amused though, when my classmate was freezing, she suddenly said to me. "What happened to the global warming?" *blink*

    Though *cough* my chemistry textbook says, in equatorial regions, it's supposed to pour even more, when there's global warming. Proves I've been studying for the Chemistry test tomorrow! *beam*

    That's until I lost my motivation to. And began hopping around in search for chocolates. Let's see what I've gobbled down. A white chocolate Kitkat bar, a choclair sweet, 2 small cadbury bars... I WANT MORE! *chants* I want more! I want more! And when I told my friend about my chocolate frenzy, he informed me that chocolates stimulate same sensations as orgasm for females. *blink* Can't wait for the weekend again. Heh.

    [Edit: 8.32pm]
    I just had chocolate ice cream, from the lovely ice cream man who was ringing the bell downstairs. *beam* My bro and i beat this 2 kids who were rushing for the ice cream since their money source, ie their dad, was strolling way behind us. Thus, we got our ice cream first. HEH. Yes, I'll worry about going on a diet later. Tralalala..

    Sunday, April 03, 2005

    Generally Apathetic

    I've always known I was one politically apathetic person, but I never knew I was ignorant to more issues than just the politics. That, until one evening during dinner, the pope was on the news, and there were several questions I shocked my brother with.

    Who's this guy?

    Where's this place?

    Is he like a leader globally or just in that country?

    Okay, before gasps are made, I would like to add that it was the mandarin news so I had no idea when they were saying 'pope' in mandarin. Hence, the discussion.

    And it's sad to add that it was only today did I have a clearer view of who this guy is, what he has done, what he meant to people, and all that. I just never knew of such existence? And I had no idea there were leaders of a certain religion globally. I always thought it was just assistants, as of priests and all in churches, and nuns and monks in temples. I had no clue. And needless to say, I had no idea he was Polish. And no idea what his contributions were. All I knew then was that he wasn't in a very good medical condition. Critically ill?

    Until today when I read through the 4 full pages of it thoroughly, in the newpaper no doubt (I can't be arsed if it were the Straits Times really. It'd usually not catch my attention so well on issues like that). I had no idea he sort of resolved things between Poland and the Soviet Union! Then again, it can be understood since I'm not big on Historical facts. :)

    Still, I had no idea there was the existence of such a person and I kind of feel bad about it? And I honestly cannot imagine anyone as saintly as he is. I mean, who has not cheated in school in his/her entire life? I know I did. As angelic as I am in school (Honest! It's not about being thick-skinned or anything), it is difficult to deny that I have not cheated at all in my entire schooling life, or had no cheating intentions.

    Then they mentioned about how he forgave people who wanted him dead? It's quite miraculous that despite that amount of people who wanted him dead before and the numerous times he nearly saw death, he lived till this day. Still, it's not something many normal people would do. No matter how well the relationship between the person who wanted to kill you of his/her own will and you turn out to be in the future, there's bound to be this little bit of moments in between you would think back and bear some grudges here and there. I mean, he shot you twice!

    I read on, and they mentioned about the potential leaders that might take over his position. They had pictures of the 'candidates' and 3 out of 4 of them look identical. *cough* That's beside the point. Anyway, I kind of felt like, gosh wouldn't it be quite bad if one of them got it, and he's not as umm saintly as the other? And would the others not feel a tinge of jealousy or envy at all, if he's not selected? (This is assuming being saintly would mean not feeling jealous at all, and all that.) I do know it takes a good loser to accept defeat graciously but honestly, would people not feel inferior or a little jealous or unhappy for not being picked? I know I would. And would that mean that person's not behaving appropriately as a potential pope?


    Now, why the hell am I comparing myself with a pope. Or any potential ones.

    Scratch the boring topic. Just felt like making it known that I DO read the papers. Just perhaps not in details all the time. :p

    Saturday, April 02, 2005

    Dearest Jon Jonsson...

    With all due respect, I think your presence was slightly inappropriate for the lowly thought of Miss Singapore Universe 2005. Your physical attraction has driven all viewers attention away from the contestants, making it difficult to concentrate, and to start perspiring profusely. You make our very first Singapore Idol, Taufik Batisah, pale in comparison. Your presence made my heart skip a beat. Your exotic looks and tender touch, along with a masculine bod makes everybody melt inside and go weak in the knees.

    Frankly, I thought nothing of Manhunt. I never followed the reality TV show, neither was I aware of your existence, until the day the results of the 'hunt' was published on the newspapers with an excellent picture of you. I then knew what I had missed, and deeply regretted it.

    On a lighter note, I cannot believe you have been around in Singapore for that long and I have yet to spot you in the streets. I sincerely hope I would see you around, somewhere, somehow. When there is a will, there is a way. I wish to personally ask for your number so we could hang out sometime. Or you could have mine, if you asked.

    Buckets full of love,
    Annabelle xxx

    P/S: I hope you actually found time to google your name and find this piece lingering on the net, and decide to pop over. You could always email me ways to find you too, I would have no complaints!

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    *snort* studies.

    sports day was pretty inactive today. apart from little and few moments in between that i had pretty good laughs, it was all kind of boring. though going out with ida and audrey later on for lunch was amusing. :p then they left to catch a movie, while i decided to go home, to give everyone less reasons to bark at me. (read title)

    and i am rather sick of people asking me to study hard. or harder. if it was something you personally feel it's essential to let me know that, fine. please do not tell me that again and again like you're programmed to, and butt in to every single affair. like when i go out, you'll start asking me where i went to, reason for it, who i was with, what time i was out and back. it is getting annoying.

    and it's sad cos i did like you. for every reason except when you bug everyone with the whole grades thing.

    moreover, it doesn't work very well trying to force logic into my head that i should study as hell. cos it only works when i do it of my own accord. and i've been doing that for the past few years. i do suppose it works well when i want it to. with that, it means i need motivation, and the desire to study. and the more you make me do it, the more i don't feel like doing it, it just completely backfires. it's not great, at all.

    and the fear is that bad, i end up dreaming about it last night, complete nightmare, only that i slept through it cos i needed the sleep.

    and so perhaps the main thing was about the lie, but it's everything else which adds to it, that i don't want to ever have to face you again.

    ugh this is annoying. i should lock myself in my room tonight to study and ensure no matter who comes, i'm not gonna bother.

    yes, happy april fools day. (no the above wasn't a joke)